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75. Define the grammatical status and the syntactic function of the italicised -ing forms in the following extracts:

a) Central to the success of this rapidly emerging field lies the ability of researchers to devise satisfactory methods for eliciting linguistic data from children. The problems that have to be faced are quite different from those encountered when working with adults.

b) And anyone who has tried to obtain even the most basic kind of data — a tape recording of a represen­tative sample of a child's speech — knows how frustrating

this can be. Some children, it seems are innately pro­grammed to switch off as soon as they notice a tape recorder being switched on.

c) Spelling and pronunciation in English are very much like trains on parallel tracks, one sometimes racing ahead of the other before being caught up. An arresting example of this can be seen in the slow evolution of verb forms in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries that turned hath into has and doth into does.

d) All language-teaching methods are necessarily based on some sort of analysis, for the very process of making a method involves the breaking down of the language into the elements which are to be taught. Lan­guage -teaching analysis depends ultimately on the recog­nition of these elements. The more we know about what a particular language contains, the more we can analyse the teaching of it.

e) And generally actors try to pronounce words clearly paying special attention to their endings, and with­out rushing weak syllables. In this way, the words can be heard more clearly at the back of the theatre. But their speech is much slower than normal conversation as a result.

f) The arguments in favour of spelling reform are easy to state. Children and foreign learners of English would save much time and emotional effort in learning to read and write. People using the language would save time and money, because they would be able to write English more rapidly, and with fewer letters — as many as 15 per cent fewer, according to some estimates. Over the years, the saving in terms of paper, ink, storage, and so on would be very great.

g) Bacon is the most complete representative of the Renaissance in England, learned, worldly, ambitious, intriguing, enamoured of all the luxury that wealth in his times could supply, and, while knowing so much, almost completely ignorant about himself. One can picture him in his study ... with music playing softly in an adjoining room, running his fingers through a heap of precious stones, while his mind is contemplating the nature of truth...

h) Just as Hawthorn's starting point in planning an essay or a work of fiction was an idea, so his normal method of developing an idea was by accretion, by accumulating manifestations, frequently in the manner of a catalog or a procession, so as to reiterate, expand, or modify the initial idea. A loose parallel exists in Emer­son's method in his essays of stating the central idea over and over...

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