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II. Answer the following questions to the text:

1. What was the public sentiment about the first Scotland Yard plainclothes police agents?

2. When did Scotland Yard set uр its Criminal Investigation Department?

3. What were the CID's initial duties?

4. What is the CID nowadays?

5. Which parts of London аrе covered bу the Metropo1itan Роlicе?

6. What аге the Metropolitan Police's duties?

7. Who is the administrative head of Scotland Yard?

8. What is the structure of the CID?

9. What assistance does The Yard render to the countries of the Commonwealth?

III. Make up the dialogue according to the text above.

IV. Fill in the necessary preposition:

1. ... conclusion he said that he was vеrу happy to visit our country.

а) То Ь) In

2. This book was translated ... Japanese.

а) of Ь) from

3. Will your sister bе ... home ... this evening?

а) in, оn b) at, ­-

4. If we don't hurry, we'll bе late ... dinner.

а) оn Ь) for

5. Тhey jumped ... the bridge ... the water.

а) off, into Ь) of, in

6. Some people talk ... their health аll the time.

а) about Ь) оn

7. Edina doesn't use her new car very often; she used to go everywhere . .. bicycle.

а) оn Ь) bу

8. In our country children nоrmаllу start school ... the age of six.

а) at Ь) оn

9. We must hurry! The train leaves ... ten minutes.

а) at Ь) in

10. Last night 1 spoke ... ту husband ... the telephone.

а) with, bу Ь) to, оn

11. What are you doing ... Sunday evening?

а) оn Ь) in

12. Му elder brother is interested ... Internet and computer games.

а) of Ь) in

V. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the complex object:

1. Я никогда не слышал, как он говорит по-французски.

2. Он хочет, чтобы его сын стал юристом.

3. Он любит, чтобы обед был вовремя.

4. Я знаю, что он очень опытный преподаватель.

5. Мы ожидаем, что контракт будет заключен в ближайшем будущем.

Вариант 7

(Выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются с букв Ш – Э).

I. Read and translate the following text: Роliсе Technology in the usa

Requests for police services are generally transmitted to headquarters bу telephone and then by radio to officers in the field. Police have long operated оп the theory that fast response time results in тоге arrests and less risk оr injury to victims. Тhе current trend is toward handling calls bу priority, with emergency response reserved for cases involving аn injured party or those in which а reasonable сhаnсе exists to prevent а crime or make аn arrest at the scene. Modern computer-assisted dispatching systems permit automatic selection of the nearest officer in service. In some cities, officers саn receive messages displayed оп computer terminals in their cars, without voice communication from headquarters. Аn officer, for example, сап key in the license number of а suspect саг and receive аn immediate response from the computer as to the status of the саг and the owner's identity.

Аn increasing number of agencies are now using computers to link crime patterns with certain suspects. Fingerprints found at crime scenes саn bе electronically compared with fingerprint files.

In recent years technological advances have bееn made in such areas as voice identification, use of the scanning electron microscope, and blood testing which is аn important tool because only 2 persons in 70,000 have identical blood characteristics. Some of the new laboratory techniques, although highly effective, arc extremely expensive, so their use is limited to the most challenging cases.

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