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Загальні вказівки

Дані методичні вказівки призначені для студентів 1 курсу тех­нічних вузів, які продовжують вивчення англійської мови у вузі. Вони можуть бути використані на практичних занят­тях та під час самостійної роботи студентів. Методичні вказівки написані згідно чинної програми з англійської мови для немовних спеціальностей вищих учбових закладів і відбивають задачу навчання іноземним мовам у вузі, кінце­вою метою якої є участь в усному спілкуванні англійською мовою в обсязі матеріалу, передбаченого програмою та формування навичок та вмінь усної професійної мови. Методичні вказівки включають такі теми як: “About Myself”, “My Student’s Life”, “Our Academy”, “Ukraine” та “Kharkiv”.

Тексти та вправи методичних вказівок включають лек­сику та граматичні структури для активного засвоювання, які підібрані з врахуванням словникового та граматичного мінімуму підручників та учбових посібників з мовної прак­тики для немовних вузів.

Вивчення кожної теми починається з прослухування тексту та слів і словосполучень до нього. Потім студенти у парах чи індивідуально працюють над текстом, читають, перекладають його, відповідають на запитання до нього, самі задають запитання до тексту, намагаються скласти свою, аналогічну тексту, розповідь.

До кожного тематичного розділу входять діалог чи до­датковий текст з заданої тематики. Форма діалогу ближче всього до тієї форми мовного спілкування, яку студент, ко­ристуючись рідною мовою, як правило, вживає під час роз­мови.

До непідготовленого мовлення не слід переходити, якщо до цього не було проведено достатньо ємної, ретельної та активної тренувальної роботи. Студенти не можуть подолати психологічний бар’єр страху розмовляти англійського мовою, якщо вони багаторазово не повторюють слова та словосполучення характерні для усної мови. Ще важче організувати розмову між студентами, примусити їх розмовляти між собою англійською мовою. Щоб підвести студентів до спілкування англійською мовою, треба частіше використовувати бесіду в парах.

Парна робота забезпечує високий коефіцієнт корисної дії на практичних заняттях та при самостійній роботі, так як вона підвищує тривалість мовних тренувань і надає широку можливість використати діалогічну форму мови. На матеріалі методичних вказівок можна проводити багато видів парної роботи. Розглянемо деякі з них.

  1. Студент А читає текст, студент Б перекладає його рідною мовою. Текст треба читати так, щоб складалося враження спонтанної розмови з відповідною інтонацією. Студент, виконуючий роль перекладача, повинен робити переклад у відносно швидкому темпі. Потім студент А знову перекладає це речення англійською мовою. Далі студенти міняються ролями.

  2. Опитування лексики. Студент А, маючи перед очима слова, запитує студента Б. Останній відповідає без зорової опори. Далі студенти міняються ролями.

  3. Парна робота у вигляді запитань та відповідей на матеріалі заздалегідь підібраного тексту. Такий вид роботи готує студентів до переказу тексту.

З лексикою студенти можуть працювати самостійно, індивідуально та у парах, виконуючи такі завдання:

  1. Читайте слова за диктором.

  2. Прочитайте англійські слова та дайте англійські еквіваленти українських слів та словосполучень.

  3. Закрийте листком паперу ліву колонку і дайте англійські еквіваленти українських слів та словосполучень і навпаки.

  4. Читайте англійські слова ще раз. Ваш партнер Вас уважно слухає, виправляє помилки. Поміняйтесь ролями.

  5. Запитуйте значення англійських, українських слів. Ваш товариш відповідає без зорової опори. Поміняйтесь ролями.

Крім слів, які даються після тексту, студенти можуть зустріти інші незнайомі слова залежно від рівня їх підготовки. Оволодіти ними слід обов’язково. При засвоюванні слова з метою його упізнавання і розуміння в тексті на сприйняття на слух, а також репродукування перед студентом постають такі задачі:

  1. Він повинен настільки добре і надовго засвоїти звуковий склад слова, щоб зуміти пізнати його в усній мові та, у разі потреби, вірно репродукувати дане слово.

  2. Він повинен настільки добре засвоїти графічну форму слова, щоб зуміти пізнати його в тексті серед багатьох інших слів.

  3. Він повинен настільки добре знати англійське слово, щоб мати змогу встановити зв'язок між його звуковою та графічною стороною і словом рідної мови.

  4. Він повинен також міцно засвоїти сполучення даного слова з іншими словами.

