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Last Saturday I went to a department store, which is situated not far from my house. I wanted to buy a rain coat. There were many rain coats on sale and I chose one of them. I liked the style, the stuff and the cut. And it was not very expensive. I went to the fitting-room to try it on, but unfortunately it was too tight in the shoulders, so I asked the shop assistant to show me another. She brought me another rain coat and it was just my size. It fitted me perfectly and it was very becoming. I paid at the desk and took my purchase. When I came home and showed it to my wife, she said she liked it very much.


1. Salesman: What can I do for you?

Customer: I want some brown shoes size 8.

Salesman: Here is a pair about your size. How do you feel?

Customer: They are quite comfortable. What’s the price? (How much are they?)

Salesman: 50 dollars.

Customer: I guess I’ll take them.

  1. Excuse me, how can I get to the shoe department?

It’s over there, on the left.

  1. What have you bought?

I have bought a lot of things: a suit, a sweater, a pair of socks and a new umbrella.

  1. I have bought a dress and I don’t like it.

Go back to the shop and change it for another.

  1. Give me a quarter of Indian tea, a pound of ham and two pounds of lump sugar.

Yes, madam, will you pay at the desk, please?

  1. This fur coat costs too much.

Yes, it does. But it looks smart. This style is in fashion now.

  1. I don’t advise you to buy these trousers. They are out of fashion.

Thank you for advise.

  1. You have bought a nice blouse.

I am glad you like it.

  1. You look smart in your new coat.

How nice of you to say so.


shop магазин

go shoppingходить в магазин

department store универсальный магазин

supermarket универсам

be situated быть расположенным, находиться

buy, bought покупать

sell, sold продавать

on saleв продаже

choose, chose, chosen выбирать


stuff материал

cut, cut, cut резать, покрой

expensive дорогой (о вещах)

cheap дешевый

fitting room примерочная

try on a suit примерять костюм

tight тесный


in the shoulders в плечах

shop assistant продавец

salesman (woman) продавец (продавщица)


another(какой-нибудь) другой

The suit is (just) my size.Костюм (как раз) моего размера.

wear, wore, wornносить (об одежде)

What size shoes do you wear?Какого размера туфли Вы носите?

I wear shoes size 8. Я ношу восьмой размер.

The suit fits you perfectly. Костюм на Вас сидит безупречно.

It’s very becoming.Он к лицу.

pay, paid платить

pay at the desk платить в кассе

purchaseпокупка (вещь)


customer покупатель, клиент

What can I do for you?Чем могу Вам полезен?

a pair of shoes (socks, gloves) пара ботинок (носок, перчаток)

What’s the price?Какая цена?

How much is it?Сколько это стоит?

I guess … department Я полагаю … (ам.) отдел

It’s over there.Он вон там.

sweater свитер

umbrella зонт

moneyденьги(неисчисляемое существительное, употребляется в ед.ч.)

There is much (little) money.Имеется много (мало) денег.

quite a lot довольно много

dress платье

change smth. forсменить что-л. на

a pound of ham фунт ветчины

cost, cost, cost стоить

fur мех, меховой

smart нарядный

in fashion в моде

out of fashion не в моде

trousers брюки

blouse блузка

How nice of you to say so.Спасибо за комплимент. (Как мило с Вашей стороны, что Вы это говорите.)
