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Unit 6 Topic: Upbringing in Ancient World

I. Read and remember the following words paying attention to their pronunciation:

autocracy [L'tPkrqsI] – самодержавство

striving ['strQIvIN] – прагнення

courageous [kq'reIdZqs] – хоробрий

hardened ['hRdqnd] – загартований

to stand [stxnd] – витримувати

weapon ['wepqn] – зброя

to fail [feIl] – зазнати невдачі

to humiliate [hjH'mIlIet] – принижувати

to aspire [qs'pQIq] – прагнути

aesthetic [Js'TetIk] – естетичний

to treat [trJt] – поводитися

summary ['sAmqrI] – конспект, резюме

II. Read and translate the following text:

Ancient education has vividly expressed social features. Ideals in upbringing were heroes

from Greek myths and legends.

The ideals of autocracy, justice and striving for leadership were laid in the sense of upbringing in ancient times.

The most original system of education was in Sparta and in Athens.

Education in Sparta was of a military-physical one. Its main task was to bring up a courageous, healthy, hardened and physically developed soldier, who would defend aristocracy. Life conditions at schools were very hard and even cruel. So called pupils had to stand hunger, cold and heat. They had elementary skills in reading and writing, based mostly on heroic poetry. They were taught to use weapons, to develop strength and muscles. Boys were taught to express their thoughts with arguments and in a short form, laconically (the word “laconic” came from the region in ancient Greece, Laconia). Sometimes masters or teachers used corporal punishment, if the pupils failed in one of the activities.

As you can see, Spartan system of education humiliated and hurt children. It improved and developed only their physical nature and beauty.

Education in Ancient Athens was extremely different, it was fully individual. Athens aspired to a combination of the intellectual, moral, aesthetic and physical development. The task of education was a harmonically developed personality. They said: “Everything should be beautiful and perfect in a person”.

Children were brought up in families. Then boys went to school and girls got their education at home. Labour education did not exist that time because it was a duty of slaves.

In grammar schools they were taught to read, write and treat; in music schools they had the same subjects and also singing, playing different musical instruments.

Teachers conducted classes; children were accompanied to school by their slaves-pedagogues (lat. “pedagog”).

Since 18-20 years boys mastered military craft. A bit later education became a social task: ancient curriculum, system of reading lectures and making summaries of them appeared, textbooks were created.

The system of education in ancient Athens consisted of different logical levels: elementary schools, gymnasiums and philosophical schools.

Greek school of that period was an example for medieval Europe, as that type of education was general but was not attached to a certain state system or social class.

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