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6.16.6. Category of Person

The verbal category of Person manifests itself in 4 different ways in English. They are as follows.

1. The category of Person can be expressed by mea­ningful verbs in the third person singular of the Present Simple Tense. Its mark is the -(e)s suffix. For instance: He reads much. She knows English. It makes me feel nervous. He swims well.

The pronunciation of the -(e)s suffix of verbs in the third person singular is the same as that of the suffix -(e)s of nouns in the plural. (See 1.4.1.)

In the first person singular and plural, in the second and third person plural of the Present Simple Tense the category of Person is left unexpressed.

2. The category of Person is realized in the system of the verb to be as the meaningful, auxiliary, modal and link-verb in the present tense by means of the suppletive forms of the first person singular — am and the third person singular — is.

3. The category of Person is revealed in the third person singular of have as the meaningful, auxiliary and modal verb in the form of has: She has two children. The house has been built. She has lost her keys. It has been raining since morning. He has to leave tomorrow.

4. The category of Person is manifested by the opposition shall — will used to form the Future Tenses and should — would used to form the Future-in-the-Past. Shall and should are the marks of the first person while will — would are typical of the second and third persons. (See 6.11, 6.12, 6.13, 6.14)

Note that at present this opposition tends to be blur­red since will/would generally oust shall/should in the first person.

In the positions 1, 2 and 3 the category of Person works on a par with the category of Number.

6.16.7. Category of Number

The category of Number is closely connected with the category of Person and has 3 manifestations. They arc as follows.

1. The category of Number can be expressed by meaningful verbs in the third person singular of the Present Simple Tense. For instance: He reads much. She knows English. It makes me feel nervous.

In the first person singular and plural, in the second and third person plural of the Present Simple Tense the category of Number is left unexpressed.

2. The category of Number is revealed in the system of the verb to be as the meaningful, auxiliary, modal and

link-verb 1) in the present: am, is — singular, are — plu­ral; and 2) in the past tenses: was — singular, were — plural.

3. The category of Number is revealed in the third person singular of have as the meaningful, auxiliary and modal verb in the form of has: She has two children. The house has been built. She has lost her keys. It has been raining since morning. He has to leave tomorrow.

6.16.8. Category of Negation

The category of Negation is constituted by the correlation of affirmative and negative statements. This category manifests itself in each of the 11 grammatical tenses of the Indicative Mood and in the Imperative. The marked member of the opposition is the negative categorial form, its formal sign is the particle not, which is placed after a link-verb, a modal, or an auxiliary before a predicative in the form of a meaningful verb, noun, adjective, and so on. In spoken language not is often shortened to n't and clings to the preceding verb. For example: I'm not a student. He wasn't late. He couldn't understand the question. She doesn't speak English. They haven't come yet. He isn't watching TV, he is reading. Don't be so rude.

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