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Учебник Маслова часть 2.doc
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I. Слова и выражения для повторения.

to manage, to produce, lamb, roughage, nutrient, amount, to increase, to decrease, depending on, birth, to eat, grass, solid, growth, succulent, available, as well, daily, a day, either ... or

II. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих интернациональных слов.

form, formal, formally, formation, historic, population, combination, contribution, canal, structure, sort


Most lowground flocks are either kept for providing high-class breeding animals, chiefly rams, or they are managed so as to produce as many fat lambs as possible.

Being fed good roughage during the early part of the pregnancy period, the pregnant ewes are supplied with the necessary nutrients to be in good condition. Placing the feed some distance from the pen the sheepmen make the ewes take exercise. For a period of 4 to 6 weeks before lambing grain is to be added to the ewe's ration. Whether the amount of grain to be fed should be increased is decided, depending on the ewe’s condition.

Ewes are known to lamb in a lambing pen. Like the farrowing or calving pens the lambing pen should be cleaned, disinfected and ventilated before the ewe is put into it. The lambing pen should be dry and warm.


On the fat-lamb producing farms a creep feeding is commonly practised. Having been arranged on pasture, the creep allows the lambs to eat the best fresh grass while the ewes following them eat everything left by the lambs.

Pastures are divided into several small paddocks by temporary fencing, each being grazed for 3 to 4 days. Then the sheep are moved to the next one. In this way the sheep are always eating fresh and clean grass.

In addition to feeding on pasture lowground flocks are provi­ded with concentrated rations in troughs. Having finished feeding the sheep, the sheepraiser turns the trough upside down and lea­ves it so until the next feeding comes. Hay is widely used in feeding the sheep as well. Silage is also fed but to a limited extent.

Sheep grow better, when fed a concentrated ration twice daily. Young lambs should be fed three times a day.

During dry weather in spring or early summer the ewes should be given as much water as they desire, for in this case the milk flow for the lambs will be maintained even though there be little or no growth of succulent grass available.

Пояснения к тексту

1. so as to produce - так, чтобы производить

2. pregnancy period - суягность

3. pregnant ewe - суягная овца

4. upside down - вверх дном 5. even though - даже, если

Запомните: whether - ли

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Активные слова и выражения

to lamb, trough, pregnant ewe, pregnancy period, lambing pen, whether

III. Составьте предложения, соединяя подходящие по смыслу части.

  1. Most lowground flocks are kept a. are divided into small paddocks.

  2. Pregnant ewes are given b. are fed three times a day.

3. Lambing pens c. are fed in troughs. 4. Creeps are practised d. for breeding.

5. Pastures e. on fat-lamb producing farms.

  1. Concentrates f. some grain before lambing.

  2. Young lambs g. are kept clean and dry.

IV. Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод сложных форм причастия I.

1. Having chosen a pure-bred ram, the farmer achieved a great im­provement in the offspring. 2. Being used sparingly, the ram will be vigorous and active for a long time. 3. Having been pro­vided with good pasture, the lambs developed well. 4. Being allo­wed to run with the ewes all the time, the ram may serve up to 50 ewes a season. 5. Having been divided into paddocks, the pas­ture area was used properly. 6. Having divided the pasture into paddocks, the farmers used it properly. 7. Having grazed one paddock thoroughly the farmer moved the sheep to another one. 8. Being kept on pasture in summer, the sheep ought to bе provided with shade. 9. Having fed the sheep, the sheepman turned the troughs upside down. 10. Having been fed concentrates, sheep were turned out to pasture.

V. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите функции слов с окончанием - ing.

1. Keeping the ram away from the flock is a very good practice.

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2. Hand mating being practised, the ram may serve 50 to 75 ewes a season. 3. The farmers growing oats and legumes together obtain very good hay for sheep. 4. The best ration for pregnant ewes is clean, palatable roughage, a little grain and succulent feed being fed as well. 5. Having weaned the lambs, the breeders should give unpalatable feeds to the ewes in order to decrease the secretion of milk. 6. A mixture consisting of two parts of oats and one part of bran is a good feed for sheep. 7. Dividing the pastu­re into small paddocks by fencing, sheep raisers supply their sheep with clean and fresh grass during the grazing season. 8. Good succulent feeds increasing milk flow, the breeders should give them to ewes after lambing. 9. The adding of grain to the ewe's ration 4 or 6 weeks before lambing is necessary. 10. Having been supplied with enough ewes’ milk, the lambs were weaned at the age of 5 month.

VI. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на союз “whether”.

