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Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

Ex. 1. Memorize the following word combinations to be able to describe the responsibilities of a National Olympic Committee:

  1. to provide uniform -обепечить спортивной формой

  2. to provide food -обепечить питание

  3. to provide housing -обепечить проживание

  4. to furnish transportation -предоставить транспорт

  5. to pay expenses -оплачивать расходы

  6. to select athletes -проводить отбор спортсменов

  7. to enter an athlete (a team) -заявлять спортсмена (команду) для участия в соревновании.

Ex. 2. Describe the activities of the National Olympic Committee of Russia.

Ex. 3. Say, what is the most important sentence expressing the main idea of the text. Give your comments

Ex. 4. Learn the following terms you will need to understand Text 6 D:

1. governing body -руководящий орган

2. executive board -исполком

3. approve v -утверждать

4. mayor n -мэр города

5. conduct v -проводить

6. appoint v -назначать

7. current member -действительный член МОК

8. representative n -представитель

Ex. 5. Read the text to find answers to the questions given before each paragraph.

The International Olympic Committee

  1. What is the IOC?

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is the governing body of the Olympic Games.The Committee approves the sports to be included in the Olympics. The IOC also selects the host cities, one for the Summer Games and one for the Winter Games, six years in ad­vance. The selection process includes a presentation by the mayor of each city that wishes to host the games.

  1. Who plans the Games?

The Organising Committee of the host cityand the international governing body for each Olympic sport workwith the IOC in planning the Games. The host city decides the number of sports to be included in the Games. The host city and various international sports fede­rations plan the events within each sport, the maximum number of athletes allowed to enter, and the schedule of events. The international sports organizations also conduct each event and appoint the judges and referees.

  1. How are new members of the IOC elected?

New members of the IOC are elected by the current members. A representative may be elected from any nation that has a national Olympic Committee, but only nations that have hosted the Olympics may have two representatives. The IOC has no set rules regarding which eligible nations shall be represented. As a result, the size of the Committee varies as members die or retire and new members are chosen. In 1991, the Committee had 94 members. Originally, members were elected to the IOC for life. Today, any member elected after 1965 must retire at the age of 76. The members of the Committee accept no instructions on voting from any government or other group or individual.

  1. Who handles the IOC business?

The IOC meets annually and during the Summer and Winter Games. Between meetings, its executive board handles the Committee's busi­ness. This board consists of the president, four vice presidents, and six members who serve four-year terms. The Committee elects these officials from among its members. The president serves an eight-year term1and then may be reelected to any number of four-year terms.


1 The President serves an eight-year term .- Президент избирается на восемь лет…

Comprehensive and Speech Exercises

Ex.1. Find a key sentence in each paragraph.

Ex. 2. Entitle each paragraph.

Ex. 3. Speak about the IOC following the outline:

  • the responsibilities of the IOC;

  • the members of the IOC;

  • the election of the IOC members

Role Playing

Situation . Pretend that you are a sports reporter for your local newspaper or radio station and your friend is an athlete. In­terview your friend on radio or TV. Prepare for the interview by planning the questions, by being informed enough about the sport. Try to create an interview that is interesting to the audience.

Writing Practice

Write a composition about a famous Russian athlete . He(she )may be famous because he (she) won an Olympic, world or national championship; he (she) may be famous because he (she) overcame special difficulties to achieve excellence as athletes; he (she) may be fa­mous because he (she) contributed greatly to the welfare of other people.

