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Практичне заняття № 10

Тема. Транспорт. Transport

Мета: вивчити лексичні одиниці з теми. Обговорення теми.

Topical Vocabulary

Types of transport: bicycle (bike), bus, car, couch, cycling, Docklands Light Railway (DLR), double-decker, Eurostar high speed trains, ferry, land transport, lorry, means of public transport, metro, motorbike, motorcycle, public transport, rolling stock, shuttle train, taxi, train, tram, trolley-bus, Tube, underground, vehicle.

Transport services: air services, bus services, commuter services, local services, orbital links, rail services, road services, underground services, conductor.

Types of connections: bus connections, bus interchange, bus network, bus-only lane, Channel Tunnel, channel tunnel link, charter flight, commuter line, domestic journeys, European flight, extensive network, ferry crossing, highly developed air network, inter-continental flight, internal air routes, international hub, main road, metro link, orbital motorway, radial motorways, rail interchange, rapid link, road, route, Tube line, tunnel, underground extension, underground system.

Types of stations: airport, bus station, channel ferry port, destination, DlR’s station, railway station, terminus (termini), Tube station.

Verbs to describe travelling: account for (6% of journeys), arrive, board, carry, depart, get on the board, handle, journey, operate a train, run (a convenient 10 minute check-in time), travel, undertake a journey.

Verbs to describe the development of transport infrastructure: construct, coordinate with, develop, extend, provide, redevelop.

Verbs to describe public transport problems: bus overcrowding, chronic underinvestment in rolling stock, commuters routinely cannot find a seat, congestion on the roads, continued growth in passengers number, crowding, delayed train, deteriorating travel, filled with more than twice their capacity, gross overcrowding, money is taken out of the industry, overcrowding, peak times\hour, privatized market structure cannot deliver a solution, safety risk, there is not the capacity in the system, traffic jam, traumatizing, travel chaos, unable to board vehicles\ get on the board.

Verbs to describe the passenger’s feelings and conditions: daily trauma, forced into intolerable conditions, late, nightmare, positively frightening conditions, stressed, tired, unacceptable fact of traveling life, uncomfortable, unpleasant and difficult journey.

Verbs to describe the solution of public transport problems: alternative, concentrate, cut car travel and pollution, discourage, encourage, ensure easy overnight solutions, ensure progress, ensure reliable and regular services, fail to tackle the problem, greater use of bus priority measures, improve the situation, introduce a new system of measuring rail crowding, limit congestion on the roads, make immediate plans, open new routes, provide a quick fix, provide access to, provide more capacity, provide more trains, reduce bus over crowding, replace rolling stock, set targets, tackle the problem.

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