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Lorne H. Blackbourne-Surgical recall, Sixth Edition 2011.pdf
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Within the spermatic cord, do the vessels or the vas lie medially?

What is a small outpouching of testicular tissue off of the testicle?

What is a “blue dot sign”?

How is a transected vas treated?

How do you treat a transected ilioinguinal nerve?

What happens if you cut the ilioinguinal nerve?


Chapter 67 / Pediatric Surgery 537

Vas is medial to the testicular vessels

Testicular appendage (a.k.a. the appendix testes); should be removed with electrocautery

Blue dot on the scrotal skin from a twisted testicular appendage

Repair with primary anastomosis

Should not be repaired; many surgeons ligate it to inhibit neuroma formation

Loss of sensation to the medial aspect of the inner thigh and scrotum/labia; loss of cremasteric reflex

What is it?

Fascial defect at the umbilical ring

What are the risk factors?


African American infant



Premature infant

What are the indications for


1.5 cm defect

surgical repair?


Bowel incarceration



4 years of age






What is it?

GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease

What are the causes?

LES malfunction/malposition, hiatal hernia,


gastric outlet obstruction, partial bowel


obstruction, common in cerebral palsy

538 Section III / Subspecialty Surgery


What are the signs/

Spitting up, emesis, URTI, pneumonia,


laryngospasm from aspiration of gastric


contents into the tracheobronchial tree,


failure to thrive

How is the diagnosis made?

24-hour pH probe, bronchoscopy, UGI


(manometry, EGD, U/S)

What cytologic aspirate

Lipid-laden macrophages (from

finding on bronchoscopy can

phagocytosis of fat)

diagnose aspiration of


gastric contents?


What is the medical/

H2 blockers

conservative treatment?

Small meals/rice cereal


Elevation of head

What are the indications for





Aspiration, pneumonia/asthma


Failure to thrive



What is the surgical

Nissen 360 fundoplication, with or


without G tube




What is it?

Hypertrophy of smooth muscle of pylorus,


resulting in obstruction of outflow

What are the associated

Family history, firstborn males are affected


most commonly, decreased incidence in


African American population

What is the incidence?

What is the average age at onset?

What are the symptoms?

Chapter 67 / Pediatric Surgery 539

1 in 750 births, M:F ratio 4:1

Usually from 2 weeks after birth to about 2 months (“2 to 2”)

Increasing frequency of regurgitation, leading to eventual nonbilious projectile vomiting

Why is the vomiting nonbilious?

What are the signs?

Obstruction is proximal to the ampulla of Vater

Abdominal mass or “olive” in epigastric region (85%), hypokalemic hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis, icterus (10%), visible gastric peristalsis, paradoxic aciduria, hematemesis ( 10%)

What is the differential diagnosis?

Pylorospasm, milk allergy, increased ICP, hiatal hernia, GERD, adrenal insufficiency, uremia, malrotation, duodenal atresia, annular pancreas, duodenal web

How is the diagnosis made? Usually by history and physical exam alone

U/S—demonstrates elongated ( 15 mm) pyloric channel and thickened muscle wall ( 3.5 mm)

If U/S is nondiagnostic, then barium swallow—shows “string sign” or “double railroad track sign”

What is the initial treatment? Hydration and correction of alkalosis with D10 NS plus 20 mEq of KCl (Note: the infant’s liver glycogen stores are very small; therefore, use D10; Cl and hydration will correct the alkalosis)

What is the definitive treatment?

Surgical, via Fredet-Ramstedt pyloromyotomy (division of circular muscle fibers without entering the lumen/mucosa)

540 Section III / Subspecialty Surgery



What are the postoperative

Unrecognized incision through the



duodenal mucosa, bleeding, wound




infection, aspiration pneumonia


What is the appropriate

Start feeding with Pedialyte® at 6 to 12


postoperative feeding?

hours postoperatively; advance to




full-strength formula over 24 hours


Which vein crosses the

Vein of Mayo












What is it?

Complete obstruction or stenosis of




duodenum caused by an ischemic




insult during development or failure of






What is the anatomic

85% are distal to the ampulla of Vater,



15% are proximal to the ampulla of Vater




(these present with nonbilious vomiting)


What are the signs?

Bilious vomiting (if distal to the ampulla),




epigastric distention


What is the differential

Malrotation with Ladd’s bands, annular





How is the diagnosis made?

Plain abdominal film revealing “double




bubble,” with one air bubble in the




stomach and the other in the duodenum


What is the treatment?

Duodenoduodenostomy or






What are the associated

50% to 70% have cardiac, renal, or other



gastrointestinal defects; 30% have




trisomy 21











What is it?

Intestinal obstruction from solid




meconium concretions



What is the incidence?

Occurs in 15% of infants with CF


What percentage of patients with meconium ileus have CF (cystic fibrosis)?

What are the signs/symptoms of meconium ileus?

What is Neuhauser’s sign?

Chapter 67 / Pediatric Surgery 541


Bilious vomiting, abdominal distention, failure to pass meconium, Neuhauser’s sign, peritoneal calcifications

A.k.a. “soap bubble” sign: ground glass appearance in the RLQ on AXR from viscous meconium mixing with air

How is the diagnosis made?

Family history of CF, plain abdominal


films showing significant dilation of


similar-sized bowel loops, but few if any


air-fluid levels, BE may demonstrate


“microcolon” and inspissated meconium


pellets in the terminal ileum

What is the treatment?

70% nonoperative clearance of


meconium using gastrografin enema,


acetylcysteine, which is hypertonic


and therefore draws fluid into lumen,


separating meconium pellets from bowel


wall (60% success rate)

What is the surgical treatment?

What should you remove during all operative cases?

What is the long-term medical treatment?

What is cystic fibrosis (CF)?

If enema is unsuccessful, then enterotomy with intraoperative catheter irrigation using acetylcysteine (Mucomyst®)


Pancreatic enzyme replacement

Inherited disorder of epithelial Cl transport defect affecting sweat glands, airways, and GI tract (pancreas, intestine); diagnosed by sweat test (elevated levels of NaCl 60 mEq/liter) and genetic testing

What is DIOS?

Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome:


intestinal obstruction in older patients with


CF from inspissated luminal contents

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