Progress Evaluation Test

Form A

  1. Mix and match the words:

1. order 1 факел

2.motto 2. глава (государства)

3.head 3. девиз

4. host 4.традиция

5. torch 5. порядок

6. custom 6. огонь

7. flame 7. принимающая сторона








  1. Insert the word or phrase which completes each sentense.

Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. The Olympic Games are the oldest…. 1. holiday, 2. competition

  2. At first the programme…only of a single event:

a race the length of the stadium . 3. combined, 4. consisted

  1. Before the contests open all the competitors,

their coaches and judges take an …

to keep the competition clean and fair. 5. word, 6. oath

  1. The first recorded Olympic … took place in the

Stadium of Olympia in 776 B.C. 7. contest, 8. championship

  1. On June 23, 1894 79 delegates of the International

Congress decided to revive the… Olympic Games

in a modern form. 9. modern, 10. ancient

  1. Replace the infinitive by the correct tense form:

  1. Mike ( play) football since childhood. 1.___________________

  2. The team ( train) since 10 o’clock. 2.___________________

  3. I ( practise) fencing for 4 years. 3.___________________

  4. By the end of next month I ( live) in Minsk

exactly three years. 4.___________________

  1. How long you ( know ) this coach. 5.___________________

  1. Translate the underlined verbs:

  1. Я изучаю два иностранных языка :английский и

французский. 1.__________________

  1. Cколько времени ты изучаешь английский язык? 2.__________________

В сентябре будет ровно два года, как я изучаю 3.__________________


  1. А французский? К тому времени как я поступила

в университет, я изучала этот язык уже пять лет. 4._________________

4. А я в школе изучала немецкий язык.

  1. Choose the answer which best completes the statement:

  1. The first modern Olympic Games took place in___

  1. Rome, b. Athens, c. Chamonix, d. Sparta.

  1. An athlete who represents a country at the Olympic Games must be___

  1. a member of the IOC, b. a member of the NOC, c. a citizen of the country,

d. a professional athlete.

  1. The winners receive their medals at an impressive ceremony held after___

  1. the Games, b. the cloing ceremony, c. the sportsman’s performance,

d. the event.

  1. The Next Summer Olympic Games will be held in ___

  1. the USA, b. France, c. China, c. Russia.

VI. Read the paragraph. Write the topic and the main idea. Translate the paragraph

into Russian:

The awards system was changed starting with the 6 th Olympiad of ancient times. A laurel wreath 1 came to be the official prize at the competitions. In addition, other honours were awaiting the victor. First of all, not only a winner, but his whole town or village was proclaimed champion. Later the victor was presented with valuable gifts and his name was written in the columns standing in Olympia. From 1896 on, the medal ( gold, silver, bronze ) became the only official Olympic award.

The first medal in modern Olympic competition was presented on April 6, 1896 to the American athlete James Brenden Connolly for a triple jump of 13.71 metres.

1.laureal wreath – лавровый венок

Form B

  1. Mix and match the words:

1. spectator 1. факел

2. oath 2. судья

3. symbol 3. клятва

4. torch 4. эстафета

5. relay 5. зритель

6. motto 6. символ

7. judge 7. девиз








  1. Insert the word or phrase which completes each sentence. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. Each National Olympic Committee provides… 1.clothes, 2. uniforms

for its country athletes while they prepare for

and compete in the Games.

  1. The… of the Olympic Games is: Faster, Higher, Stronger. 3. symbol, 4. motto

  2. A National Olympic Committee … the athletes 5. chooses, 6. selects

who compete in the Games.

  1. Runners in cross-country relay bring a lighted… 7. flame, 8. torch from the valley of Olympia.

  2. The Olympic symbol consists of … 9. four, 10. five

interlocking rings.

  1. Replace the infinitive by the correct tense form:

  1. Athletes usually ( warm up) before the competitions

for 15 minutes. 1._____________

  1. We ( watch) the Olympic up-date. We ( watch) TV 2._____________

since 10 o’clock.

  1. I ( study) at the University for 2 years and ( make) 3._____________

a big progress in sport.

  1. They ( work) at their diploma projects for 2 months. 4._____________

  2. My friend ( study) English since he entered the 5._____________

University. He ( study) English before.

IV. Translate the underlined verbs:

1.Мой лучший друг профессионально играет в футбол. 1._____________

2.Он играет в футбол с детства. 2._____________

3. Уже два года как он играет в футбол. 3._____________

  1. Что твой брат сейчас делает во дворе?- Он с ребятами

из класса играет в футбол. 4._____________

  1. Наш отец долгие годы играл в футбол в ведущих

клубах страны. 5._____________

V. Choose the answer which best completes the statement:

  1. The summer and winter Olympic Games are scheduled to occur on a four-year cycle………………

a. the same year, b. every year, c. two years apart, d. a year apart.

