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Test 20 on physical education

I. Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанных фрагментов (А – D).

A. The twin-towered Wembley in London has been English football's prime stadium for many years. It has hosted Cup Final games every year since its opening in 1923, and has been the venue for almost all the English national side's homematches since World War Two. Other sport events regularly presented there have included rugby league, hockey, American football, speedway and greyhound racing. Wembley was one of eight historic stadiums, updated at a total cost of 72 million pounds. The event named Euro 96 proved how well-equipped Britain is to mount a large-scale tournament. The absorbing month-long spectacle, featuring teams from 16 European countries and watched by a multi-million global TV audience, was a triumph of organization which made a record profit of 69 million pounds.

B. The May Day Stadium is a monumental stadium in Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, completed on May 1, 1989. The stadium can seat 150,000 for sports events. Its total floor space is over 207,000 square meters. While the stadium is used for sporting events, it is more famous as the site of massive parades and shows celebrating the Korean nation. For example, in May 2002 it was the site of the colossal and meticulously choreographed gymnastic and artistic performance in honor of the country's leader's 60th birthday. The event involved some 100,000 participants.

C. The Melbourne Cricket Ground is an Australian sports stadium located in Melbourne. It is the largest stadium in Australia, and holds the world record for the highest light towers at any sporting venue. The MCG is within walking distance of the city centre. Internationally, the stadium is remembered as the centre piece stadium of the 1956 Summer Olympics and the 2006 Commonwealth games. The open-air stadium is also one of the world's most famous cricket venues. The stadium, often referred to by locals as "The G", has also hosted other major events, including various games and International Friendly matches, and large rock concerts. In 1993, Madonna performed at the ground during her Girlie Show Tour.

D. The Grand Sports Arena of the Luzhniki Olympic Complex in Moscow is the biggest sports stadium in Russia. Its total seating capacity is 84,745 seats, all covered. Its field is used mainly for football games. The Grand Arena of the Central Lenin Stadium was the chief venue for the 1980 Summer Olympics, the spectator capacity being 103,000 at that time. The Luzhniki Stadium also hosted the final game of the 1957 Ice Hockey World Championship between Sweden and the USSR, attended by a crowd of 55,000 and setting a new world record. In 1989, the stadium was the location for the Moscow Peace Festival. It was an effort by the Make a Difference Foundation and rock producers and organizers in the USA and USSR. It was held over two days, and was the first festival of its kind to present Western heavy metal acts with an emphasis on international cooperation on preventing drug abuse. The festival featured artists such as Bon Jovi, Scorpions, Ozzy Osborne and Gorky Park.

1. The sports venue that hosted major international competitions is described in

A. Sections A, B

B. Sections A, C

C. Sections B, D

D. Sections A, C, D

2. The stadium whose chief purpose is to offer high-quality football is depicted in

A. Sections A, B

B. Sections B, C

C. Sections A, D

D. Sections C, D

3. The stadium that was also the location of rock shows is described in

A. Sections A, D

B. Sections B, C

C. Sections C, D

D. Sections A, C

4. The stadium famous for its incredible size is presented in

A. Section A

B. Section B

C. Section C

D. Section D

5. The oldest stadium recently renovated is depicted in section

A. Section A

B. Section B

C. Section C

D. Section D

II. Прочитайте текст. Подберите соответствующий заголовок к каждому абзацу (1-7).

(1) If you want to improve your stamina, you'll need to gradually strengthen your heart and lungs. To do this, you should choose a form of exercise which makes your heart work a bit harder over a fairly long time, like rowing or fast walking. A sport like tennis, which involves short bursts of intense energy and then long pauses while you pick up the ball and so on, is not so good for stamina.

(2) The easiest form of exercise to organize is walking. But it has to be brisk walking. You should aim to walk for 60 minutes a day for 5 days each week plus another 90 to 120 minutes on 2 days. So you need to have quite a bit of time to spare if you want to build up your stamina by walking. It’s OK if you walk to work, perhaps.

(3) Next comes jogging which is a form of slow running, really. This is a more vigorous type of exercise than walking so you don't need to spend so much time on it. You should aim to jog for 15 minutes a day for 3 days a week and then have a longer session of 30 minutes on 2 days.

(4) The next activity is cycling, which is often a faster way to get round than going by car these days! OK, you'll need to cycle for 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week and then do another 45 to 60 minutes a day for two days.

(5) Now comes skipping which we probably all did as children but may not have done since! It's a very effective way of building up stamina for adults, though you may prefer to do this one in private! You'll need to do 15 minutes' skipping for 5 days a week and then spend 30 minutes at it on another two days.

(6) Lastly we have swimming, which is an excellent all-round form of exercise and suitable for all ages. You should try to swim for 20 minutes a day for 5 days a week ideally. But if that's difficult to arrange, you can swim for 30 minutes a day instead and do that on only 3 days.

(7) The most important thing is to choose an activity you enjoy because if you don't enjoy it, you won't keep it up. You have to exercise regularly to gain any benefit, as it is suggested. But you should remember that you must build up to these exercise times slowly, over several weeks. If you try to do too much too quickly, you could do yourself more harm than good.

A. Not Only Childish Games

B. Always Room for Records

C. It’s for Busy People

D. Beneficial for Everyone

E. Using Transport is an Option

F. Time-Consuming Activity

G. Patience and Pleasure Come First

H. Don’t Be Afraid to Push It

I. Making Right Choices

III. Прочитайте текст и выполните послетекстовые задания.

(1) I was about seven when I first started kicking a ball around with my brother. Most of my friends were boys and I enjoyed spending time with them and that meant playing a game of football. It was my dad who noticed I had the skills to become a good player.

