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ESP Textiles and Dressmaking.doc
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III Answer the questions:

1. What are casings?

2. What kinds of casing can be used in sewing?

3. How can they be sewn?

4. What kinds and styles of collars were mentioned in the text?

5. How can be cuffs attached?

6. What are the functions of darts?

7. What do we use buttons for?

8. What kinds of buttons do you know?

9. How should one make buttonholes?

IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1. Casings … and elastic are found at …

2. Casings may be …

3. There are three …: standing, flat and rolled.

4. Cuffs may be … or slide over the hand.

5. Darts are the second …

6. Buttons are used to …

V Find the English equivalents to the words:

Лінія коміра, лінія талії, подовження, завернутий, резинка, ширина, звужувати, розтягувати, розріз, розташування.

VI Make up sentences with the terms:

Applied casing, waistline, a tailored finish, to attach, to sew a cuff, horizontal and vertical darts, buttonholes.

VII Give definitions to the words:

A casing, a collar, a cuff, a dart, a button hole, heading.

VIII Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Куліси можуть бути 2 видів: суцільно викроєна та відрізна.

  2. Чим більше тканини над кулісою, тим більші зборки при затягуванні резинки.

  3. Щоб зробити комір, потрібно вставити прокладку, сформувати комір та пристрочити його до виробу.

  4. Манжети можна використовувати для оздоблення рукавів та штанин.

  5. Для того щоб комір, манжета чи карман зберігали форму, потрібно використовувати посилюючі матеріали.

  6. Виточки допомагають з плаского матеріалу створити форму.

  7. Існує багато видів виточок: одинарні, талієві, паралельні, променеві.

  8. Вертикальні виточки використовують на плечах та талії, а горизонтальні підганяють одяг на грудях та ліктях.

  9. Застосування резинки має свої переваги: вона утворює вільний силует одягу, а також дозволяє комфортно рухатись.

  10. Залежно від розміру ґудзика необхідно розраховувати розмір петельки, а тільки потім робити розріз.

IX Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations:

Self and applied casings, kinds of collars, to put a finishing touch, a cuff, a dart, to fit curves, to fasten, types of buttons, buttonholes.


I Read and remember:

1. crisp – твердий, жорсткий

2. to be squeezed – затискувати, здавлювати

3. heat-fused – розплавлений під температурою

4. a thread tack – обметування

5. twill - саржа

6. an armhole – пройма

7. a lining fabric – підкладочна тканина

8. an open network fabric – сітчаста тканина

9. slippery – слизький

II Read the text and define the main idea of it:

Tailoring Basics

An interfacing is a piece of fabric between the garment and facing. Usually edges and design details such as collars, cuffs, pockets, waist bands, front closing and hems are interfaced. Interfacing helps these areas hold their shape, look crisp and wear longer.

Selecting the right interfacing fabric and interfacing weights should be considered. The three layers should be bent and squeezed. The interfacing should support, lend no overpower the fabric. Edge crispness suited to fabric and design must be selected.

Heat-fused interfacing often becomes slightly firmer after fusing. When deciding between two weights it is usually best to select the lighter of the two weights. Interfacing must be washable if the garment is washable. Interfacing may be hand stitched, machine stitched or fused to the garment.

Reinforcements are used to hold and support areas and points of strain. Methods of reinforcing garments include the use of stabilizing tapes, a second row of stitching 1/8 inch (3mm) from the first, finely stitched seams, thread tacks, buttons and fabric backings.The method of stitching a piece of twill tape into or next to the seam is used on shoulder seams in knits, pocket openings, jacket front seams, collar roll lines, lower armhole seams, waist lines and kimono sleeve seams.

Underlinings have many advantages. They help give a garment an “expensive look”. They build shape and depth into the fabric and design lines. Underlinings support stitching lines, prevent pressmarking and stitch marking and hold loosely woven or stretchy fabric in shape. Hand stitches are attached to underlinings. A firmly woven lightweight fabric should be selected. Some lining fabric can be used for underlinings. It is advisable to underline the main garment pieces: front and back of skirts, pants, jackets, vests, dresses and sleeves. Light coloured and open network fabrics should be checked for colour change. If the colour does change all pieces except facing must be underlined. The fabric and underlining layers are sewn together to firm one piece.

Linings give a finished look to blazers, vests, skirts and pants. A lining is like a second item of clothing on the inside of your garment.A firmly woven slippery lining fabric will hold the garment in shape and allow easy movement to the body.

When using a lining seam finishes are not necessary. Lining hems are sewn to the garment hem or hemmed separately.

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