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Типовик_Ноябрь 2008 English.doc
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Тема 26. Условные предложения третьего типа с инверсией


  1. Had we had an ammeter, we should have been able to measure current. – Если бы у нас был амперметр, мы смогли бы изме-рить ток.

  2. Had they used alternative technologies, the ecological situation in the region would have been better. –Если бы они пользова-лись ресурсосберегающими технологиями, экологическая ситуация в регионе была бы лучше.

Task. Translate the following sentences into Russian


  1. Had the people discovered electricity earlier, they would not have used candles.

  2. Hadn't he been so lazy, he would have graduated from the institute a year ago.

  3. Hadn't he been so absent-minded, he would have been a post-graduate student now.

  4. Had we used d.c. voltage, we should not have been able to use transformers to increase or reduced it.

  5. Had we used silver conductors in our device, it would have been much more expensive.

  6. Had the device been repaired well, it would not have been so inefficient.

  7. Had the student used a dictionary, he would not have made so many mistakes in his translation.

  8. Had I studied well, I should have passed my exams.

  9. Had they used a better device, their results would have been more accurate.

  10. Had the weather been warmer, the fuel consumption would have been lower.


  1. Has he known about all electrical hazards, he would not have made that experiment so carelessly.

  2. Could high tech electronics have provided them, the superpowerful amplifiers on transistors would be used in radars.

  3. Had there been a potential difference between the two points, there would have been a current flow between them.

  4. Had several modern medical probes been designed in the beginning of the twentieth century, a lot of lives would have been saved.

  5. Had semiconductors been discovered earlier, most modern semiconductor devices would have been more advanced.

  6. Had the protection equipment been turned on earlier, the cascading failure would not have developed.

  7. Had medicine been developed better in the Middle Ages, it would have been possible to prevent a lot of epidemics.

  8. Had the thermal power station used natural gas instead of coal, air in the city would have been cleaner.

  9. Could the scientists of the past have used computers, it would have been much easier for them to make their calculations.

  10. Had the German researcher Schliemann (1822 – 1890) had better archeological or historical education, he would not have made his excavations in Asia Minor so carelessly and illogically.

  11. Had ships of ancient Greeks been made of metal sheets instead of wood, they would have been much stronger.

  12. Had measurement instrumentation been designed better, our results would have been much more reliable.

  13. Had the devices had a lightning conductor, they would not have been damaged during the thunderstorm.

  14. Had one of the windings or the iron core been damaged, the transformer would have been useless.

  15. Had the electricity not been discovered, life in the twentieth century would have been very different.

  16. Had safety regulations been observed, there would not have been several accidents at atomic power plants.

  17. Could they have seen the machines in operation, then they would have had a better idea of the design.Had ancient people known more about thunderstorms, they would not have been afraid of them so much.