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Учебник Маслова часть 2.doc
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I. Слова и выражения для повторения.

artificial, to receive, to increase, to depend on, domestic animals, cattle breeding, service, to serve, average, to include, to need, to improve, quality, quantity, after, before, stallion, bull, ram, boar, to obtain, breeder, sire, some, the same, as... as, as well аs

II. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих интернациональных слов:

technique, specific, protection, emphasis, tendency, coefficient, compromise, intensity, record, controller, assistant, inspector, instruction

*sprinkle – брызгать

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III. Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на бессоюзные определи­тельные придаточные предложения.

1. The pastures the farmers divide into paddocks are grazed more profitably. 2. There are different kinds of mash the farmers use in raising poultry. 3. The ration the laying hen should receive consists of grain and mash. 4. This is the foal we spoke about yesterday.


The artificial insemination technique has received increasing attention in many countries. It has been used in all domestic animals and poultry, but it is most extensively used for cattle breed­ing. There are now few cattle-raising countries the artificial in­semination technique is not practised in.

The artificial insemination technique has many advantages over the ordinary service. By artificial insemination the number of cows served by one bull can be increased from the normal average number of between 30 and 50 per year by natural service, up to between 300 and 700 and in special cases up to 10.000 or more. By means of this method the improvement in breed type, production and quality can be more rapidly effected, provided that only tried and outstanding sires are used. A smaller amount of bulls is needed and consequently more rigid methods of selecting bulls can be practised. This results in the elimination of inferior bulls from breeding and in the improvement of the quality of the cattle. In certain cases artificial insemination may be a means of preventing infertility, since it is possible to examine a bull's semen, which cannot be done with ordinary service.

Artificial insemination technique includes semen collection, processing of semen, freezing semen and insemination techniques. When collecting semen, special attention should be paid to

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preventing any possibility of contamination by dust, dirt or chemi­cals. Clean collecting equipment is essential.

Soon after collection the semen is diluted with a diluted at the same temperature as the semen. Diluents, as milk, for instan­ce, offer protection of the sperm during temperature change. Dilu­ted bull semen can be stored at 5°C for 3 or 4 days. Ram or boar semen is ordinarily used within a day or two after collection. Stallion semen does not store well and is usually used during the first day after collection.

To bе stored for a long period, the semen should be frozen. The results the experienced breeders obtain with frozen semen have proved to be as successful as those with liquid semen. Frozen semen can be transported over long distances when stored in chests containing dry ice or liquid nitrogen. Transporting frozen semen in liquid nitrogen is the safest method of shipping for sperm preservation.

The frozen semen the breeder is going to use may bе warmed immediately to body temperature. It should bе used soon after thawing because reduced fertility results from keeping thawed semen at 5°C for several hours before insemination.

Пояснения к тексту

1. tried sire - проверенный производитель

2. offer protection - защищать

3. have proved to - оказались ...

4. is going to - собирается


1. a means - средство

to mean - означать, значить

bу means of - посредством, путем

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2. to result in - приводить к

to result from - приходить от

Активные слова и выражения

insemination, advantage, production, tried sire, inferior, infer­tility, preservation, semen, sperm, to process, to freeze (froze, frozen), to dilute, dilute, to store, means, to mean , by means of, result in, result from, fertility

IV. Составьте предложения, соединяя подходящие по смыслу части.

1. Different classes of farm animal’s a. has been rapid in all large cattle breeding countries.

2. Less bulls b. is a good method of keeping it for long periods.

3. The dilute с. should not be kept for a long time.

4. Diluted semen d. are now bred by the artificial insemination technique.

5. Freezing semen e. protects the semen during temperature change.

6. Production of high-quality f. depends on the care and management semen of the male.

7. Progress in using artificial g. are required when artificial insemination

insemination method is used.

V. Выделите бессоюзные определительные предложения в следующих предложениях; переведите.

1. The diluted bull semen the farmer is going to use in 3 to 4 days should be kept at 5°C. 2. The number of cows the bull can serve under natural conditions may reach about 40 a year. 3. There are two main methods the breeders can use for sperm preservation. 4. The dairy cows the farmers keep for obtaining milk may be high,

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average, or low-producing. 5. The feed the sire should receive varies with the season and the condition of the animal. 6. There are many systems of fattening the farmers use in breeding beef cattle. 7. The amount of total digestible nutrients the mature horses require depends on the work done by them.

VI. Переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод слов с окончанием –ing.

1. The method of artificial insemination being the most progres­sive one, the breeders widely use it in breeding different classes of farm animals. 2. Knowing the advantages of the method of artificial insemination, the cattle breeders recommend it to be used in breeding other farm animals. 3. Having been diluted with a diluted, the bull semen may be stored at 5°C for 3 or 4 days. 4. Freez­ing semen is done in order to store it for a long period. 5. The breeders using semen soon after thawing it have good results. 6. The breeders using semen soon after thawing it, good results are usually obtained. 7. Using semen soon after thawing, the breeders obtain good results. 8. The sperm is of high quality due to its having been stored under proper conditions. 9. The processing of semen includes its dilution with some diluent in order to pro­tect the semen during the temperature change. 10. When collecting the semen, the breeders should use clean equipment. 11. The ideal succulent feed is a good pasture grass, its succulence varying with the season. 12. Pasture grasses being abundant and palatable, no grain may be given to the ram.

VII. Выберите правильную форму:

  1. Our stables are (cleaning, cleaned, being cleaned) twice a week.

  2. Stables (have cleaned, have been cleaned). 3. We shall (cleaning, clean, to clean) the stables to-morrow. 4. He is (cleaned, cleaning, being cleaned) the stables now. 5. Stables should(been


cleaned, to be cleaned, be cleaned) today.

