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Типовик_Ноябрь 2008 English.doc
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Тема 23. Условные придаточные предложения второго типа


  1. If there were no oil, we should not have a lot of modern devices now. – Если бы не было нефти, у нас не было бы многих современных приборов.

  2. If the river were deeper, it would be navigable. – Если бы река была глубже, она была бы судоходной.

Task. Translate the following sentences into Russian


  1. If the protective equipment were bad, there would be a lot of accidents.

  2. If we had an ammeter, we should be able to measure the current.

  3. If we had a better boiler, we should be able to produce more steam.

  4. If the equipment met our requirements, we should buy it immediately.

  5. If the turbines and boilers did not meet our requirements, we should not buy them.

  6. If the turbine efficiency were higher, we should save fuel and money.

  7. If we were all here, we should start our experiment.

  8. If I were you, I should not become an engineer.

  9. If the director were in, he would receive you in his office.

  10. I should be able to do much better job, it I weren't so tired now.


  1. If the current in the winding were lower, the results of the experiment would be wrong.

  2. If the generator were broken, the power station would not be able to supply electrical power to its consumers.

  3. If you did not know the basic principles of this physical theory, you would not pass the exams to enter our institute.

  4. If we continued to use solid fuel instead of gas, the losses would be much higher.

  5. If the temperature changed frequently, thermal stresses would cause the pipeline breaking.

  6. If the weather were colder, combined power stations would not be able to supply enough heat power.

  7. If all the electrical devices were properly insulated, there would be no accidents in the factory.

  8. If we received new equipment, we should have to change the standard operational and maintenance procedures.

  9. If we reduced emissions of the greenhouse gases, the atmosphere would become cleaner.

  10. If we used computers from morning till evening, we should hurt our sight.

  11. If we looked around, we should see that we couldn't live without electricity.

  12. They would accept this lot of instruments, if they were satisfied with today's tests.

  13. They would refuse to buy the tools, if they weren't satisfied with their quality.

  14. If this model were improved in the output power and overall sizes, the use of it would be increased a lot.

  15. If he were in Moscow next week, he would come to our plant.

  16. Unless the engineers and scientists solved the disposal problem, nuclear energy would not become a widespread source.

  17. If Antarctica did not play a unique role in the world environmental system, the scientists would not pay great attention to it.

  18. If she were free today, she would not hesitate to join us.

  19. If you visited this exhibition, you would see the latest models of this firm.

  20. We were grateful to you, if you would reserve a room in the hotel.