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Visiting a Doctor

Last week I caught a bad cold. I felt bad. I had a running nose, a bad cough and a sore throat. The temperature was 38.5. I also had a headache and couldn’t sleep. I decided to go to the clinic. The doctor examined me and said that I had the flu. He told me to stay in bed for a few days and prescribed some medicine. He put me on the sick list. When I returned home, I went to bed at once. I had some hot tea with honey and took some medicine. The treatment helped me. Soon I felt better and a few days later I recovered. My temperature became normal. When I came to the clinic again, the doctor said that everything was all right and I could go to my office. He advised me to spend a lot of time in the open air and devote more time to sport.


  1. How is Mr. Brown?

He is in hospital.

I am sorry to hear it. What’s the matter with him?

He had an operation.

I hope he’ll be all right.

Let’s hope for the best.

  1. I don’t feel well.

What’s the matter with you?

I have stomach (heart) trouble and a pain in the side.

Too bad. You’ll have to consult a good specialist.

I am afraid so.

  1. What did the doctor tell you?

He told me to drop smoking and to keep to a diet.

You should take the advice.

  1. I’ve got to go to the dentist. I have a bad tooth.

My sympathies.

  1. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Thank you. Keep well.

  1. How long did you have to stay in hospital?

I had to stay in hospital for about a month.

How do you feel now?

Everything is all right. Nothing to complain of.

  1. Is your brother still ill?

Thank God, he is quite well now.

I am glad to hear it. Give him my best regards.


catch, caught поймать, схватить

catch a (bad) cold(сильно) простудиться

feel, felt чувствовать

feel bad (well)чувствовать себя плохо (хорошо)

have a running nose иметь насморк

I have a sore throat.У меня болит горло.

have a headacheиметь головную боль

sleep, slept спать

decide to do smth.решить делать что-л.

clinic клиника

examine smb.1. осматривать кого-л.; 2. экзаменовать

the flu грипп

stay in the bad лежать в постели

for five days (for a week, etc.)в течение пяти дней (в течение недели)

medicine 1. медицина; 2. лекарство

prescribe some medicine выписать лекарство

take some medicineпринимать лекарство

put smb. on the sick list выдать больничный лист

honey мед

treat smb. лечить кого-л.

treatment лечение

feel better (worse) чувствовать себя лучше (хуже)

a few days later несколько дней спустя

again вновь, снова

recoverпоправиться, выздороветь

recovery выздоровление

I wish you a speedy recovery.Желаю Вам скорейшего выздоровления.

Everything is all right. Все в порядке.

in the open air на открытом воздухе

devote more time to sport уделять больше времени спорту


be in hospital быть в больнице

I am sorry to hear it. Печально это слышать.

What’s the matter with him?Что с ним?

operation операция

He had an operation.Его оперировали.

He is all right. С ним все в порядке.

Let’s hope for the best. Будем надеется на лучшее.

trouble неприятность, беспокойство,зд.заболевание

heart сердце

stomach желудок

liver печень

have heart (stomach) trouble иметь заболевание сердца (желудка)

pain боль

pain in the side (back, etc.) боль в боку (спине и т.п.)

consultпосоветоваться с кем-л.

drop smokingбросить курить

keep to a diet придерживаться диеты

take smb.’s adviceпоследовать совету

dentist зубной врач

a bad tooth больной зуб

My sympathies.Я Вам сочувствую.

Keep well. Не болейте.

need a rest (time, etc.)нуждаться в отдыхе (во времени и т.п.)

How long …Как долго (сколько времени) …

complain of smth.жаловаться на что-л.

Nothing to complain of.Не на что жаловаться.

still все еще

He is ill.Он болен.

Thank God! Слава Богу!

patient пациент, больной

Сложные местоимения и наречия




everybodyвсе, каждый

something что-то

anything что-либо

nothing ничто

everything всё

somewhereгде-то, куда-то

anywhere где-либо, куда-либо

nowhere нигде

everywhere везде

allвсе, всё
