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Progress check 2

Exercise 1. Put the vebs in brackets into the most suitable past form.

1. The TV (break) down while we (watch) the news. 2. When I (get off) the train, I (drop) my ticket into the railway line. 3. I (take) my coat because it (rain). 4. When you (be) a child, you (run) away from home? 5. Why you (fly) to Madrid yesterday? - Because I (have) an interview for a job. 6. When she (lose) her job? - About six weeks ago. 7. He (apply) for four jobs last month. 8. I (switch off) the TV set because smoke (come) out of the back. 9. He looked tired. Evidently he (work) hard the last few days. 10. He (apply) for the job before he (hear) about the firm’s reputation. 11. What you (do) from eight till ten yesterday? - I (watch) TV. 12. I (go) to John’s room yesterday and (knock) on the door, but there (be) no answer. Either he (go out) or he (not to want) to see anyone. 13. How many lessons he (take) before he (pass) his driving test? 14. Frank (telephone) yesterday and (leave) a message.

Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable past form.

1. While she (talk) about her problems I (go) to sleep. 2. I first (go) abroad when I (be) seventeen. 3. I (phone) George an hour ago. He (do) his homework. 4. Yesterday afternoon he (play) football for an hour and then, after a shower, he (sleep) for half an hour or so. Then he (sit) down to his homework. When his mother (arrive), he (work) for about two hours. 5. They (not to come) even though we (send) them a special invitation. 6. She (study) English for five years before she (visit) Canada. 7. He (lose) his watch while he (see) the sights of the city. 8. When he (read) the letter, he (be) so angry that he (tear) it into pieces. 9. Where he (hurry) at 8 o’clock in the morning?

Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into either the Simple Past or the Past Continuous Tense.

It (be) a fine afternoon, and the sun (shine). Two young men (walk) over the hills near the sea. They (talk) very seriously and (not to see) that they (get) near the edge of the cliffs. Suddenly Tom (cry) out and (fall) over the edge. Jack (look) over and (see) that Tom (hold) on to a piece of grass. He (bend) down and (try) to pull Tom up; while he (do) this he (shout) for help. A man (sit) on the grass below. When he (hear) Jack’s shout he (get) up and (run) to the bottom of the cliff. All this time, Tom (try) to find a hold for his feet. It (be) no use: he (begin) to lose his hold on the piece of grass. The man at the bottom (wait). When he (see) that Tom (fall) he (shout), “Don’t worry - just let go!” Tom (let) go. While he (fall) through the air his whole life (pass) through his mind. The man (hold) out his arms; luckily he (be) very strong and (catch) Tom.

Exercise 4. Translate into English using the most suitable past forms of the verbs.

1. Мы смотрели телевизор, а дети слушали музыку у себя в комнате. 2. Вчера у меня сильно болела голова, и я не мог заниматься. 3. Когда я вошла в книжный магазин, моя подруга уже купила несколько книг. 4. Что он делал, когда вы зашли к нему? 5. Вы часто ходили в театр в прошлом году? 6. Что вы делали вчера с 3 до 4 дня? 7. Он открыл книгу и увидел фотографию, которую он не видел с тех пор, как был ребенком. 8. Когда вы видели Билла? - Вчера вечером. Я видел его в библиотеке. 9. Когда мы приехали в аэропорт, самолет как раз приземлялся. 10. Когда мы пришли, Петр уже час писал свой доклад и заканчивал вторую главу. 11. Он ничего не сказал и вышел из комнаты. 12. Мой брат сломал ногу, когда катался на лыжах на прошлой неделе. 13. Я проснулся в два часа ночи и не мог заснуть до четырех. 14. После того, как я рассказал ему все, что случилось со мной в его отсутствие, я понял, что он поможет мне.

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