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Английский язык кр 2семестр (группа 4-11з).doc
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7. Make up questions to each paragraph of the text.

8. Change these sentences into British English.

  1. Can you go to the drugstore, honey? We need some diapers for the baby and a band-aid for my finger.

  2. Last fall, I was driving along a freeway when I ran out of gas. Luckily, a truck driver gave me a ride.

  3. Our apartment is quite near the subway station.

  4. Cookies and candy are bad for our teeth.

  5. Nothing works round here! Not only is the elevator broken but so is the faucet in the bathroom.

9. Give the Russian equivalents for the following: the language of Shakespeare and Marlow, pure languages, a word borrower, the speech of various Indian tribes, in the costal waters, non-English cultures, to reflect, substantial borrowings, the Spanish-speaking inhabitants, the increasing influence of the mass media, a steady infiltration of American words, a permanent place.

10. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

  1. Aнглийский язык – язык мирового значения.

  2. Английский язык самый распространенный язык на земле, второй по счету после китайского по числу людей , говорящих на нем.

  3. Половина всей мировой научной литературы написана на английском языке, и люди нуждаются в переводчиках, которые помогают понять то, что написано в этих книгах.

  4. Это язык прогрессивной науки и техники, торговли, культуры, коммерции и международного бизнеса. Это также главный язык дипломатии.

Test 3


Modal Verbs

Question Tags

1. Fill in each space in the following sentences with the correct preposition.

  1. I was tired……… being an accountant – I needed a change.

  2. The Government have known………. the scandal for months.

  3. Why are you staring…………me like that?

  4. On Friday we had a nice long discussion…………the wording of the proposal.

  5. We’d like to discuss our contract with you and agree…………new terms, if possible.

  6. It’s hard to see the difference………….the center and the liberal party.

2. Fill the gaps with the correct preposition from the list below. _Learning is fun

A lot_____people in Britain really do think that learning is one of the best ways to spend theit spare time. Ask a friend________the cinema, and you will quite probably get the reply, “Sorry, that’s my judo evening”, or “I can’t go_______Thursday, I’ve got to finish my sculpture”.

But where do they do these things?

Almost every town________Britain has classes for adults, most of them held in the afternoons and evenings. Of course, the bigger the town the more classesit has and the greater the variety of subjects it can offer. Often the classes are held in the local schools, ______school hours. In London, there are more than thirty Adult Education Institutes; 260,500 students attend classes_________them – that’s more than 15 million student hours spent in class learning a craft, a skill, a language or a sport. The more classes you join, the less you pay_________ each one.

For many office workers, their local institute is a place where they can do something active or creative after a day sitting________a desk. For some people it is almost like a club.

They make friends, have coffee together in the canteen and go ______outing together. Learning is only part of the fun!


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