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Учебник Маслова часть 2.doc
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  1. Сложное подлежащее при сказуемых seem, is likely, is unlikely, §8

  2. Функции инфинитива (повторение)

  3. Временные формы глагола (повторение)

  4. Причастные обороты (повторение)

  5. Значения слова "much"

  6. "the former, the latter"

I. Слова и выражения для повторения.

Sheep, management, valuable, to grow, to supply, hay, healthy, vigorous, purebred, grain, in the fall, to keep, thrifty con­dition, unless, supplementary, breeding condition

*test- проверять

II. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова, и переведите их, не пользуясь словарём.

1. to protect, protected, protecting, protective, protection, protector

2. care, to care, careful, careless, carefully

3. to move, movement, moving, movable, unmovable

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III. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на;


>по - видимому, вероятно

is likely

is unlikely - вряд ли

1. The balanced ration is likely to supply all the necessary nutrients to the animals. 2. These pigs seem to require more vitamins. 3. This cow is unlikely to produce more milk. 4. The live weight of this pig does not seem to be more than 150 pounds.


Sheep raising is one of the most important branches of animal husbandry. Sheep are reared for two purposes: wool and mutton production.

In sheep kept for mutton early maturity and quality of meat are known to be most important. Mutton is likely to be much more valuable than wool in Great Britain. The reverse is true for Australia, South Africa and other countries where the Merino is predominant.

The necessary qualities common to all breeds of sheep are hardiness, prolificacy, milking capacity of ewes, activity and good wool characters.

There are two main divisions of sheep in Great Britain which have to be carefully differentiated. They are mountain flocks and lowground flocks. The former are kept for breeding purposes only, the latter are kept for fattening as well as breeding.

As to the hill sheep feeding it is considered to be the simp­lest and most natural method of sheep-rearing. The flock is very hardy and eats all kinds of moses and grasses growing on hills and these seem to be sufficient for the sheep.

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Supplementary feed­ing is unlikely to take place in ordinary years, unless the gro­und is heavily covered with snow. Winter being very stormy, how­ever, it becomes necessary to supply the sheep with hay during the period when the ground is covered. If only a thin layer of snow covers the ground most sheep seem to be able to find the feed, provided the surface la not frozen hard. Where hay cannot be supplied some sheep farmers provide the flock with maize and turnips.

To improve the offspring only healthy, vigorous rams are chosen for breeding purposes. Pastures being good, little grain is fed to the rams. Concentrates are fed before the breeding time and during it to keep the rams in breeding condition during the mating campaign. Rams being in thin flesh, some linseed meal may be added to the grain part of their ration.

Пояснения к тексту

1. the reverse is true - обратное явление характерно

2. milking capacity - молочность


1. seem to - по-видимому, вероятно

is likely to - по-видимому, вероятно

is unlikely to - вряд ли

2. the former - первый (из двух вышеназванных явлений или предметов)

the latter- последний (второй)

3. much - I. много (перед существительным)

2. намного, значительно (перед прилагательным в сравнительной степени)

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Активные слова и выражения

to rear, wool, mutton, hardy, mountain flock, lowground flock, to choose (chose, chosen), ram, ewe, milking capacity, to improve, offspring, much, the former, the latter, hardiness

IV. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на “seem, is likely, is unlikely”.

1. The period of weaning is likely to be very important in a pig's life. 2. Newly-weaning pigs are unlikely to grow well with two feeds. 3. Pasture is likely to provide the necessary nutrients for pigs. 4. The amount of iron and copper which is in sow's milk is unlikely to be sufficient for young pigs. 5. A thin slop of milk, wheat middlings and oatmeal seems to be the best feed for 3 or 4 week old pigs. 6. This pig does not seem to weigh 200 pounds. 7. The conditions in this piggery are unlikely to be sanitary. 8. This breed of sheep is likely to be very hardy. 9. Milking capacity is unlikely to be most important is sheep kept for wool.

V. Определите функции инфинитива в следующих предложениях, переведите.

1. The main aim of rearing sheep in Great Britain is to produce mutton 2. The ram to be used for breeding purposes ought to be pure-bred. 3. This ram is unlikely to produce a good offspring. 4. Creep feeding of young pigs and calves is known to be widely practiced in our region. 5. To wean pigs at the due time is very important. 6. Our main task is to improve this breed of dairy cows. 7. The farmers want this beef breed to be improved. 8. Thorough cleaning and disinfection of the piggery are necessary to prevent infection. 9. For the weakest pig to develop normally it should be put in a warm place after birth.