  1. Не asked the sheepman whether the lambs had already been fed.2.Whether lambs are weaned at the age of 3 or 5 months depends on the amount of milk that the ewe has. 3. The farmer is interes­ted whether the lambs are provided with enough dry bedding.4. Whether the young sheep are fed two or three times daily is decided by the breeder, depending on their condition. 5. The amount of supplementary feeding depends on whether the pasture is good or bad.

VII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. What are lowground sheep kept for?

  1. What feed are pregnant ewes fed during the early part of the pregnancy period?

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3. How do breeders make the pregnant ewes take exercise?

4. Is creep feeding often practised in raising lambs?

5. In which case will the sheep eat fresh and clean grass all the time?

6. What additional feeding are lowground sheep provided with?

7. How many times a day should the sheep be fed a concentrated feed?

VIII. Переведите на английский язык.

а) суягная овцематка, суягность, окот (ягнение), окотная клеть, кормушка, ли

б) I. Находясь на пастбище, ягнята развиваются хорошо. 2. Отобрав племенных баранов, животновод улучшил свою отару. 3. Окотная клеть должна содержаться в надлежащем состоянии. 4. Суягных овец надо хорошо кормить.

в) I. Интенсивный откорм овец увеличивает количество откармливаемых животных при одних и тех же кормовых ресурсах. 2. Новорожденные ягнята должны получать первое материнское молоко не позднее, чем через полчаса после рождения. 3. Чтобы получать большое количество ягнят, необходимо повышать упитанность овец перед случкой. 4. Чем больше молодняка в отаре, тем выше ее продуктивность, т.к. молодняк растет быстрее, чем взрослые животные. 5. Концентраты особенно полезны баранам-производителям, растущему молодняку и подсосным маткам.

IX. Прочтите текст и выполните задание, данное после текста.

Fattening Lambs

Lambs in farm flocks should be fed well from birth. When lambs are suckling their mothers on good pasture, little or no grain is needed to the ewes. If pasture grasses are of low quality, creep feeding can be arranged on pasture or some grain mау be fed to the ewes to increase their milk production.

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Lambs start to eat solid feeds at the age of two weeks or a little later. Half corn and half oats make a good mixture. Another suitable mixture consists of corn, oats, wheat bran and some protein supplement in proper proportion. For the first two weeks gra­in for lambs should be ground. The lambs being older than two weeks, grinding is unnecessary.

If lambs are suckling their dams on good pasture, they can reach 80 to 90 lb. in weight in 4-5 months. The mutton at this stage is of the best quality.

Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. How may lambs be fed if pasture grasses are poor?

  2. When do lambs begin to eat solid feeds? 3. What are the two best mixtures for lambs?

4. How many months are required for lambs to reach 80-90 lb. in weight?

Повторение темы "SHEEP"

I. Прочтите текст. Составьте план к тексту по-английски.


Sheep are best adapted to the land that is high and dry, though they may be raised successfully on almost any land that is not too wet. Sheep raising is usually not practised in regi­ons that have a combination of high temperatures and high rain­fall*.

To keep the sheep healthy, they should be moved from one gra­zing area to another. This practice requires fences to divide permanent pastures into several grazing areas. Movable fencing may be used to regulate grazing of forage crops. Sheep do not need grain if good pasture is available.

*rainfall - осадки

Legume hays should make up a large part of the ewes' winter ration. After the lambs are born grain may be fed to ewes and lambs to supplement available forage.

A strong, healthy lamb needs little care. A weak lamb should be put into a warm place for about two hours after birth. The lamb should be returned to its mother as soon as* it is strong enough to nurse. If the lamb cannot nurse, bottle** feeding may be necessary.

II. Прочтите текст и выполните задание, данное после текста.

Feeding Pregnant Ewes

During the early part of the pregnancy period plenty of good roughage provides sufficient nutrients, unless the ewes are un­usually thin. Feed part of the roughages at a distance from the pen to make ewes take exercise.

For a period of 4 to 6 weeks before lambing grain is to be added to the ration of the ewes. Feed the grain earlier if the ewes are thin. About 1/2 lb. of oats, corn or other grains or a mixture of grains is fed per ewe per day. If the roughage is of poor quality, feed some high-protein feed in addition to grain.

Ewes that are kept on pasture in winter should have some rough­ages preferably legume hay in addition to pasturage in periods of poor grazing due to storms or poor grass.

When legume hay is of poor quality or is not available, it may be well to feed a mineral mixture.

Укажите, какие утверждения не соответствуют содержанию текста.