Якої ж, приблизно, послідовності при роботі над текстом повинні дотримуватися студенти?

При підготовці тексту студенти спочатку слухають його, а потім до першого його читання повинні повторювати нові слова до тих пір, поки не відчують, що вимовляють їх жваво і без будь-якої напруги. Після того як студенти вивчили слова, вони читають текст ще раз, ставлять запитання, відповідають на них і приступають до його переказу. Під час переказу можна користуватися списком слів або вправами з ключовими словами. Не варто бентежитись, якщо переказ зразу не виходить. Треба перечитати текст ще раз і наступні спроби, безумовно, будуть вдалими.

Підбір та організація учбового матеріалу дозволяють повністю перевести методичні вказівки на фонограму, що полегшить самостійну роботу студентів над посібником, до того ж необхідно враховувати те, що розділ не є учбовою одиницею. Зовсім не обов’язково (а іноді й неможливо) засвоювати розділ за одне заняття. Студент сам, залежно від своєї підготовки і часу, може виділити собі обсяг матеріалу, який вивчається на кожному занятті.

На 1 курсі студенти повинні навчитися перекачувати зміст теми у межах 20 фраз за 5 хвилин. На 1 курсі треба навчитися розуміти на слух іноземну мову, яка промовляється незнайомим голосом зі швидкістю 120 слів за хвилину.

Project 1

About myself

Exercise 1. Match the given Ukrainian words with their English equivalents.

  1. племінниця a) husband

  2. двоюрідний брат b) twins

  3. вітчим c) aunt

  4. дядько d) cousin

  5. родич e) niece

  6. тітка f) half-sister

  7. племінник g) uncle

  8. чоловік h) step-father

  9. близнюк i) nephew

  10. зведена сестра j) relative

Exercise 2. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group and explain why you think so.

  1. father, mother, sister, brother, cousin;

  2. mother-in-law, father-in-law, step-father, sister-in-law, son-in-law;

  3. friendly, efficient, generous, selfish, punctual;

  4. slim, tall, nervous, broad-shoulders, plump;

  5. skiing, swimming, sitting, reading, knitting.

Text 1 my biography

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

Hello, friends. Let me first introduce myself. My name is Tatiana or Tanya for my friends. My surname or last name is Lavrova. I was born on the 19th of October 1987 in Kharkiv. Now I am a first-year student at the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogic Academy. In five years I'll be an engineer.

Now let me describe my appearance. I am tall and slim and have fair hair and blue eyes. My friends say that I am pretty. I think I am just good-looking. I love sports and music. I love to listen to modern music and dance. I dance a lot and I hope I am good at it. I also love swimming.

Now a few words about my family. There are five people in our family. My father's name is Yevgeny Yakovlevich. He is a mathematician by education and businessman by profession. My mother's name is Nadezhda Petrovna. She is a housewife. She has much work about the house because I have a younger sister. She is a pupil. My sister Natasha is in the fifth form. My grandmother lives with us. She is very kind and helps us a lot.

In May I have finished school. I did well in all the subjects but my favourite subjects at school were Physics and Computer Science. I also enjoyed English lessons. I am very interested in learning English because I always wanted to become a programmer or maybe a businesswoman. I also think that the knowledge of foreign languages helps in everyday life and career.

Two years ago my parents and I travelled much around Europe as tourists. We have visited France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. There the knowledge of English helped me a lot.

As you see, my biography isn't very long yet. But we'll meet again and I'll tell you more about myself. See you later...

Vocabulary Notes

    1. a first-year student – студент першого курсу

    2. to introduce oneself – познайомитись

    3. surname – прізвище

    4. to be born – народитись

    5. appearance – зовнішність

    6. good-looking – гарний, красивий

    7. slim – стрункий

    8. Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogic Academy – Українська інженерно-педагогічна академія

    9. mathematician – математик

    10. housewife – домохазяйка

    11. to do well – встигати (об уроках)

    12. knowledge – знання

    13. to finish school – закінчити школу

    14. to enjoy – отримувати задоволення

    15. to be interested in – бути заінтересованим у чомусь

    16. Belgium – Бельгія

    17. the Netherlands – Нідерланди (Голландія)

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is your name?

