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6.16.10. The Category of Expressivity

The category of Expressivity manifests itself within the Present and Past Simple Tenses and the Imperative Mood. It is revealed by the opposition of stylistically neutral and expressive forms. The marked member of the opposition is the expressive form, its formal sign is the use of the emphatic do followed by the infinitive without to in affirmative sentences. Compare: / want to go. You mustn 't. But I do want to go. Why didn 't you tell me? — / told you. — I did tell you. Be careful. Do be careful. Sit down, please. Do sit down, please.

6.16.11. The category of Representation

The category of Representation shows an action as expressed in its variety, that it as such and complicated by some nounal and adjectival properties. The category is manifested by the opposition of the finite and non-finite verbal forms and is constituted by the 3 groups of forms. They are as follows: 1) the finite forms as the verbal

representation: present tense and past tense forms, 2) the infinitive and gerund as the substantival representation; 3) the participle as the adjectival representation: the pre­sent and past participles. (For details see 6.16.12. —}

6.17. Non-finite forms of verbs

The non-finite verbal forms or verbals are the present participle or Participle I, the past participle or Particip­le II, the gerund and the infinitive. Their main characte­ristic feature is determined by their syntactic functioning: verbals can never be predicate in a sentence and thus have no grammatical subject to agree with in person and num­ber. However, they may perform a predicative function, that is be part of predicate in association with finite verbal forms. For example: He is watching TV. The house was built. The book has been read. My aim is to master English.

Besides, verbals are characterized by their common traits with some other parts of speech. Infinitives and gerunds combine verbal and nounal characteristics while participles have both verbal and adjectival as well as verbal and adverbial features.

Verbals participate in the realization of some of verbal categories. Thus, the participle has two tense forms: the present — Participle 1 and the past — Participle II. For example: writing — written, cleaning — cleaned: reading read, working — worked.

Such verbals as the present participle, gerund and infinitive have Taxis and Voice distinctions. This means that they may be either perfect or non-perfect and either

active or passive. Compare: writing, being written, to write, to be written, to be writing (non-perfect) — having read, having been read, to have written, to have been written, to have been writing (perfect) writing, having written, to write, to have written, to be writing, to have been writing (active) being written, having been written, to be written, to have been written (passive).

The infinitive has also aspect distinctions: to read, to be read, to have read, to have been read non-continu­ous: to be reading, to have been reading continuous.

The three verbals retain the syntagmatic characteris­tics of the finite forms of the verb they are derived from. They may be transitive and intransitive. Compare: transi­tive The teacher told us to learn the poem by heart. (infinitive) I'm learning the poem by heart, (present par­ticiple) I've learnt the poem by heart, (past participle) On learning the news we got upset, (gerund); intransitive — I'd like you to come tomorrow, (infinitive) He's coming. (present participle) He's come, (past participle) On coming nearer I saw a friend of mine crossing the street, (gerund) See also 6.4.

As well as the finite forms of the verb participles, gerunds and infinitives are modified by adverbs: / was sitting in the armchair waiting patiently for her. She woke the child by talking loudly. Children must listen to the teacher attentively.

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