  1. Thin ewes are given plenty of roughage at the early part of the pregnancy period.

  2. Ewes are given grain at the last part of the pregnancy period.

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*as soon as – как только

**bottle - бутылка


с) When pastures are poor ewes are given some mineral mixture.

III. Прочтите текст. Озаглавьте абзацы текста.

Feeding the Ewe and her Lamb

After lambing the ewe and her lambs are to be kept together in a special lambing pen for 2 to 4 days. At this time the ewe is fed legume hay and plenty of water is provided for her. After 2 or 3 days a small amount of grain is added. This is increased gradually to 1 pound per ewe per day.

When ewes and their lambs are placed on pasture, no extra feeding of ewes is necessary, provided the pasture grass is good.

IV. Прочтите текст. Ответьте по-русски на вопрос: Какой корм явля­ется основным для баранов?

Feeding Rams

Feed rams similarly to ewes, but allow larger amounts of roughages. Except for the breeding season, when some grain should be fed, the ration can consist of good-quality roughage.


  1. Особые случаи употребления и перевода сказуемых в страдательном залоге, § 20

  2. Причастие II (Past Participle)как правое определение к существительному, § 16

  3. Функции причастия II (повторение)

I. Словa и выражения для повторения.

horse, exercise, pasture, scarce, oats, water, suitable, colostrum, to do well, dam, mixed hay, legume hay, sire, maintain, protein, bran, age, pregnant, to wean, as well as, the ... the, a day, as high as possible, stanchion, wheat, straw

II. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова, и переведите их не пользуясь словарем.

  1. hill, hilly

  2. mountain, mountainous

  3. hardiness, hardy, hardier, hardiest

  4. predominant, predominance, to predominate

III. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на сказуемое в страдательном залоге.

  1. The ewes are given roughages at the period of pregnancy. Lambs are allowed to pasture during the warm part of the day. 3. They were told to clean the sheeppen. 4. Spring is followed by summer. 5. Milk yields are influenced* by the quality of feed and the age of the cow. 6. This new breed of dairy cattle was spoken about at the last conference. 7. Corn fodder is liked by livestock. 8. Animal husbandry is paid a great attention to.

IV. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на причас­тие II (Past Participle) как определение к предшествующему существительному.

1. The quality of the feed fed is rather high. 2. The animals examined are healthy. 3. The eggs collected were sent to the market. 4. The milk analysed contained much fat. 5. We spoke about the method of feeding used.


*influenced - влиять



Horses are usually classed аs light horses and work horses. Light horses are used for riding and racing while work horses are used for pulling wagons, plows and other implements.

As with all pregnant animals, the brood mare should be maintai­ned in fair flesh and permitted or forced to get regular and moderate exercise. Confinement and overfeeding are known to be harmful for the health of the animal. Pasture which provides green feed, exercise and sunshine is an excellent environment for brood mares. Pasture grasses being scarce or not available, the mаre should be provided with good-quality legume or mixed hay. The mare is given oats to maintain her in good, strong flesh but not fat.

After foaling the mare and her foal should be kept in a foaling box-stall for the first three or four days. Warm water is very desi­rable for the mare after foaling. Bran is suitable as her first meal which should be followed by oat hay.

The first milk, colostrum, is a necessity for the young foal. The foal will begin to nibble at grass at about three weeks. It does best, having been allowed to run with its dam for five or six months or for longer period in the case of the pedigree stock. Foals should be weaned at 4 to 6 months of age and weaning be done carefully. Take the mare from the foal quietly and far enough for the foal not to hear its mother. After weaning the foal is fed good mixed or legume hay, the amount of oats given depending on its size, appetite and condition. Such feeding should be followed until spring comes when the foal is turned out to pasture.

The young stallion is known to be used not earlier than at the age of three years. The condition of the sire is influenced, to a great extent, by the kind of the ration given.

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It should be rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. 0ats with a proper propor­tion of chaff, bran and hay make the main ration of a horse. The amount of feed fed depends on the quality of the feed given, the age of the horse, as well as on the nature of the work the horse does. In general the heavier the work, the larger the proportion of grains in the ration.

Feed the horse four times per day. The second and the last feeds should be large and should be followed by hay. The last feed should be as late as possible and should be followed by the greater part of hay. Large feeds should not be given after very hard work.

Пояснения к тексту

  1. brood mare - жеребая кобыла, племенная кобыла

  2. to nibble at grass - щипать траву 3. pedigree stock - племенные животные

Активные слова и выражения

light horse, work horse, mare, brood mare, to foal, a foal, foa­ling box-stall, pedigree stock, stallion, to influence, to follow

VI. Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово; переведите.