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VI. Определите время и залог сказуемого в следующих предложениях;


1. Sheep are kept for wool in our region. 2. Sheep have been kept here for 2 000 years. 3. Sheep are fed hay in winter. 4. Sheep are being fed now. 5. Sheep have been fed. 6. The sheepman feed the sheep with hay in winter. 7. If the winter is very stormy, the sheepman will feed the sheep with hay. 8. Sheep are supplied with turnips when hay is not available. 9. Last year the sheep were supplied with good-quality hay.

VII. Определите функции слов с окончанием -ing в следующих предло­жениях; переведите.

1. Feeding hill sheep is a simple problem. 2. They keep the sheep for fattening. 3. The rearing of sheep is one of the main branches of animal husbandry. 4. The sow being prolific, the farmer may keep her up to 5 years or longer. 5. Weaning taking place 7 or 8 weeks after farrowing, the sow may farrow twice a year. 6. Using rotational grazing, farmers control diseases and parasites. 7. The bedding being short, the pigs may move freely. 8. Being weaned at the due time, the pigs will gain in weight rapidly. 9» Raising pigs on good pasture, we fatten them quickly. 10. A thin layer of snow covering the ground, the sheep will feed as usual. 11. Locating the feed some distance from the pen, we make the animals to take exercise. 12. Animals receiving balanced rations grow and develop well.

VIII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение выделенных слов.

а) 1. Much water and salt should always be available for cattle. 2. The new sow is much more prolific than the old one. 3. Much wool has been obtained from each sheep in this flock. 4. Con­centrates should be fed much more liberally, provided the ram is in thin flesh.

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b) 1. Cattle are grouped into dairy cattle and beef cattle. The former are widely raised in our region. The latter are raised in the South where pastures are used throughout the year. 2. Of these two methods the latter is the most effective. 3. We feed our sheep either maize or hay. The former is used, provided hay is not available.

IX. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What are sheep reared for in England?

2. What is the main purpose of keeping sheep in Australia?

3. What are the two divisions of sheep in Great Britain?

4. Why is hill sheep feeding the simplest method of sheep-rearing?

5. When is it necessary to provide the sheep with hay or maize?

6. What kind of rams should be chosen for breeding purposes?

7. How should the rams be fed to be in breeding condition?

X. Переведите на английский язык.

а) овцематка, баран, выносливость, потомство, плодовитость, молочность, первый, шерсть, баранина, горные овцы, последний, низинные овцы, намного, выбирать, улучшать, отара

б) I. Овцы дают шерсть и баранину. 2. Выносливость, плодовитость, молочность являются важными качествами овец. 3. В Англии имеется два вида овец: горные овцы и низинные овцы. Последних разводят на откорм. 4. Овцематки и бараны, выбираемые для случки, должны быть в хорошей заводской кондиции.

в) I. В России имеется более 70 пород и породных групп овец; поэто­му можно выбрать наиболее подходящую породу для каждой климатической зоны страны. 2. Задача овцеводов состоит в том, чтобы увеличить поголовье овец и повысить их продуктивность. 3.В организме овец накапливается много жира, благодаря этому ми­нимальное количество корма и воды бывает достаточно им в трудные периоды летом и зимой.


4. Мясная продуктивность и молоч­ность овец вероятно во многом зависят от ранней отбивки ягнят от матерей. 5. В отличие от других сельскохозяйственных живот­ных, овцы значительно лучше используют пастбищные и грубые корма.

XI. Прочтите текст и изложите кратко его содержание по-английски (по-русски).

Feeding Sheep in the USA

Sheep are best adapted to the land that is high and dry. In general sheep rearing is not practised in regions where it is both too hot and too wet*.

In feeding sheep succulent feeds and roughages as well as good pasture grasses and legume hay may be used in great amounts. Grazing land is usually divided into small plots by movable fen­cing. Rotational grazing of pastures helps to control diseases and parasites.

As to grains corn is the main low-protein concentrate avai­lable in many parts of the United States. Some ether grains are also used in feeding sheep. Grain crops sown** is the fall pro­vide pasture for sheep during late fall, winter and early spring, Wheat, barley and rye make good winter forage. Where good-quali­ty legume hay is available high-protein concentrates are likely to be unnecessary.

*wet - сырой **sow - сеять - 22 -



  1. Сложные формы причастия I (повторение)

  2. Формы с окончанием-ing (повторение)

  3. Союз whether