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ESP Textiles and Dressmaking.doc
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III Make up a plan of the text.

IV Translate the paragraphs in italics in a written form.

V Questions for discussion:

1. What is production?

2. When does a dress become a finished garment?

3. How are manufacturing firms divided?

4. What is a line of products?

5. Why is each division considered to be like a small company?

6. Why is a job of product manager the most exciting?

7. What does product manager do?

8. Who can also work for product managers?

9. What must design stylists be aware of?

10. What does “to position a line” mean?


I Mind the following words and word-combinations:

1. to strive for – прагнути до чогось

2. non-verbal communication skills – навики невербального спілкування

3. fashion forecasting – передбачення моди

4. to negotiate – вести переговори, обговорювати

5. a market researcher – дослідник ринка

6. abreast – поруч

7. intended – який намагається

II Listen to the text ‘Career Information’ and be ready to answer the questions:

  1. What skills should one possess to work in the field of apparel design and production?

  2. What specialists work in these areas?

III Listen to the text again. Decide if the statements are true or false.

  1. Creative designers don’t have to strive for originality.

  2. Productive designers enjoy working with customers.

  3. Strong ability in computer graphics isn’t necessary in apparel design nowadays.

  4. Fashion forecasting is the function of a productive development designer.

  5. Fashion designers don’t communicate with buyers but only with managers.



I Listen and remember the following words:

1. a supplier – постачальник

2. acceptable – прийнятний

3. a sample – зразок

4. a cardboard – картон

5. to trace – просліджувати, відстежувати

6. to waste - марно витрачати

7. ink – чорнило

8. a bolt – засув

9. to plat – креслити

10. thoroughly – цілком, ґрунтовно

II Read and remember the following phrases:

  1. a tricky business – винахідлива, вправна справа

  2. computer-assisted drafting – комп’ютерна композиція, ескіз

  3. to go a schedule – йти за графіком

  4. to be staked – бути закріпленим

  5. to be stapled – бути скріпленим

  6. to be ready to be launched – бути готовим для запуску

  7. colour swatch – зразок кольору

Producing and Assembling the Garments

The next part of the product manager’s job is to select the fabric that will be used in making a garment. Choosing a supplier is always a tricky business. Some other factors have to be considered. Is the fabric of acceptable quality? Is the price acceptable? Will the fabric be delivered by the supplier on time? Then it is necessary to choose the final samples that will be used as models in making thegarment. Samples are often changed over again until they are perfect. When the final samples are ready, mass production can begin. Preparing the patterns once the original design has been approved, pattern makers set to work making the patterns. The patterns are first drawn on heavy pieces of cardboard, called markers. Markers are used to trace many paper patterns. Before the markers are used to make paper patterns, the layout of the pattern has to be worked out. The pattern layout determines how much fabric is wasted. The most efficient layout must be found. Clothes manufacturers now use computers to select the best pattern layout. The pattern maker uses miniature pattern pieces, displayed on a video screen. The video screen can display any of the pattern pieces stored in the computer. This process is called computer assisted drafting.

When the pattern maker is satisfied, the markers are traced in ink. The garment pattern is then machined copied many times on a long roll of pattern paper.

If all goes on schedule, the fabric begins to arrive about the time the pattern makers have settled on their final layouts.

Spreaders or large fabric layering machines unroll the bolts back and forth on tables over 100 feet long. The table is marked so the cutting machine operator knows where to lay the fabric. The fabric is staked into 30 to 50 layers for cutting. The fabric pile is often 8 inches deep. At the same time, the continuous paper pattern is laid out top of the staked fabric and stapled in place. Then, automatic cutting machine cut through the 8 inches of fabric. The machines have been preset to follow the outline of the pattern.

Engineers have carefully platted exactly how to move the pattern pieces from sewing machine to sewing machine to make the most efficient use of time and people. In an assembly line, each operator usually does only one specific task. For example, one person sews together all the underarm seams. Another might work on constructing the collars. Still another might sew on the front pockets. By using this method, sewing time can be really shortened. A shirt may take only 12 or 13 minutes to sew. Think for a minute how much time you would require to make an entire shirt by yourself.

Every finished garment is inspected thoroughly by people hired to do this work. The person inspecting the garment decides whether it can be fixed or not. Once the garment have been sewn and inspected, the next step is managing their sales. Sample garments are being made and then distributed to sales representatives at sales meetings. The sales departments bring in all the sales representatives just before a new line is ready to be launched. Product managers are expected to introduce the line. Sales representatives are provided with order numbers, samples in many colours or colour swatches, and ideas to help them sell the products. Any questions asked by the sales representatives about the line have to be answered.

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