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Lorne H. Blackbourne-Surgical recall, Sixth Edition 2011.pdf
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Chapter 45 / Appendix 299


What is the difference between a McBurney’s incision and a Rocky-Davis incision?

What are the layers of the abdominal wall during a McBurney incision?

What are the steps in laparoscopic appendectomy (lap appy)?

Do you routinely get peritoneal cultures for acute appendicitis (nonperforated)?

How can you find the appendix after identifying the cecum?

Which way should your finger sweep trying to find the appendix?

How do you get to a retrocecal and

retroperitoneal appendix?

Why use electrocautery on the exposed mucosa on the appendiceal stump?

McBurney’s is angled down (follows ext oblique fibers), and Rocky-Davis is straight across (transverse)


2.Subcutaneous fat

3.Scarpa’s fascia

4.External oblique

5.Internal oblique

6.Transversus muscle

7.Transversalis fascia

8.Preperitoneal fat


1.Identify the appendix

2.Staple the mesoappendix (or coagulate)

3.Staple and transect the appendix at the base (or use Endoloop® and cut between)

4.Remove the appendix from the abdomen

5.Irrigate and aspirate until clear


Follow the taeniae down to where they converge on the appendix

Lateral to medial along the lateral peritoneum—this way you will not tear the mesoappendix that lies medially!

Divide the lateral peritoneal attachments of the cecum

To kill the mucosal cells so they do not form a mucocele

300 Section II / General Surgery


If you find Crohn’s disease

Yes, if the cecal/appendiceal base is not

in the terminal ileum, will


you remove the appendix?


If the appendix is normal

Terminal ileum: Meckel’s diverticulum,

what do you inspect

Crohn’s disease, intussusception


Gynecologic: Cysts, torsion, etc.


Groin: hernia, rectus sheath hematoma,


adenopathy (adenitis)

Who first described the

Reginald Fitz

classic history and treatment


for acute appendicitis?


Who performed the first

Harry Hancock in 1848 (McBurney


popularized the procedure in 1880s)

Who performed the first lap

Dr. Semm (GYN) in 1983







What is the most common

Carcinoid tumor

appendiceal tumor?


What is the treatment of

Appendectomy (if not through the bowel

appendiceal carcinoid less


than 1.5 cm?


What is the treatment of

Right hemicolectomy

appendiceal carcinoid larger


than 1.5 cm?


What percentage of


appendiceal carcinoids are




What is the differential

Carcinoid, adenocarcinoma, malignant

diagnosis of appendiceal

mucoid adenocarcinoma



What type of appendiceal

Malignant mucoid adenocarcinoma

tumor can cause the dreaded


pseudomyxoma peritonei if


the appendix ruptures?



Chapter 46 / Carcinoid Tumors 301

What is “mittelschmerz”?

Pelvic pain caused by ovulation

Should one remove the

Yes, unless the base of the appendix is

normal appendix with

involved with Crohn’s disease, the normal

Crohn’s disease found

appendix should be removed to avoid


diagnostic confusion with appendicitis in


the future

C h a p t e r 46 Carcinoid Tumors

What is a carcinoid tumor?

Tumor arising from neuroendocrine cells (APUDomas), a.k.a. Kulchitsky cells; basically, a tumor that secretes serotonin

Why is it called “carcinoid”? Suffix “-oid” means “resembling”; thus, carcinoid resembles a carcinoma but is clinically and histologically less aggressive than most GI carcinomas

How can you remember that Kulchitsky cells are found in carcinoid tumors?

What is the incidence?

What are the common sites of occurrence?

Think: “COOL CAR” or KULchitsky CARcinoid

Between 0.2% and 1.0% and about 25% of all small bowel tumors


1.Appendix (most common)




Other sites: jejunum, stomach, duodenum, colon, ovary, testicle, pancreas, thymus

What are the signs/

Depends on location; most cases are


asymptomatic; also SBO, abdominal


pain, bleeding, weight loss, diaphoresis,


pellagra skin changes, intussusception,


carcinoid syndrome, wheezing

Why SBO with carcinoid?

