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19 Oncological Nursing Care




Agents of infection: bacteria, viruses, fungi

In order to prevent infections, special precautionary measures need to be taken regarding hygiene, behavior, occupation, and nutrition. Guidelines vary depending on the clinic

Prophylactic Care

Goal: protection of patients from infection by means of creation and maintenance of a clean environment and by good personal hygiene. Maintenance of best possible quality of life

Reduction of fresh infections (strict disinfection of hands)

Limitation of invasive procedures (e.g., few injections, avoidance of use of urinary catheter)

Enhancement of immune defenses (e.g., immunoglobulins)

Single bedroom, reverse isolation, positive-pressure rooms, HEPA-filtered air in special circumstances

Risk Factors

Fever higher than 38.5°C (101°F) or persistent low-level fever, signs of cold (cough, sore throat, freezing or sweating, fatigue, weakness)

Frequent or painful urination

Injuries, wounds that will not heal, or that which turn red or swell

Contact with other sick children


Treatment of infection:

Antibiotic therapy needs to be initiated promptly at onset of first clinically suspicious signs and before culture and resistance results are available

Antimycotics when appropriate

Antiviral agents when appropriate

Growth factors of myelopoiesis (especially after high-dose treatments and bone marrow transplantation), for example, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF)

Immunoglobulin infusion

Nursing care including codes of conduct for nursing staff, patients, visitors, and the care itself are determined by clinic-specific guidelines


Bleedings occur as a consequence of too few platelets or decreased ability to clot blood normally

The risk of spontaneous bleeding rises with decreasing number of platelets, particularly less than 20 × 109 per L

Bleedings occur mainly in nasal and oral mucous membranes, intestines, skin, and central nervous system

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