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Test 10 on physical geography

I. Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанных фрагментов (А-E).

A. George (Athens): "The majority of annual visitors to Greece arrive on package tours to the Greek islands and rarely get the opportunity to explore the sights of Athens, which is a pity, because despite the noise and traffic jams, it is one of the most exciting and fascinating cities in Europe. To make sure you get to see the most important sights, you can book a city tour at a very reasonable price. However, it is always wise to pre-book tours of Athens, especially if you are going to come in August. At the heart of the city, nestled at the foot of the Acropolis is Plaka, the oldest and most picturesque neighborhood in Athens. Overlooked by the glorious temple of the Parthenon, it is a maze of narrow streets running in all directions around the Acropolis".

B. Richard (Rio de Janeiro): "If I had the choice of any city in the world in which to live, it would be Rio. It is one of the most romantic cities in the world, blessed with a wonderful sunny climate you can count on and a breathtaking coastline. Rio is undoubtedly one of those favored places in the world, whose names have a universal romantic appeal. The effect Rio has on the visitor is unforgettable. It is set in a stunning location surrounded by lush green vegetation and the sea. A blend of European and South American culture, Rio is the highlight of any visit to Brazil".

C. John (Venice): "Italian cities are famed for their history and culture but to many people Venice is unquestionably one of the finest cities in the world. Constructed on an archipelago of 18 small islands separated by a dense network of waterways, Venice is geared to accommodating the millions of tourists who flock here annually. Known locally as 'The Queen of the Adriatic', Venice is best seen by water. Relax as you wind your way along the Grand Canal past incredible facades of Gothic and Renaissance palaces and magnificent churches below the elegant Rialto Bridge. Go sightseeing around the numerous palaces and take in the wonderful architectural heritage. Crowded throughout the summer months, reasonably-priced accommodation is almost impossible to find, so an advance booking is essential".

D. Emma (Barcelona): "The weather can make or break a holiday but in the Catalonian capital in the summer months, rest assured that the sun will shine each day. I can't imagine anyone not loving Barcelona. It is a stylish, cosmopolitan city with the romantic Mediterranean on its doorstep. Visitors should take every opportunity to sample the wonderful cuisine as well as the famous Catalonian hospitality, (and will no doubt wish they had more time to explore the city). Despite the rapidly-changing skyline of the modern city, which reflects the present age, it remains an enchanting place. For the culturally-minded, there are a great many museums, custodians of a unique historical and cultural heritage".

E. Anna (Warsaw): "Warsaw is a city steeped in history. Situated on the banks of the Vistula River, Warsaw gets its name from Wars, a fisherman and, Sava, a mermaid he had rescued. Fortunately, despite its almost total destruction in the early forties, Warsaw is teeming with places of interest. The Old City, which has been restored, centers on the medieval market square near the river and is surrounded by Renaissance and Baroque houses".

1. Which of the speakers advises visitors to make travel arrangements in advance?

A. George and John

B. Richard and Anna

C. Emma and John

D. Anna and Emma

2. Which speaker admits that the city has problems?

A. Emma

B. Anna

C. George

D. Richard

3. Which speaker says he/she would like to make the city their permanent home?

A. John

B. George

C. Anna

D. Richard

4. Which speaker recommends the local food?

A. Emma

B. Anna

C. John

D. George

5. Which speakers promise good weather?

A. Anna and Emma

B. Emma and Richard

C. John and Anna

D. Richard and George

II. Прочитайте текст. Подберите соответствующий заголовок к каждому абзацу (1-6).

(1) There are two basic types of glaciers, those that flow outward in all directions with little regard for any underlying terrain and those that are confined by terrain to a particular path.

(2) The first category of glaciers includes those massive blankets that cover whole continents, appropriately called ice sheets. There must be over 50,000 square kilometers of land covered with ice for the glacier to qualify as an ice sheet. When portions of an ice sheet spread out over the ocean, they form ice shelves.

(3) About 20,000 years ago the Cordilleran Ice Sheet covered nearly all the mountains in southern Alaska, western Canada, and the western United States. It was about 3 kilometers deep at its thickest point in northern Alberta. Now there are only two sheets left on Earth, those covering Greenland and Antarctica.

(4) Any domelike body of ice that also flows out in all directions but covers less than 50,000 square kilometers is called an ice cap. Although ice caps are rare nowadays, there are a number in northeastern Canada, on Baffin Island, and on the Queen Elizabeth Islands.

(5) The second category of glaciers includes those of a variety of shapes and sizes generally called mountain or alpine glaciers. Mountain glaciers are typically identified by the landform that controls their flow. One form of mountain glacier that resembles an ice cap in that it flows outward in several directions is called an ice field. The difference between an ice field and an ice cap is subtle. Essentially, the flow of an ice field is somewhat controlled by surrounding terrain and thus does not have the domelike shape of a cap.