(2) I loved football and it got on my nerves that I could only stand and watch when the boys were playing in real games in the local park. Whenever the ball came off the pitch, I'd kick it back in or do tricks with it. I just wanted to show them that I could do things with a football, too. Eventually, they got the message and I was thrilled when they gave me the chance to play. At last, I could play in a real team. In the competition matches, no one expected to be competing with a girl and I had short hair so I looked like a boy. We didn't hide anything from them and I never thought it would be a problem. As for the boys I played with, they just treated me like one of them. They didn't care if I was a girl, a boy or an alien as long as I kept scoring goals. Then one day, someone who was cheering me on shouted, 'Go, Kelly!'

(3) After the match, the manager of the other team, who'd lost to us, came storming over to our manager. 'We're not going to play your team again unless you get rid of Kelly!' he shouted. But after that I did manage to carry on playing through another seven games.

(4) Meanwhile, word was getting around about the girl playing in one of the teams in our league. More and more teams refused to play us and eventually our manager decided he would have to have a word with my dad. The manager made it clear that if I didn't leave, the team would have to withdraw from the competition, so that was it. I had no choice but to leave.

(5) After that, I gave up playing in boys' teams. I wondered if the standard would be as good in girls' teams, but the new all-girl team I joined was great. At first, I resented having to change teams like that, but after a while I really didn't miss the boys' league. I was still playing the game I loved and we won most of our matches that season.

(6) Last year, our manager recommended me for a place in the England women's team, and I was selected! In my first match, I was the youngest player in the team and I was terrified when I first walked out. But hearing the crowd cheer and the national anthem, I was proud of how far I'd come. I now know I would never have got so far if I'd stayed in the boys' league.

Выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста (задания 1-5).

1. The first person who observed the girl’s gift for playing football was

A. her brother

B. her father

C. an observant neighbour

2. The girl was irritated

A. by the boys’ teasing her

B. by the boys’ playing in real matches

C. by the boys` not accepting her as a team member

3. The problems started when

A. everybody knew a girl was playing in a boys` team

B. Kelly was always cheered on thus distracting the opposite team

C. the manager from the opposite team demanded that Kelly be dismissed

4. The girl didn’t miss the boys’ league as

A. she was too proud and humiliated to do that

B. she joined an all-girl team that wasn’t worse than the boys’

C. she continued to play the game she loved and won most of the matches

5. Playing in all-girl team opened good prospects for the girl as

A. she finally was selected to play on the England women’s team

B. she was able to improve her stamina greatly

C. was able to pay revenge upon everybody who was against her

Определите значение указанного слова в тексте (задания 6-8).

6. eventually (2)

A. finally B. lastly C. initially

7. treat (2)

A. cure B. deal C. tease

8. carry on (3)

A. lift B. bear C. continue

Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста (задания 9-12).

9. They didn’t care if I was a girl, a boy or an alien as long as I kept scoring the goals (2).

A. Им было все равно. кто я – девочка, мальчик либо инопланетянин, пока я продолжала забивать голы.

B. Их не волновало девочка ли я, мальчик или инопланетянин, пока я продолжала накапливать голы для своей команды.

C. Им было все равно, была я девочкой, мальчиком илисуществом с другой планеты, пока я продолжала забивать голы.

10. We’re not going to play your team again unless you get rid of Kelly (3)

A. Мы не собираемся снова играть с вашей командой, пока вы не избавитесь от Келли.

B. Мы не собираемся снова играть с вашей командой, если вы не выгоните Келли.

C. Мы не будем снова играть с вашей командой, пока в ней будет Келли.

11. Word was getting around about the girl playing in one of the teams (4)

A. Стали распространяться слухи о том, что в команде играет девочка.

B. Кругом стали поговаривать, что в команде играет девочка.

C. Слова облетели всю округу с вестью о том, что в команде играет девочка.

12. I had no choice but to leave (4).

А.У меня был только один выбор – уйти.

B.У меня не было выбора, и я ушла.

C.У меня не было выбора, но я ушла

Список использованной литературы

  1. Andreasyan I.,Vengrinovich A.,Darmoyan V. Let`s Discuss, Вышэйшая школа, 2000.

  2. Korotkevich V. The Land beneath White Wings,Yunatstva Publishers, 1982

  3. Sedov D. Collection of English Authentic Texts, 2002

  4. Aspinall T., Advanced Masterclass CAE, Oxford University Press, 1997

  5. Gear J., Gear R. Cambrige Test Preparation, Cambridge University Press, 1996

  6. Gude K. Advanced Listening and Speaking, Oxford University Press,2000

  7. Jakeman V., Kenny N. CPE Practice Tests, Longman, 2003

  8. Mann R., First Certificate Expert, Longman, 2007

  9. Mc Gavigan P., Reeves J. First Certificate Reading, Longman, 2007

  10. Mikulecky B., Jeffries L. More Reading Power, Longman, 2004

  11. O`Connell S. Focus on Advanced English, Longman,1992

  12. O`Connell S. Focus on Advanced English Teachers` Book, Longman,1992

  13. O` Neil R. New Success at First Certificate, Oxford University Press, 1997

  14. Picarda G. Minsk, a Historical Guide, Tehnalogiya, 1994

  15. Sharpe P. Test Preparation, Barron`s Educational Series, 1994


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