Classically severe mesenteric fibrosis

302 Section II / General Surgery



What are the pellagra-like

Think “3-D”:










What causes pellagra in

Decreased niacin production

carcinoid patients?



What is carcinoid syndrome?

Syndrome of symptoms caused by release


of substances from a carcinoid tumor

What are the symptoms of

Remember the acronym “B FDR”:

carcinoid syndrome?


Flushing (skin) Diarrhea

Right-sided heart failure (from valve failure)

What is a complete memory aid for carcinoid?

Why does right-sided heart failure develop but not left-sided heart failure?

What is the incidence of carcinoid SYNDROME in patients who have a carcinoid TUMOR?

Think: B FDR CARcinoid, or “Be FDR in a cool CAR” (COOL KULchitsky cells)

Lungs act as a filter (just like the liver); thus, the left heart doesn’t see all the vasoactive compounds


What released substances

Serotonin and vasoactive peptides

cause carcinoid syndrome?


What is the medical treatment

Octreotide IV

for carcinoid syndrome?


What is the medical

Odansetron (Zofran®)—serotonin

treatment of diarrhea alone?


How does the liver prevent carcinoid syndrome?

Why does carcinoid syndrome occur in some tumors and not in others?

What tumors can produce carcinoid syndrome?

Chapter 46 / Carcinoid Tumors 303

By degradation of serotonin and the other vasoactive peptides when the tumor drains into the portal vein

Occurs when venous drainage from the tumor gains access to the systemic circulation by avoiding hepatic degradation of the vasoactive substances

Liver metastases

Retroperitoneal disease draining into paravertebral veins

Primary tumor outside the GI tract, portal venous drainage (e.g., ovary, testicular, bronchus), or both

What does the liver break down serotonin into?

What percentage of patients with a carcinoid have an elevated urine 5-HIAA level?

5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA)


What are the associated

Elevated urine 5-HIAA as well as

diagnostic lab findings?

elevated urine and blood serotonin



How do you remember

Think of a 5-HIGH CAR pile up

5-HIAA for carcinoid?

5-HIAA CARcinoid




4 3



What stimulation test can

Pentagastrin stimulation

often elevate serotonin


levels and cause symptoms


of carcinoid syndrome?


304 Section II / General Surgery

How do you localize a GI carcinoid?

What are the special radiologic (scintigraphy) localization tests?

What is the surgical treatment?

What is the medical treatment?

How effective is octreotide?

Barium enema, upper GI series with small bowel follow-through, colonoscopy, enteroscopy, enteroclysis, EGD, radiology tests

131I-MIBG (131 metaiodobenzylguanidine)


PET scan utilizing 11C-labeled HTP

Excision of the primary tumor and single or feasible metastasis in the liver (liver transplant is an option with unresectable liver metastasis); chemotherapy for advanced disease

Medical therapy for palliation of the carcinoid syndrome (serotonin antagonists, somatostatin analogue [octreotide])

It relieves diarrhea and flushing in more than 85% of cases and may shrink tumor in 10% to 20% of cases

What is a common


antiserotonin drug?


What is the overall prognosis?

Two thirds of patients are alive at 5 years

What is the prognosis of

50% are alive at 3 years

patients with liver metastasis


or carcinoid syndrome?


What does carcinoid tumor look like?

For appendiceal carcinoid, when is a right hemicolectomy indicated versus an appendectomy?

Which primary site has the highest rate of metastasis?

Can a carcinoid tumor be confirmed malignant by looking at the histology?

Usually intramural bowel mass; appears as yellowish tumor upon incision

If the tumor is 1.5 cm, right hemicolectomy is indicated; if there are no signs of serosal or cecal involvement and tumor is 1.5 cm, appendectomy should be performed

Ileal primary tumor

No, metastasis must be present to diagnose malignancy

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