1. (Light, work, heavy) horses are used to do different kinds of work. 2. The brood mare is to be maintained in (thin, fair) flesh. 3. Exercise is very important for the (healthy, health) of the horse.

4. The new-born foal is given some (skim milk, colostrum, milk substance). 5. After (farrowing, calving, foaling, lambing) the mare is given some warm water. 6. The (quality, quantity) of the grain to be given to the foal is 2 to 3 lbs per day. 7. The quantity of the feed is (followed, influenced, allowed) by the work done by the horse. 8. Large feeds are not given immediately (for, before, after) hard work.

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VI. Выделите в каждом предложении сказуемое в страдательном залоге; переведите.

1. These two work horses are spoken about as the best ones on this farm. 2. The condition of the brood mare is influenced by regular and moderate exercises. 3. The mare and her foal have been allowed to be on pasture all the time. 4. This new-born foal was given colostrum for four days. 5. When the mare is working, she should not be followed by her foal. 6. Foals are usually allowed to run with their dams for five or six months. 7. Warm water is given to the mare after foaling. 8. The amount of the grain in the ration is influenced by the nature of the work done by the horse. 9. Very hard work was followed by long rest.

VII. Переведите следующие предложения; обратите внимание на перевод причастия II.

a) 1. The amount of oats given varies with the condition of the foal. 2. The foals raised will be weaned at about 6 months. 3. The system of weaning used is very effective. 4. The amount of grass consumed is not sufficient for the mare. 5. The quality of the grain fed is very good.

  1. 1. The amount of oats given to the foal varies with its condition. 2. The foals raised by them will be weaned at about six months of age. 3. The system of weaning used by these far­mers is very effective. 4. The amount of grass consumed by the mare is not sufficient for her. 5. The quality of the grain fed to the foals is very good.

  2. 1. The amount of oats that is given to the foal varies with the condition of the foal. 2. Three foals are raised on our farm. 3. A new system of weaning is used by this farmer. 4. The amount of grass that is consumed by the mare is not sufficient for her. 5. The foals are fed high-quality grain.

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VIII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы?

1. What classes of horses do you know?

2. Why is pasture the best place for keeping brood mares?

  1. What should the mare be given after foaling?

  2. For how many months should the foal run with its dam?

  1. What does the amount of oats given to the foal after weaning depend on?

  2. What kind of ration should the young stallion be supplied with?

  1. Which feeds should be followed by hay?

  1. Is it good to give large feeds immediately after very hard work?

IX. Переведите на английский язык.

а) тяжеловоз, жерёбая кобыла, жеребиться, выжеребка, родильное отделение, жеребенок, жеребец, следовать за, влиять на, племенной скот, выгонять на пастбище.

б) 1. Отнятого жеребенка кормят бобовым сеном. 2. Мы говорим о выбранном жеребце. 3. За кобылой следовал жеребенок. 4. На состояние кобылы влияют условия содержания.

в) 1. Необходимость иметь лошадей разных пород и типов обусловлена различными экономическими и климатическими условиями нашей страны. 2. На потребность лошади в воде влияет вид выполняемой работы. 3. В некоторых районах нашей страны конское мясо и молоко широко используется как пища для человека. 4. Молочная продуктивность кобыл, как известно, довольно высокая. 5. В течение 5-7 месяцев лактации молочная продуктивность может доходить до 3000 литров, включая молоко, потребленное жеребенком.

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X. Прочтите текст и озаглавьте абзацы по-английски (по-русски).

The Stallion

The stallion should be kept; in a large box-stall with or without a stanchion. Light, proper ventilation and sanitation are essential for the health of the sire. Stalls must be well bedded. Wheat straw is the best material for this purpose. Oat straw may be used for bedding as well. Stalls are to be cleaned daily to keep them clean, dry and sanitary.

A large paddock adjoining the stable is very desirable for the stallion to exercise. Exercise is absolutely necessary to keep the sire in optimum breeding condition. All horses need plen­ty of exercise and will get enough, provided they are on pasture. If they are confined to a stall, they should be turned out for exercise daily.

During the breeding season the sire should be fed the ration rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. The best grain ration is oats. The stallion should be provided with plenty of salt and water. He may drink as muck as 10 to 12 gallons of water a day and even more in hot weather.



  1. Самостоятельный причастный оборот (повторение)

  2. Функции причастия II (повторение)

  3. Повторение пройденных грамматических и лексических структур

  4. only, the only

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