VIII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение “result in”, “result from”.

1. The use of the artificial insemination method has resulted in the improvement of the herd. 2. The increase in the number of cows served by оnе bull has resulted from the use of the semen of the purebred sires. 3. The use of this method has resulted in the decrease in the amount of bulls needed for breeding. 4. Lack of exercise may result in the decrease in the breeding qualities of this bull. 5. The increase in milk yields has resulted from the improvement of feeding and management conditions of the cows. 6. Controlling diseases and parasites has resulted in better growth and development of the lambs. 7. Providing bulls with un­balanced rations may result in the reduction of their vigour and activity. 8. The decrease in egg production on this farm has re­sulted from the lack of food of a protein nature.

IX. Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на значение слова "mean".

1. The artificial insemination method is a good means of improv­ing the breeds. 2. All sires may be kept in good breeding condi­tion by means of moderate exercise and proper feeding. 3. Artifi­cial insemination means the insemination of females with sperm by means of special instruments. 4. Weaning means separating young animals from their dams. 5. Feeding chickens high-protein rations is a good means of obtaining high-quality meat.

X. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. What classes of farm animals is artificial insemination used in?

  1. What advantages has artificial insemination over the ordinary service?

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  1. Why is a smaller amount of bulls needed in using artificial insemination?

  2. What is the purpose of diluting the semen?

  3. How long can diluted bull semen be stored at 5ºC?

  4. How may the semen be stored for a long period?

7. What is the safest method of shipping the frozen semen? XI. Переведите на английский язык.

а) Искусственное осеменение, преимущество, естественная (обычная) случка, проверенный производитель, семя, разбавлять,разбавитель, средство, хранить, замораживать, производительность, бесплодие, означать, оплодотворение, приводить к, происходить от, посредством

б) 1.Искусственное осеменение является важным средством разведения сельскохозяйственных животных. 2. Метод искусственного осеменения используется во многих странах, разводящих скот. 3. Используя только выдающихся производителей, мы можем улучшить породы. 4. Чтобы хранить семя несколько дней, его нужно разбавить каким-нибудь разбавителем. 5. Замороженное семя может храниться долго.

в) 1. Искусственное осеменение, как уже установлено, является наиболее прогрессивным способом оплодотворения сельскохозяйственных животных. 2. Благодаря возможности глубокого замораживания спермы и ее длительного хранения можно создать запас спермы от наиболее ценных производителей и использовать ее, когда необходимо.

3. Значение искусственного осеменения состоит в том, что оно дает возможность улучшить породные качества животных. 4. Чтобы получать высококачественную сперму, производителя надо как следует кормить и за ним хорошо ухаживать перед сбором спермы. 5. В 1973 году было осеменено искусственно около 7591 общего поголовья коров в хозяйствах нашей страны.

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ХП. Прочтите текст и передайте его содержание по-английски (по-русски).

The Importance of Artificial insemination

The method of artificial insemination is known to be а vеrу progressive one in breeding different classes of farm animals as well as poultry and bees*. In many countries of the world more than 50 per cent of cows are now bred artificially.

The technique of artificial insemination is to obtain semen from tried and outstanding sires, to store it under proper conditions until it is needed and to use it.

There are two ways of storing the semen obtained. The first way is to store the semen during the short period of time. In this case it is diluted with some diluent. The second way is to store the semen over long periods. Then it should be frozen. No decrease in the quality of semen takes place in freezing it. The freezing of semen for storage over long periods is a good means of preser­ving the semen. It is now practised is many countries. By means of freezing the semen it is now possible to have the reserves of sperm of most outstanding sires and to use it is different parts of the world.

The artificial insemination technique is of great importance for the improvement of farm animals, since only the best sires may be used in breeding.

XIII. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. What country was the first to use the artificial insemination method for farm animal improvement?

  2. What farm animals is this method applied now to?

*bee – пчела

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History and Importance of Artificial Insemination

The method of artificial insemination was first applied to dogs by Lazzaro Spallanzani, an Italian physiologist as early as in 1780. At that time the method aroused only scientific interest. Some practical use of artificial insemination was made in horse breeding about 1890. Wide use of artificial breeding for improvement in farm animals was first made in the USSR through the work by Ivanov. He started the program with horses about 1900 and soon included cattle and sheep; by 1938 the technique had been in common practice for breeding mares, cows and ewes.

This method is widely used for providing service to hogs. In several countries 50 per cent of sows are now bred by artificial insemination. From Denmark, Russia, the USA and England this advanced system of breeding has spread to every country in the world.

The method of artificial insemination is now applied to all classes of farm animals as well as poultry and bees*. It is a breeding technique which has proved to be very successful.

XIV. Прочтите текст, выделите в нем две основные части и озаглавьте их по-английски.

Care and Management of the Male before Semen Collection

Production of high-quality semen depends on the care and ma­nagement given to the male before the time of semen collection. The amount of total digestible nutrients required for different mature animals varies greatly. Severe underfeeding** does not

*bee - пчела

**underfeed – недокармливать


reduce sperm production in a mature bull. Overfeeding* at this age results in the limits of the animal's reproductive life. Rams fed the ration of different nutrition during the growing stage show no difference in semen production. Neither overfeeding nor se­vere underfeeding are allowed for the boar. The stallion should gain slightly in weight during the mating season. Exercise is abso­lutely necessary to keep males in optimum breeding condition. Most bulls are in better physical condition by means of moderate exer­cise. This can be provided in several ways. Exercise is not a prob­lem for rams. But as to the boar it is necessary to provide him either with a pasture or to make him exercise by locating feed some distance from his pen. Exercise is highly important for the stallion. The work in the harness** each day is recommended.





I. Повторение пройденных

грамматических конструкций и лексики