  2. Where and when were you born?

  3. How old are you?

  4. Have you got a family?

  5. How many people are there in your family?

  6. Do you have brothers, sisters, grandparents in your family?

  7. What do your parents do?

  8. Where do you live?

  9. Did you study well at school?

  10. What was your favourite subject?

  11. Did your teacher at school help you to choose your future profession?

  12. What do you like to do in your spare time?

  13. What do you like to read?

  14. What sport do you go in for?

  15. What are you going to be?

Exercise 3. Fill in the following text with the suitable words.

manners, is interested in, friend, block of flats, hair, listen to, popular, life,

first-year student, good-looking, engineer, weekends, moved, energy.

My friend Nick.

I have got a lot of friends. But my best 1 _____ is Nick. We made friends many years ago when he 2 _____ to the same 3 ______ where we live. Nick is seventeen years old. He is a 4 _____ as I am. He is going to be an 5 _____ too. Nick is fine fellow. He is 6 _____, tall and handsome. His 7 _____ is fair, his eyes are blue. He is always well dressed. He is strong and very 8 _____ with girls. Nick 9 _____ a lot of things. He sings well and likes to tell fanny stories.

We always meet at the 10 _____. We discussed books, 11 _____ the music or visit our friends. Nick is always full of 12 ____ and 13 _____. He is always ready to help people when they are in need.

Nick has good 14 ____. He is very attentive. I am happy to have such a friend as Nick, and I think he is a true one.

Exercise 4. Finish the following sentences.

  • When I have some free time I like …

  • In school I have always been good at …

  • It has always been very difficult for me to …

  • I would describe myself as a … and … person.

  • I enjoy going to parties where …

  • When I go out with friends we usually …

  • When I am short of money I sometimes …

  • I like (don’t like) to have pets in my house because …

  • When I am in a bad mood I …

  • When I want to enjoy myself I usually …

  • I am not very interested in …

  • I find it very easy to …

  • I learn English because …

  • I like people who …

  • I like to read books about …

  • I am very proud of …

  • One day I hope to …

  • As a child I used to be afraid of …

  • I don’t like films which …

  • I think I look like …

Text 2 my flat

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

I have got a flat. It is neither big nor small. It is on the fifth floor. The number of it is 59. Our flat has two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a corridor.

Our living-room is big. It is light, because it has two wide windows. You can see a piano on the left. There is a round stool near the piano. The piano is new and black. The TV set is on the right. You can see an arm­chair and a sofa near the TV set. There is a picture on the wall, over the piano. It is a nice picture. There is a round table in the middle of the room. You can see four chairs near the table. The sideboard is on the left. There are some pictures of modern painters on the wall. The carpet hanging on the wall is big and grey. I like our living-room and I often spend my free time watching TV and reading newspapers and magazines in it.

I have my own room. It is small. There is no much furniture there. My room is not quite light, because it has one narrow window.

There is a sofa on the right. The wardrobe is near the window. You can see a small desk at the window. There are two chairs at the desk and a TV set in the corner of the room. The bookcase is near the door. There are many books in it. I have many bookshelves in my room. You can see Russian and English books there. I like my room very much. When my friends come to see me I invite them into my room.

It is a pity that we have no balcony.

Our kitchen is big and comfortable. The furniture in the kitchen is not dark, it is light. A new refrigerator stands near the window. Usually we have breakfast and supper in the kitchen.

The bathroom is small. We wash ourselves there in the morning and in the evening. You can see a washing-machine near the door. We have a vacuum-cleaner; it is in the bathroom too. The corridor of our flat is long and narrow. There is a telephone in it.

I like my flat. My friends say that it is a good one.

Vocabulary Notes

  1. sideboard – сервант

  2. narrow – вузький

  3. wardrobe – гардероб

  4. to invite – запрошувати

  5. carpet – килим

Exercise 2. Find the sentences with the construction “There is/There are” in the text and translate them into Ukrainian.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.

  1. Have you got a flat?

  2. What is there in the living-room?

  3. Where is the wardrobe?

  4. What can you see on the wall?

  5. Is the TV set on the left or on the right?

  6. The dining-room is big, isn’t it?

Exercise 4. Match each part of the house with what is usually done there.

  1. kitchen a) a place to wash

  2. dining-room b) a place to sleep

  3. bedroom c) a place to leave your street clothes

  4. garage d) a place to relax and talk

  5. garden e) a place to cook

  6. bathroom f) a place to grow flowers

  7. living room g) a place to keep a car

  8. entry hall h) a place to keep garden tools

  9. shed i) a place to keep household equipment

  10. closet j) a place to eat

Exercise 5. Which part of the house is different from the other three in each group and why?

