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Типовик_Ноябрь 2008 English.doc
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Тема 12. Бессоюзное подчинение придаточных определительных предложений


The hostel |the students live in| is situated in the park. – Общежи-тие, в котором живут студенты, расположено в парке.

Task. Translate the following sentences into Russian


  1. The data we obtained are of great importance for our research work.

  2. The phenomena you are talking about were discovered by Russian scientists.

  3. The inventor demonstrated the machine he had worked at.

  4. The theory you are interested in was first developed in this country.

  5. It is difficult to imagine the world we live in without radio, television and telephone.

  6. The laboratories our students work in are provided with the best production equipment.

  7. All the necessary data we found in the magazine are of great practical importance.

  8. The devices Russia produces are known all over the world.

  9. The problem the scientists solved was extremely difficult.

  10. The facts you told me about are connected with the history of electrical engineering.


  1. The principle the scientists employed in their experiments is quite new and original.

  2. The students were given a problem they had to solve.

  3. The facts you have been given above illustrate the use of instruments on a large scale.

  4. The laboratory assistant showed the students the instruments they had to work with, the tables they had to sit at and the tasks they had to fulfil.

  5. The liquid the laboratory assistant studied continued to boil until it vaporized

  6. The mixture of the liquids the lecturer has told the students about boils at the temperature of 90°C.

  7. The gas dissolved in the liquid will be studied in detail by the engineer and the assistant he is working with.

  8. For a long time A.Bell couldn’t get the results he was looking for.

  9. Materials new computers depend upon must be of the best quality.

  10. Each of the concepts we have pointed at will be discussed later on.

  11. The magnetizing effect of the current depends both on the current strength and on the number of turns the current flows through.

  12. The four factors conductance depends on are: the size of the wire used, its length and temperature as well as the kind of material to be employed.

  13. The changes and movements of the air we are surrounded with influence our lives.

  14. The facts you have been told about illustrate the use of generators and their importance.

  15. It is impossible to name a substance the designer has not used in his numerous experiments.

  16. We decided to determine the purity of the liquid we employed in our experiments but the results obtained were not the results expected.

  17. The scientist solved the scientific problem he had been working at for a long time.

  18. The new methods of research the engineers had used at the plant greatly improved their work.

  19. The material the conductors are made of must withstand high temperatures.

  20. The problem the scientists work at was of great significance.