  1. The most dramatic moment of the Olympiuc opening ceremony is……:

  1. raising of the flag, b. lighting of the Olympic Flame, c. releasing the doves into the air, d. declaration of the Games open.

  1. The IOC allowed…to pay athletes during a training period before the Olympic


  1. international sports federations, b. National Olympic Committees, c. national sports federations, d. sports clubs.

  1. The first-place medals are made of……….:

f. gold, b. silver, c. bronze, d. silver with a gold coating.

  1. The first modern Olympic Games took place in ……..:

  1. 1982, b. 1896, c.1900, d. 1904.






VI. Read the paragraph. Write the topic and the main idea. Translate the paragraph into Russian:

The title of Olympic champion is the only sporting title that is awarded for life. The prefix “ex” can’t be added to a sportaman’s name that has been inscribed in gold in the Olympic chronicle. There are no ex-champions of the Olympic Games and never will be. Every four years new names of victors appear in the Eternal Book of Olympic History 1 to continue the list begun by the great athletes in 1896. More than 100 athletes from Belarus occupy their rightful place among the athletes from different countries of the world.

1 Eternal Book of Olympic History – Вечная книга олимпийской истории


по теме: «Олимпийские Игры»

I. Перепишите следующие предложения, предварительно выбрав из заключенных в скобки соответствующие местоимения, и переведите их на русский язык.

Образец выполнения:

Sometimes we meet (she, her) at the stadium.

Sometimes we meet her at the stadium.

Иногда мы встречаем ее на стадионе.

  1. This is our new swimming-pool. (He, it) is very large.

  2. This boy is a first-class gymnast. (Him, his) coach is an Olympic champion.

  3. Tell (them, they) about the competition.

  4. Our stadium is large but (their, theirs) is larger.

  5. (Her, hers) car does not run as fast as (our, ours).

  6. The boys (himself, themselves) decided to participate in the race.

  7. The coach gave all instructions (himself, themselves).

  8. Are there (some, any) children in the swimming-pool?

  9. You can’t see (nobody, anybody) in the gym/ It’s dark there/

II. Перепишите следующие предложения. Найдите и подчеркните в них прилагательные и наречия, определите их формы сравнения и переведите на русский язык.

Образец выполнения:

Jogging is the best event for health.

Бег трусцой - самый лучший вид спорта для укрепления здоровья

(прилагательное «good» в превосходной степени).

  1. I speak English worse than my group-mates.

  2. The harder you train the better results you show.

  3. Our team’s performance was the worst at the World Championship.

  4. The Cup Final is the most important football match of the year in England.

  5. Jack is the slowest forward in the team.

  6. Our team’s performance was not so successful as that of your team.

  7. The Wembley stadium is larger than the Dynamo stadium.

III. Перепишите следующие предложения, заполнив пропуски подходящими по смыслу модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами: can, to be able to do, may, must, should, to be to, to have to, need и переведите их на русский язык.

Образец выполнения:

... we go to the gym? - No, you ...

May we go to the gym? - No, you mustn’t.

Можно мы пойдем в зал? - Нет, нельзя.

  1. People ... go in for sport if they want to keep fit.

  2. Our team played well and they ... beat the opponent.

  3. Ann started to take up swimming at five and now she ... swim very well.

  4. They ... to start their training session next week.

  5. You’ll ... to take part in the championship, because Nick is ill.

  6. ... I attend training practices every day? - No, you ... .

  7. ... take your skis? - No, you ... not. I’ve got a ski race tomorrow.

IV. Перепишите следующие предложения, выбрав глагол в необходимой видовременной форме и залоге, и переведите их на русский язык. Дайте несколько вариантов перевода в тех случаях, где это возможно.