  1. floor, wall, stairs, ceiling.

  2. bathroom, garage, kitchen, bedroom.

  3. downstairs, upstairs, basement, roof.

  4. window, wall, garden, door.

Project 2

The student’s life

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

Hi again... As you already know, I am a first-year student of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogic Academy.

Now, let me describe my usual working day. My classes begin at eight o'clock. So on weekdays I have to get up at half past six. My alarm clock usually wakes me up and my working day begins. I turn on the radio, do my morning exercises, take a shower and brush my teeth. After that I get dressed and comb my hair. Then I have breakfast. I love to listen to the latest news on the radio while I am eating.

I leave the house at twenty minutes past seven and walk to the nearest bus stop. I live rather far from the Academy and it usually takes me about a quarter of an hour to get there by bus. Sometimes when the weather is fine and I have enough time I walk to the Academy.

As a rule we have three or four classes a day. We have lectures in different subjects. Usually I don't miss my classes because I want to pass my examinations successfully. But sometimes I do, especially when the weather is fine and the classes are boring.

At a quarter past one we have a big interval for lunch. That's my favourite time. That is the time to share the latest news with my friends. I prefer not to go to the canteen and we often have lunch in a small cafe not too far from the Academy. At a quarter to two we have to be back to our classes. During the working day we also have several short intervals that last for ten minutes.

From time to time I have to stay at the Academy till late in the evening because I go to the library to get ready for my practical classes or to write a report. As a rule I have no free time on weekdays. So, by the end of the week I get very tired.

I come home at about 7 o'clock in the evening. My parents are already at home. We have supper together. After supper we wash dishes, drink coffee or tea and watch TV. I prefer old comedies and serials or films about travelling. Sometimes I go for a walk in the park or visit my friends.

At about eleven at night I go to bed. I like to read something before going to bed or to listen to some music. Sometimes I fall asleep while I am reading.

Vocabulary Notes

  1. weekdays – робочі дні

  2. to share – ділитись

  3. to turn on (off) – включати (виключати)

  4. to get dressed – одягатись

  5. to comb – розчісувати (волосся)

  6. to have breakfast (dinner, supper) – снідати (обідати, вечеряти)

  7. have to be back – повинні повернутись

  8. canteen – їдальня

  9. it takes me…minutes to get to the Academy by bus – в мене займає…минут, щоб добратись до Академії на автобусі

  10. to miss classes – пропускати заняття

  11. to pass exams – скласти іспит

  12. to get ready – підготуватися

  13. to get tired – втомитись

  14. to fall asleep – засипати

  15. especially – особливо

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

  1. When do you usually get up on weekdays?

  2. What do you do after getting up?

  3. What do you like to do while having breakfast?

  4. When do you usually leave your house?

  5. How long does it take you to get to your Academy?

  6. How do you get to the Academy?

  7. When do your classes begin?

  8. How many lessons do you usually have every day?

  9. Where and when do you usually have lunch (dinner)?

  10. When are your classes over?

  11. Where do you prepare for your lessons and seminars?

  12. What time do you come home?

  13. How do you usually spend your evenings?

  14. Do you have much free time on weekdays?

  15. What time do you usually go to bed?

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words.

11 p.m., on his homework, a glass of orange juice and an egg, at 8.30 a.m., local bus, first-year student, suburbs near Manchester, team-mates, one day, finishes with, in the University canteen, 7.30 a.m.

Peter Dryden lives in a 1 _____. He is a 2 _____. Every morning he gets up at 3 _____. He has 4 _____ for breakfast and leaves the house 5 _____. He goes to his University by bus. He usually has 3 lessons before lunch. He doesn’t take a packed lunch from home and prefer to eat 6 _____. He has 2 more classes after lunch and then plays football with his 7 _____. Peter is a promising football player and he dreams that 8 _____ he will be invited to play for “Manchester United”. After his training he takes a 9 _____ to come home and has dinner at about 7 o’clock. Peter doesn’t spend much time 10 _____ and it is usually ready by 9 o’clock. His usual evening 11 _____ watching TV or listening to the CDs of his favourite pop groups. He goes to bed at 12 _____.

Exercise 4. Translate these word combinations from Ukrainian into English and write one sentence with each word combination.

