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I. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations:

inheritance – наслідування

stick to the traditions – дотримуватись традицій

way of behaviour – поведінка

to bring up (brought, brought) – виховувати

separately – окремо

to get acquainted – ознайомитись

matriarchy – матріархат

patriarchy – патріархат

to be charged with – відповідати за

adolescent – підліток

II. Read and translate the following text:

Ethnical descriptions and constant observations of modern primitive tribes give us ideas about the sense and methods of upbringing in primitive society.

The period of a primitive tribe was a final step in the biological process of the human formation. No organized forms of upbringing existed that time. Children got experience of their parents through observation and inheritance. Upbringing ran while working through inheritance, but it was not planned and systematic. Some elements of education appeared in this period. Adults taught children to stick to the traditions and rules of the tribe.

A bit later human tribes united in groups of relatives – clans or kins. People obtained one of the most important things in their development – a language. The main goal of upbringing laid in passing to children labour skills, ways of behaviour, religious conceptions, traditions and customs.

Till 10-12 years boys and girls were brought up together and lived with their mothers. Later, boys-teenagers turned into the state of unmarried young men and young girls were considered as women. Since that time they began to live separately. Boys got acquainted with men’s activities (hunting, fishing, making labour tools); girls helped their mothers to gather plants, keeping the house, looking after children.

The very first institutions of life and upbringing for young generation appeared during the last years of matriarchy. They were organized by a family community. With the development of patriarchy men became leaders of the society. Only the most experienced and respectable people were charged with educating, teaching adolescents.

Folk art, folk legends, myths, songs, fairy tales played one of the most important roles in their education.

As time flew as many new skills and achievements people got. Human knowledge and abilities grew day by day. Children were brought up not only through labour but also through mental activities.

So, upbringing in primitive society has developed from spontaneous and limited to specially organized forms of intellectual preparation.

III. Find English equivalents for:

опис, спостереження, первісний, плем’я, трудові навички, значення, релігійні уявлення, полювання, вести домашнє господарство, уміння

IV. Match the words that go together:

1. ethnical a. activities

2. primitive b. preparation

3. mental c. community

4. labour d. house

5. gather e. plants

6. keep f. descriptions

7. family g. skills

8. intellectual h. society

V. Make up sentences using the word-combinations from ex. IV.

VI. Complete the sentences:

1. The period of a primitive tribe was … .

2. Children got experience through … .

3. Adults taught their children … .

4. The main goal of upbringing laid in … .

5. Boys got acquainted with … .

6. Children were also brought up through … .

7. Later human tribes united … .

VII. Give a short summary of the text.

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