(6) Less spectacular than large ice fields are the most common types of mountain glaciers: the cirque and valley glaciers. Cirque glaciers are found in depressions in the surface of the land and have a characteristic circular shape. The ice of valley glaciers, bound by terrain, flows down valleys, curves around their corners, and falls over cliffs.

  1. Mountain Glaciers and Their Peculiarities

  2. Basic Types of Glaciers and Their Location

  3. Ice Caps and Where to Look for Them

  4. Ice Sheets’ Whereabouts

  5. Ice Sheets and Ice Shelves

  6. Least Extraordinary Glaciers

  7. Common Mountain Glaciers

  8. Basic Glacier Categories' Major Differences

III. Прочитайте текст и выполните послетекстовые задания.

(1) For as long as people can remember, small towns like Stone Creek and Pineville in so northern Alabama have been hit by storms every spring. They are as predictable as the apple blossoms that are always shaken loose from the trees and blown along the country roads. Some trees may be knocked over or the roof of a building might be slightly damaged, but usually the effects of the storms are more inconvenient than deadly. This year was different.

(2) Last night, a powerful storm roared into the area, sending devastating tornadoes spinning through the small farming communities. It destroyed farms, schools and churches and buried people in the ruins of their own homes. It transformed the landscape. Herds of cattle that had been moved into barns for safety are nowhere to be seen, nor are the barns. Other buildings where tractors and equipment were being stored seem to have been completely blown away.

(3) The scenes of devastation this morning are described by one rescue worker as 'like the end of the world'. Since first light, rescue crews have been moving through the countryside, looking for survivors. Small teams have had to be flown into some areas by helicopter because the roads have been blocked by dozens of fallen trees. In other areas, rescuers don't know what they will find as they search through the debris. 'We're guessing that there are some people who may have been pinned down under their own ceilings,' says Greg Hayden, a firefighter from Atlanta. 'Sometimes we can't tell the houses from the stables or the garages. It's a mess. Dozens of people and animals could have been buried in there.'

(4) One by one, the miracles and the tragedies are coming to light. Jim Clinton, having been warned of the approaching storm on his radio, drove his wife and daughter to his local church. He thought it would be safer there than staying in his small house. Two of the church walls collapsed, but after being trapped inside for four hours, the Clintons were found alive by rescuers this morning. Not far away, an old couple had retreated to the basement of their home as the storm approached. Tragically, they were both killed when part of a wall crashed through the floor on top of them. The names of all victims are being withheld until their families can be notified. At least 38 people have died and many more are missing. About 100 people have been seriously injured and more than 1,000 have been left homeless. The search for the missing may last for days, but the effects of this one storm are going to be felt for many years. 'It's like someone dropped a bomb,' said one shocked woman as she searched through the remains of what used to be her home.

Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию текста. (задания 1-5)

1. Every year small towns in northern Alabama have been hit by

A. hurricanes

B. a swarm of locusts

C. drought

2. The effects of the storms are

A. rather predictable, so people can be rescued in time

B. bringing inconvenience rather than tragedy to people

C. devastating destruction of the small farming communities

3. This year was different, because the storm

A. was so powerful that it even changed the landscape

B. was hardly noticeable at all

C. had long been expected by the locals

4. The scenes of devastation are described as

A. apocalyptic

B. the war between man and nature

C. the fall of mankind

5. The miracle was that the Clintons were found alive

A. in the basement of their small house

B. in the church although its two walls collapsed

C. in the church that remained intact

Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.(задания 6-8)

6. debris (3)

A. ruins B. waste C. trash

7. predictable (1)

A. expected B. foreseeable C. surprising

8. collapse (4)

A. fall down B. fail C. break

Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста (задания 9-12)

9. Other buildings where tractors and equipment were being stored seem to have been completely blown away (2).

A. Другие здания, где хранилось оборудование и трактора, полностью разрушились.

B. Похоже, что другие здания, где хранилось оборудование и трактора, оказались полностью разрушенными.

C. Ещё одно здание, где хранилось оборудование и трактора, казалось полностью разрушенным.

10. Sometimes we can't tell the houses from the stables or the garages (3).

A. Иногда мы не можем отличить дом от конюшен или гаражей.

B. Временами мы не можем сказать, где дом, а где конюшня или гараж.

C. Иногда мы не могли отличить дом от конюшни или гаража.

11. One by one, the miracles and the tragedies are coming to light (4).

A. Одно за другим стали случаться чудеса и трагедии.

B. Одно за другим стали обнаруживаться чудеса и трагедии.

C. Чудеса и трагедии следовали одно за другим.

12. The search for the missing may last for days, but the effects of this storm are going to be felt for many years.(4)

A. Поиски пропавших продлятся еще много дней, а последствия урагана будут ощущаться в течение многих лет.

B. Поиски пропавших будут вестись не более нескольких дней, но последствия шторма будут видны ещё многие годы.

C. Поиски отсутствующих могут идти на протяжении последующих дней, но последствия шторма будут чувствоваться ещё многие годы.

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