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Международные организации (англ).doc
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1. Complete the following sentences:

1. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is …

2. The main tasks of NATO at present are …

3. The fundamental guiding principle of NATO is …

4. According to Article 5 of the Washington treaty, …

5. The fundamental security tasks of NATO concern the spheres of …

6. NATO is an inter-governmental organization …

7. The head of NATO is …

8. The main decision-making body of NATO is …

9. The meetings of the North Atlantic Council are held at … levels.

10. The work of NAC is assisted by …

2. Answer the following questions:

1.What is NATO?

2. When was the Washington treaty signed?

3. What is essential and enduring purpose of NATO?

4. What is the bedrock of NATO?

5. What are the relations between NATO members based on?

6. What is the main aim of NATO? Is it difficult to achieve? Why/Why not?

7. In what way does the alliance contribute to peace and stability in the region?

8. What does the fundamental guiding principle of NATO consist in?

9. Does any ally rely only on itself in dealing with basic security challenges?

10. What principle is proclaimed in Article 5 of the Washington treaty?

11. What are the fundamental security tasks NATO performs?

12. In what way does NATO provide a stable security environment in the Euro-Atlantic area?

13. What burning problems do the allied consultations of NATO members tackle?

14. What does NATO’s deterrence and defense task consist in?

15. Who is NATO headed by?

16. What are the main functions of the Secretary General of NATO?

17. What is the North Atlantic Council?

18. What kinds of meetings and summits can be conducted by the member states?

19. In what cases are the summit meetings of heads of state and government conducted?

20. What functions do subordinate Committees perform?

21. Does NATO have operational forces of its own?

  1. Give as much information as possible concerning the following notions:


North Atlantic Treaty

United Nations Charter

Secretary General of NATO


Operational forces

  1. Prepare the summary of the text in 10-12 sentences. Use the active vocabulary from the Word Study section.

Word Study

1. Translate the following words and word combinations from the text from English into Russian:

Alliance; essential; to safeguard freedom and security; to share values and interests; to be based on …; the rule of law; to secure; to affect; to contribute to peace and stability; commitment to…; to rely upon; to be proclaimed; peaceful resolution of disputes; to coerce; to pose risks; to deter; decision-making process; to make appointments; ministerial level; to be assisted; to assign; indispensable.

2. Translate the following words and word combinations from the text from Russian into English:

Выполнять особую миссию; быть приверженным чему-либо; постоянный; основные принципы; начало; экстренные случаи; сохранять свободу и безопасность; на уровне министров; постоянный; установление демократических принципов; делать назначения; председатель; справедливый; подвергать риску; влиять на…; обеспечивать; сохранять суверенитет; сферы общих интересов; основной принцип; приверженность чему-либо; совместные консультации союзников; войска в состоянии боевой готовности; солидарность и единство; мирное разрешение конфликтов; иметь дело с основными угрозами безопасности.