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ESP Textiles and Dressmaking.doc
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Design Influenced by the Occasion

It is a well-recognized fact that the dress which is suitable for one occasion is entirely inappropriate for another. And just so is the question of the design of the dress influenced by the occasion for which it is to be worn. It is not only to the wearer's individuality that the gown must be suited. When we speak of suitability we mean suitability to the time when the gown is worn, the place where it is worn, the occasion, and the circumstances of the wearer. No matter how charming a gown may be, it is not in good taste if it costs a great deal more than the wearer is known to be able to afford. And no matter how beautiful an afternoon frock may be, it is in poor taste if worn to a formal evening function. The material, colour, general form of the dress and the decoration are very much dependent upon whether the dress is to be used for street and business wear, for the golf course, the formal evening party or a simple afternoon frock to be worn in your home. Sometimes it is possible to use the same material for an afternoon party dress and for business wear, simply by the proper choice of design. In the first case, it would be made up more fully and elaborately, whereas in the latter case a more tailored effect should be used.

When in doubt as to the proper design of a dress select the simpler one rather than the elaborate style, and you will be less likely to appear conspicuous.

When designing sport clothing you must always keep in mind the type of sport for which the garment is to be worn. The tennis costume, for example should be light in weight and colour and should not hinder one's movements. The golf costume, however, may be more tailored and of a heavier material.

The house dress to be properly designed should be simple, easily laundered, not too elaborate, and should at all times present a fresh and attractive appearance. Such a garment will actually make your work easier.

Properly design your afternoon dress and it will serve many, many purposes. Unless you are in the habit of dressing formally for the theater, the afternoon dress will be very appropriate likewise for church and the informal evening party in your own home.

The selection of material and the purpose for which the dress is to be worn has a direct influence on economy. Light, fragile materials which are not very durable may be made up in more extreme fashion than heavier weight fabrics.

Women’s Formal Wear Is A Great Way to Stand Out From the Crowd

When it comes to women’s formal wear, the only thing that comes to mind is elegant dresses and gowns. Of course, the little black dress (or the LBD as it’s popularly referred to as) is a very elegant and a classy dress to wear to any formal occasion or event.

The elegant dresses come in a lot of materials such as silk, taffeta, chiffon, lace, jersey and many more. The colour for the season right now is purple and mauve but other colors such as wine, golden, navy blue, teal and other pastel shades look just as nice. These elegant dresses can be teamed up with a bolero or shawls. Empire line dresses accentuate the bust and the waist and focus attention on these areas while drawing attention away from the hips and the buttocks.

Necklines and embellishments set off the dress from others

Deep neckline, swooping necklines and square necklines accentuate the cleavage and show off the bare shoulders and the long necks. The gowns are form fitting. There are a number of sizes and colors as well as styles that are available for these evening dresses. Since these dresses are form fitting, they come with a zipper for a snug fit. Some of these elegant dresses may also have elegant trails that look very beautiful.

The women’s formal wear can also come with a number of embellishments such as lave, bows, trails, crystals, belts and lots more. They make the dress look extremely fetching and make the dress stand out from the rest. Some of the dresses can be divided into two parts such as a bodice and a skirt. Along with these crochet shawl with endings look great.

Accessorizing your dress

Along with the women’s formal wear, one needs to team them with the right kind of accessory, hairstyles and makeup. The tall and elegant women’s formal wear go well with thin stilettos and other dainty sandals that have diamante settings. Always accessorize as this makes the dress look better. For this all you need to do is get a beautiful pair of earrings or a bracelet. Wear pearls or diamonds as they very well with the women’s formal wear.

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