Образец выполнения:

Golf is considered/considers truly British.

Golf is considered truly British.

Гольф считается истинно британской игрой.

Гольф считают истинно британской игрой.

  1. The Olympic Games are held/hold every 4 years.

  2. Our students will participate/will be participated in the next championship.

  3. A new stadium is building/is being built in our city now.

  4. The applicants were shown/showed the way to the University of Physical Culture.

  5. The goal had already scored/had already been scored before I came to the stadium.

  6. The academic year divides/is divided into two semesters.

V. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

Образец выполнения:

The spectators welcomed the players.

Зрители приветствовали игроков.

What did the spectators do?

  1. The boys were playing tennis from 5 till 7 p.m. yesterday.

  2. They completed school two years ago.

  3. The academic year lasts ten months.

  4. The French team won sixteen medals at the Alpine World Championship.

  5. A professional sportsmen has to train two times a day.

  6. Some of our students will participate in the next Olympics.

VI. Перепишите следующие предложения, поставив глагол-сказуемое в необходимую видо-временную форму и переведите их на русский язык.

Образец выполнения:

Thirteen teams (to take part) in the first World Cup in judo in 1994.

Thirteen teams took part in the first World Cup in judo in 1994.

Тринадцать команд приняли участие в первом Кубке Мира по дзюдо в1994.

  1. It is 9.00 in the morning. The students of the University of Physical Culture (to have) their morning training practice.

  2. R.Bannister’s medical knowledge (to help) him work out tactical schemes of running.

  3. Which of your students (to take part) in the coming Olympics?

  4. He (not to show) top results in swimming lately.

  5. He (to qualify) for the first ranking by the end of the year.

  6. This athlete won his first gold medal at the 2000 European Championship and since then (to improve) his results in all the jumping events each season.

VII. Прочитайте весь текст. Письменно переведите абзацы 1 и 4.


1. The first recorded Olympic contest took place in the Stadium of Olympia in 776 B.C. This stadium was located in the valley of Olympia in western Greece. The Stadium of Olympia had room for 40.000 spectators. For many years the Olympics were for male contestants and male spectators only. The Olympics were held every four years. The only event in the first 13 Olympiads was a footrace of about 180 metres. Through the years longer running races were added to the Olympic programme. Other types of competition also became part of the Olympics. Wrestling and the pentathlon - which originally consisted of the discus throw, javelin throw, long jump, a sprint and wrestling - were added to the competition in 708 B.C. A savage and sometimes deadly sport called pancratium, which combined boxing and wrestling was introduced to the Olympics in 648 B.C.

2. The Roman Empire conquered Greece during the 100’s B.C. In A.D. 394 Emperor Theodosius ordered the Olympic Games ended. No Olympics were held for more than 1.500 years.

3. An earthquake destroyed the Stadium of Olympia in the A.D. 500’s and a landslide later buried the ruins of the structure. A group of German archaeologists discovered the ruins 1875. A discovery gave Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a French educator, the idea of organizing a modern, international Olympics.

  1. Coubertin believed that athletics played an important part in forming a person’s character. He also thought that international sports competition would promote world peace. In 1894 Coubertin presented his idea to an international meeting on amateur sports. The group voted to organize the games and it formed the international Olympic Committee. The first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896 in Athens, Greece.

  2. The Olympics have been the scene of numerous exciting individual achievements. Paavo Nurmi, a long-distance runner from Finland won nine gold medals in 1920, 1924, 1928; Johnny Weissmuller, a swimmer from the United States, won five gold medals in 1924 and 1928; Mark Sppitz, a United States swimmer set a record in 1972 by winning seven gold medals in a single Olympics. Nadia Comaneci, a Romanian gymnast, became the first gymnast to receive a perfect score of 10 in the Olympic Games.

VIII. Ответьте письменно на поставленные вопросы:

  1. What were the most important events in the original Olympic Games?

What discovery gave Baron Pierre de Coubertin the idea of organizing modern Olympic Games?