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F. Oeschger-Schürch and C. Verdan



Where the skull has been irradiated, there is partial to total hair loss, depending on radiation dose and individual factors. Hair does not always grow back, depending on the radiation dose

The patient needs to be informed prior to commencement of therapy about hair loss

The absence of hair and especially the bare skin of the scalp can psychologically be traumatic for many children and adolescents

Promise acceptable hair substitution

Assure the patient that hair loss as a result of chemotherapy is not permanent Tips Concerning Hair Loss

Suggest an easy-to-maintain hairstyle prior to treatment

Wash hair with a mild shampoo (e.g., baby shampoo) and dry carefully with a towel

Comb hair carefully

Should hair substitution be required, a hairdresser or wig specialist ought to be contacted early on, so that they get to see the original hair growth

Apart from the wearing of wigs, there are other possibilities such as stylish scarves, hats, caps

The head should be covered outdoors so as not to burn the skin of the scalp in summer and to minimize heat loss in winter

A cloth roller removes shed hair from clothes

Coverage of Costs for Hair Substitution

Hair substitution is a medically prescribed hair prosthesis, which may be partially covered by health insurance.

19.2.3Stomatitis and Mucitis

Sometimes chemotherapy and radiotherapy heavily reduce regeneration of mucosa, which can lead to ulceration or inflammation of mucous membranes in mouth, throat, and intestines, resulting in a dry and sore mucous membrane of the mouth. This can serve as an entry path for pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Before and during treatment, daily checks on oral hygiene need to be performed.

The natural balance of flora and mucous membranes is disturbed by direct damage to cells of mucous membranes through chemotherapy and/or radiation, as well as indirect damage due to neutropenia.

19 Oncological Nursing Care

209 Factors

Dental caries and periodontal disease, inadequate oral hygiene, cigarette and alcohol consumption, disruption of daily activities, for example, eating, chewing, swallowing, and talking; presence of oral cancers; and immunodeficiency are all risk factors.

Stages of stomatitis

Stage I

Redness of oral mucous membrane

Stage II

Isolated small ulcerations or white spots, no substantial problems with eating


and drinking

Stage III

Confluence of ulcerations or white spots, covering more than 25% of oral


mucous membrane, patient only able to drink

Stage IV

Bleeding ulcerations, covering more than 50% of oral mucous membrane;


patient no longer able to eat or drink

WHO grading system

0 = no problems

1 = painful mouth, no ulcerations

2 = painful mouth with ulcerations, normal eating possible

3 = only liquid/mashed food possible

4 = eating and drinking impossible

Disruption of taste sensation


Wound or sores in mouth or throat

Burning tongue


Impeded flow of saliva (dry mouth)

Trouble with swallowing, even talking


White, spreading coating (thrush) or small red blisters and ulcerations Care

Performing good and consistent oral hygiene during the whole course of chemotherapy (hospital as well as at home)

Consistent oral and dental care is recorded, documented, and performed differently according to guidelines of clinic

Aims of oral hygiene:

No caries, no ulcerations, no fungal infection, early detection of disturbances

Keeping mucous membranes moist and clean in order that mucous membrane barrier remains intact and free of infection; this helps prevent the development of an acid environment in the mouth and hence a suitable medium for bacterial growth

The frequency, thoroughness, regularity, and basics of prophylaxis are to be adhered to

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