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Unit 12 Topic: The Educational System in Ukraine

I. Read and remember the following words paying attention to their pronunciation:

constitute ['kPnstI"tjHt] – складати

to ensure [In'SVq] – забезпечувати

scientific ["sQIn'tIfIk] – науковий

Bachelor ['bxCqlq] – бакалавр

Specialist ['speSqlIst] – спеціаліст

interruption ["Intq'rApSn] – зупинка; відрив

pursuant [pq'sjHqnt] – згідно (з чимось)

receipt [rI'sJt] – отримання

II. Read and translate the following text:

Ukraine has got rather developed system of education. General secondary education is free and compulsory. There are many gymnasiums, lyceums and private schools in Ukraine. The secondary school must secure a uniform level of knowledge, necessary for each student. Post-secondary education is provided by technical schools, colleges and institutions of higher learning: universities, academies and institutes.

The structure of higher education in Ukraine was built up according to the structure of education in the developed countries of the world, as determined by UNESCO, UN and other international organizations.

The higher education constitutes an integral part of the system of education in Ukraine, as provided by the Law of Ukraine “On Education”. It ensures the fundamental scientific, professional and practical training by the following educational and qualification degrees:

“Junior specialist”, “Bachelor”, “Specialist, Master”.

The higher education is received in higher educational institutions of the respective levels of accreditation on the basis of: basic general secondary education and complete general secondary education.

Training of specialists in higher educational institutions may be carried out with the interruption of work (daytime education), without interruption of work (evening, correspondence education), by the combination of these two forms, and for certain professions – without attending classes.

Admission of citizens to higher educational institutions is made on the competitive basis according to skills and regardless of the form of ownership of an educational institution and sources of payment for education.

There are four levels of accreditation established pursuant to the status of higher educational institutions:

  • first level – technical school, vocational school and other higher educational institutions equated to them;

  • second level – college and other higher educational institutions equated to it;

  • third and fourth levels (depending on the results of accreditation) – institute, conservatory, academy and university.

Higher educational institutions train specialists pursuant to the following educational and qualification levels:

  • junior specialist – is provided by technical and vocational schools, other higher educational institutions of the first level of accreditation;

  • bachelor – is provided by colleges and other higher educational institutions of the second level of accreditation;

  • specialist, master – are provided by higher educational institutions of the third and fourth levels of accreditation.

The level system of higher education lies in the receipt of different educational and qualification levels at the respective stages of higher education.

The network of higher educational institutions provides education for 392 students per each 10 thousand of population.

Specialists having degree of higher education are trained in 70 areas that include more than 500 professions.

III. Find English equivalents:

вища освіта, основний, професійне навчання, розвинуті країни, проводити (заняття), міжнародна організація, на конкурсній основі, магістр, закон, рівень.

IV. Complete the following sentences:

1. The higher education constitutes an integral part … .

2. The level system of higher education lies in … .

3. … that include more than 500 professions.

4. First level – technical school … .

5. Bachelor is provided by … .

V. Match English words in the left column with their Ukrainian equivalents in the right column:

1. equate a. навчати

2. payment b. відвідувати

3. to determine c. система

4. ownership d. визначати

5. admission e. прирівнювати

6. to establish f. оплата

7. population g. право власності

8. network h. населення

9. to train i. вступ

10. to attend j. встановлювати

VI. Put the words into correct order to make a sentence:

1. vocational / Junior / is / technical / by / specialist / schools / provided.

2. stage / Junior / The first / specialist / provides.

3. Institutes / the fourth / and / belong / accreditation / the third / levels / of / to.

4. is / General / free / secondary / and / education / compulsory.

5. in / is / The higher / is received / higher / educational / institutions.

VII. Make up a plan of the text and retell it according to your plan.

VIII. Read and translate the text using the dictionary:

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