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48 T. Kühne

5.3.2 Clinical Manifestations

Headache, weakness, loss of weight, pruritus, dizziness

• Splenomegaly, leukocytosis, and thrombocytosis frequently observed

Hypercellular bone marrow

Cell cultures: increased sensitivity to erythropoietin

5.3.3 Management

Treatment according to symptoms, red cell mass, and arterial oxygen saturation (O2 saturation, O2-saturation curve)

No standard therapy for pediatric patients

Hematocrit should be less than 45%, to prevent thrombohemorrhagic complications

Red cells may be eliminated by apheresis or phlebotomy

Cytotoxic agents can be associated with an increased risk of developing leuke- mia; hydroxyurea may be used if there are more than 1,000×109 platelets/l

5.4Essential Thrombocythemia

Secondary (reactive) thrombocytosis (more than 450 × 109/l): acute and chronic infectious diseases, hemolytic anemia, iron deficiency, trauma, surgery, renal disorders, blood loss, postsplenectomy, drugs (e.g., corticosteroids)

5.4.1Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis: reactive thrombocytosis, myeloproliferative disorders

Essential thrombocythemia (ET) with autosomal dominant inheritance


Platelets: more than 600 × 109/l

Hemoglobin: up to 130 g/l

Normal iron levels

No Philadelphia chromosome, t(9;22)

No bone marrow fibrosis

No signs of secondary thrombocytosis

Somatic JAK2 V617F mutation may be present; rarely, mutations in the gene coding for thrombopoietin receptor have been found

The overlapping clinical and biologic features of polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, and primary myelofibrosis may be reflected by a common JAK2 which may occur in all mentioned disorders

JAK2 mutations seem not to be an initiating, but rather a late event in the molecular evolution of myeloproliferative neoplasms. This may have implications for

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