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Олимпийские игры ФК англ..doc
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Vocabulary and Speech Exercise

Ex. 1. Match a verb in A with a noun in B:

to take an idea

to have a character

to become peace

to give part

to promote place

to form room

to draft a medal

to define a motto

to present a principle

to adopt a charter

Ex. 2. Fill in the gaps with the above word combinations to disclose the history of the Olympic Games:

  1. The IOC … the … of the Olympic Games “Citius, Altius, Fortius” at the Antwerp Games.

  2. The Organizing Committee … the first Olympic … to the American track-and-field athlete in 1896.

3. The first recorded Olympic contest … … in the Stadium of Olympia in 776.

4. The Olympic Charter …. the main … of the Olympic movement.

5. Boxing … … of the games in 688 B.C.

6. Coubertin believed that athletics … a person's …

7. Coubertin thought that international competitions … ….

8. It was Piere de Coubertin who … an Olympic …

9. The discovery of German archaeologists … Baron Pierre de Coubertin … of organizing modern Olympic Games.

10. The Stadium of Olympia … … for 40000 spectators.

Ex. 3. To prove the above statements find in the text the paragraphs describing:

the ancient Olympic Games;

the discovery of the German archeologists;

the ideas of Pierre de Coubertin about the modern Olympic Games;

the Olympic symbols

Ex. 4. What have you learned about the modern Olympic Games?

Read the statements below and agree to them saying “That’s right” or

disagree, saying “That’s wrong”:

1. The Olympic Games take their name from the Greek city of Olympia where the Games were first held more than 2000 years ago.

2. In the first Olympic Games there was only one race and the winner was awarded a medal.

3. Although other events such as boxing, horse racing, and javelin throwing were added later, the most important events in the original Olympic Games were the running races.

4. The modern Olympic Games were founded by Baron Pierre de Coubertin.

5. The important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part.

Find in the text and read aloud the sentences that prove your answers.

Ex. 5. Comment on the second motto of the Olympic Games: “ The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part”.

Ex. 6. Learn the following sporting terms you will come across in Text 6 C:

1. uniform n - зд. спортивная форма

2. nation n - зд. страна

3. point n - очко

4. official score - официальный зачет

5. eligible a - зд. имеющий право (напр. войти в состав сборной команды страны)

Ex. 7. Skim the text and say how Olympic competitions are arranged.

Olympic Competition

Each national committee provides uniforms for its country's athletes while they prepare for and compete in the games and furnishes transportation for its team to the games and back. The host country provides food and housing for all the athletes. Most countries use government funds to pay the expenses.

Every country represented in the Olympics has a National Olym­pic Committee that selects the athletes who compete in the Games. An athlete who represents a country at the Olympics must be a citizen of that country. Until 1988, only amateur athletes competed in the Games. Professional athletes are now eligible to compete in basketball, ice hockey, football, and tennis. In addition the IOC voted in 1974 to allow national Olympic committees to pay athletes during an unlimited training period before the Olympic Games. Each athlete may receive expense money, plus the equivalent of the salary that he or she would earn by working instead of training.

In many countries athletes qualify for the Olympics by winning or finishing high in competitions called selection trials. In some Olympic sports a nation may enter as many as three athletes in each individual event and one team in each team event.

Up to 12 teams can compete in each men's team sport, except football, which involves 16 teams. No more then 20 teams take part in each team sport that has competition for both men and women. If more than the maximum number of nations want to compete in a sport a qualifying tournament is held before the Olympics.

Several methods of judging are used in various Olympic events. For example, the eight fastest athletes qualify for the finals in most swimming and athletics events. The medals in diving, figure skating, and gymnastics are awarded on the basis of points given by judges, etc.

The top three athletes in each Olympic event receive a medal and a diploma. The next five receive only a diploma. The first- and second-place medals are made of silver, but the first-place medal has a gold coating. The third-place medal is made of bronze. All the members of a winning relay team get a medal. In team sports all the members who have played in at least one of their team's games re­ceive one.

Olympic competition is intended to test the skill and strength of individuals, not nations. Therefore the IOC does not keep an official score among the competing countries. No nation "wins" the Olympics.