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Lorne H. Blackbourne-Surgical recall, Sixth Edition 2011.pdf
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294 Section II / General Surgery


What is it?

Inflammation of the appendix caused by


obstruction of the appendiceal lumen,


producing a closed loop with resultant


inflammation that can lead to necrosis


and perforation

What are the causes?

Lymphoid hyperplasia, fecalith


(a.k.a. appendicolith)


Rare—parasite, foreign body, tumor


(e.g., carcinoid)

What is the lifetime


incidence of acute


appendicitis in the United




What is the most common

Acute appendicitis

cause of emergent abdominal


surgery in the United States?


How does appendicitis

Classic chronologic order:

classically present?

1. Periumbilical pain (intermittent and




2. Nausea/vomiting


3. Anorexia


4. Pain migrates to RLQ (constant and


intense pain), usually in 24 hours

Why does periumbilical pain

Referred pain



Why does RLQ pain occur?

Peritoneal irritation

What are the signs/

Signs of peritoneal irritation may be


present: guarding, muscle spasm,


rebound tenderness, obturator and psoas


signs, low-grade fever (high grade if


perforation occurs), RLQ hyperesthesia

Define the following terms:


Obturator sign

Pain upon internal rotation of the leg


with the hip and knee flexed; seen in


patients with pelvic appendicitis


Chapter 45 / Appendix 295

Psoas sign

Pain elicited by extending the hip with


the knee in full extension or by flexing


the hip against resistance; seen classically


c retrocecal appendicitis

Rovsing’s sign

Palpation or rebound pressure of the


LLQ results in pain in the RLQ; seen in



Valentino’s sign

RLQ pain/peritonitis from succus


draining down to the RLQ from a


perforated gastric or duodenal ulcer

McBurney’s point

Point one third from the anterior


superior iliac spine to the umbilicus


(often the point of maximal tenderness)

What is the differential


diagnosis for:



Meckel’s diverticulum, Crohn’s


disease, perforated ulcer, pancreatitis,


mesenteric lymphadenitis, constipation,


gastroenteritis, intussusception, volvulus,


tumors, UTI (e.g., cystitis), pyelonephritis,


torsed epiploicae, cholecystitis, cecal


tumor, diverticulitis (floppy sigmoid)


Ovarian cyst, ovarian torsion, tuboovarian


abscess, mittelschmerz, pelvic inflamma-


tory disease (PID), ectopic pregnancy,


ruptured pregnancy

296 Section II / General Surgery

What lab tests should be performed?

Can you have an abnormal urinalysis with appendicitis?

CBC: increased WBC ( 10,000 per mm3 in 90% of cases), most often with a “left shift”

Urinalysis: to evaluate for pyelonephritis or renal calculus

Yes; mild hematuria and pyuria are common in appendicitis with pelvic inflammation, resulting in inflammation of the ureter

Does a positive urinalysis rule out appendicitis?

What additional tests can be performed if the diagnosis is not clear?

In acute appendicitis, what classically precedes vomiting?

What radiographic studies are often performed?

No; ureteral inflammation resulting from the periappendiceal inflammation can cause abnormal urinalysis

Spiral CT, U/S (may see a large, noncompressible appendix or fecalith), AXR

Pain (in gastroenteritis, the pain classically follows vomiting)

CXR: to rule out RML or RLL pneumonia, free air

AXR: abdominal films are usually nonspecific, but calcified fecalith present in about 5% of cases

What are the radiographic signs of appendicitis on AXR?

With acute appendicitis, in what percentage of cases will a radiopaque fecalith be on AXR?

Fecalith, sentinel loops, scoliosis away from the right because of pain, mass effect (abscess), loss of psoas shadow, loss of preperitoneal fat stripe, and (very rarely) a small amount of free air if perforated

Only 5% of the time!

What are the CT findings with acute appendicitis?

Periappendiceal fat stranding, appendiceal diameter 6 mm, periappendiceal fluid, fecalith


Chapter 45 / Appendix 297

What are the preoperative

1. Rehydration with IV fluids (LR)


2. Preoperative antibiotics with


anaerobic coverage (appendix is


considered part of the colon)

What is a lap appy?

Laparoscopic appendectomy; used in most cases in women (can see adnexa) or if patient has a need to quickly return to physical activity, or is obese

What is the treatment

Nonperforated—prompt appendectomy

for nonperforated acute

(prevents perforation), 24 hours of


antibiotics, discharge home usually on


POD #1

What is the treatment for

Perforated—IV fluid resuscitation and

perforated acute

prompt appendectomy; all pus is drained


with postoperative antibiotics continued


for 3 to 7 days; wound is left open in


most cases of perforation after closing the


fascia (heals by secondary intention or


delayed primary closure)

How is an appendiceal abscess that is diagnosed preoperatively treated?

If a normal appendix is found upon exploration, should you take out the normal appendix?

Usually by percutaneous drainage of the abscess, antibiotic administration, and elective appendectomy 6 weeks later (a.k.a. interval appendectomy)


How long after removal of a NONRUPTURED appendix should antibiotics continue postoperatively?

Which antibiotic is used for NONPERFORATED appendicitis?

What antibiotic is used for a PERFORATED appendix?

For 24 hours

Anaerobic coverage: Cefoxitin®, Cefotetan®, Unasyn®, Cipro®, and Flagyl®

Broad-spectrum antibiotics (e.g., Amp/ Cipro®/Clinda or a penicillin such as Zosyn®)

298 Section II / General Surgery

How long do you give antibiotics for perforated appendicitis?

What is the risk of perforation?

What is the most common general surgical abdominal emergency in pregnancy?

What are the possible complications of appendicitis?

What percentage of the population has a retrocecal, retroperitoneal appendix?

Until the patient has a normal WBC count and is afebrile, ambulating, and eating a regular diet (usually 3–7 days)

25% by 24 hours from onset of symptoms, 50% by 36 hours, and75% by 48 hours

Appendicitis (about 1/1750; appendix may be in the RUQ because of the enlarged uterus)

Pelvic abscess, liver abscess, free perforation, portal pylethrombophlebitis (very rare)


What percentage of negative appendectomies is acceptable?

Who is at risk of dying from acute appendicitis?

What bacteria are associated with “mesenteric adenitis” that can closely mimic acute appendicitis?

Up to 20%; taking out some normal appendixes is better than missing a case of acute appendicitis that eventually ruptures

Very old and very young patients

Yersinia enterolytica

What is an “incidental

Removal of normal appendix during


abdominal operation for different



What are complications of

SBO, enterocutaneous fistula, wound

an appendectomy?

infection, infertility with perforation in


women, increased incidence of right


inguinal hernia, stump abscess

What is the most common

Wound infection

postoperative complication?


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