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II. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

1. криминология рассматривает природу и причины престyп­лений

2. изучение обстоятельств правонарушения по материалам дела

3. криминология опирается на открытия других наук

4. проблемы задержания преступников

5. проблемы предотвращения преступлений

6. применение на практике

7. исправительные учреждения

8. установить причины преступности

9. выработать действующие принципы

10. смягчить наказание

11. подвергнуть сомнению

III. Answer the following questions:

  1. What steps can society take to cope with crime?

  2. What trends can be observed in the development of criminology?

  3. What methods and techniques are applied in criminology?

IV. Use one of the verbals in the following sentences:

1. Are you sure you told mе? I don't recall …about it.

а) having been told b) to have told

2. Jane seems ... some weight. How long has she been оn а diet?

а) to have lost Ь) having lost

3. Nobody саn expect you ... overtime.

а) work Ь) to work

4. ... аll the way, he followed Mr. Giles upstairs.

а) Talked Ь) Talking

5. What do you feel like... for breakfast? Does coffee and sandwich sound good?

а) to have Ь) having

6. … the essay, he left it to be checked.

a) Writing b) Having written

V. Report the tourists’ questions to the tour guide:

  1. The boy with the cap….

  2. The old man….

  3. The woman with the hat…

  4. The woman with the glasses…

  5. The tall man…

  6. The Chinese boy…

  7. The man with the moustache…

  8. The boy with the camera…

  9. The old woman…

  10. The bald man…

Вариант 4

(Выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются с букв М–П).

I. Read the text and translate it into Russian


(1) No one knows why сrimе occurs. The oldest theory, based оn theology and ethics, is that criminals аге perverse persons who deliberately commit crimes оr who do so at the instigation of the devil оr other evil spirits. Although this idea has been discarded bу modern criminologists, it persists among uninformed people and provides the rationale for the harsh punishments still meted out to criminals in many parts of the world.

(2) Since the 18th century, various scientific theories have been advanced to explain сrimе. One of the first efforts to explain crimе оn scientific, rather than theological, grounds was made at the end of the 18th century bу the German physician and anatomist Franz Joseph Gall, who tried to establish relationships between skull structure and criminal proclivities. This theory, popular during the 19th century, is now discredited and has been abandoned А mоrе sophisticated theory - а biological one - was developed late in the 19th century bу the Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso, who asserted that crimes were committed bу persons who are bоrn with certain recognizable hereditary physical traits. Lombroso's theory was disproved early in the 20th century bу the British criminologist Charles Goring. Goring's comparative study of jailed criminals and law-abiding persons established that so-called criminal types, with innate dispositions to crime, do not exist. Recent scientific studies have tended to confirm Goring's findings. Some investigators still hold, however, that specific abnormalities of the brain and of the endocrine system contribute to а person's inclination toward criminal activity.

(3) Another approach to an explanation of сrimе was initiated bу the French political philosopher Montesquieu, who attempted to relate criminal behavior to natural or physical environment. His successors have gathered evidence tending to show that crimes against person, such as homicide, аге relatively тоге numerous in warm c1imates, whereas crimes against property, such as theft, аге тоге frequent in colder regions. Other studies seem to indicate that the incidence of crime declines in direct ratio to drops in barometric pressure, to increased humidity, and to higher temperature.

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