  • бути студентом денного відділення

  • розповісти вам об…

  • у будень; просипатись у 7 годині ранку

  • включати радіо

  • приймати душ; чистить зуби

  • одягатись; слухати останні новини

  • в мене уходить час, щоб доїхати до університету

  • їхати на автобусі (тролейбусі, метро)

  • запізнюватись на заняття

  • закінчуватись у 5 годин вечора

  • пропускати заняття

  • складати іспит успішно

  • час від часу; підготуватись к заняттям

  • як правило

  • втомлюватись

  • приходити до дому

  • бути вдома

  • мати вільну годину

Exercise 5. Look at these extracts from newspaper reviews. What leisure activities are they about?

  1. This was a complete waste of an evening. The script was awful, the acting was wooden, and the camerawork was dreadful.

  2. It was a terrific event. The goal scored by “Manchester United” will go down in history as one of the very best.

  3. The food wasn’t too bad but the music was disgusting. It was impossible to dance to it. And you couldn’t talk either: so loud the music was!

  4. The prices were rather high but you got the best service for your money. There was a swimming pool, a sauna, several cafes, a cinema, a disco club and what not. So it was a real floating town!

Exercise 6. Find 10 words dealing with different leisure activities and hobbies. One and the same letter can be used twice (horizontally and vertically). The first word is done for you.





































































































































Exercise 7. Which leisure activities do you associate with these words?

Example: summer, outdoors, sandwiches – having a picnic.

  1. ticket, orchestra, Mozart –

  2. clowns, acrobats, animals –

  3. gallery, painting, sculptures –

  4. music, food, friends, a cake with candles –

  5. actors, play, stage –

  6. sun, sand, relaxation –

  7. camera, places of interest, bus –

  8. evening, dancing, going out –

  9. fire, river, fish –

  10. playing field, ball, goals –

Exercise 8. Why do people go in for sports or do some other leisure activities? Think about the reasons and try to complete the following statements. The first one is done for you.

  1. I do aerobics mostly to keep fit.

  2. I do a lot of gardening and I find it …

  3. The thing I like about jogging is that it is so …

  4. I play tennis just for …

  5. I do athletics because I enjoy …

  6. I am fond of knitting because it’s a good way to …

  7. Now make a statement about your favourite leisure activity and explain why you do it …

Project 3

Our academy Text 1

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

I’m a first–year student of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy (UEPA). It is the only higher educational establishment in Ukraine that specializes in training teacher-engineers. It trains specialists who having a good engineering knowledge and deep psychological-pedagogical training, can work in vocational-technical schools, technical secondary schools, colleges, secondary schools, training and employment centres, as well as higher educational establishments and industrial enterprises.

UEPA’s graduates can work as:

  • teachers of general technical and specialized disciplines;

  • instructors of industrial training;

  • teachers for specialized classes at secondary school;

  • organizers, methodologists of vocational school;

  • engineers in different branches of science and technology.

Today 11 000 students study at the UEPA.

The Academy has 8 departments: power engineering; machine building; mechanical technological; radio electronics, electrical engineering and computer systems; social economical; technological; electrical technological (Artermovsk), and mining (Stakhanov).

The Academy has been set up on the basis of the Ukrainian Extra-Mural Polytechnical Institute (UZPI) that during 1958-1990 has been the leading educational establishment of the country in the field of training engineering personnel without discontinuing work. The gained academic and scientific methodological potential allowed the UZPI to be reorganized into the Kharkiv Engineering Pedagogics Institute in 1990 and into the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy of the 4th accreditation level in 1994.

Our Academy gives students a solid scientific background and prepares them for practical work. About 400 teachers provide students with a high level of training. Among them 40 professors and doctors of sciences, 240 senior lecturers and candidates of sciences. They all carry out research work in different fields of knowledge and supervise the research work of their students.

Full-time students study five years. After four years of study and successful examinations students can get their first degree Bachelor, if they go on with their studies they get the second degree, Specialist and then the third degree Master, which allows them to apply for a more qualified work.

Our Academy provides every opportunity for mastering the chosen profession. It has a large library with more than 1 mln books and periodicals, large classroom for lectures and seminars, well-equipped laboratories where students can do their lab works and make experiments. It also has a computering centre, 5 computer classes and Internet.

The Academy has a stadium and is famous for its Rugby team. Those who have various talents can engage in students’ societies, clubs, and amateur performances.

Out-of-town students live in hostels which become their homes for five years of study.

I will do my best to become a good specialist.

Vocabulary Notes

  1. higher educational establishment – вищий навчальний за

  2. to specialize – спеціалізуватися

  3. engineering knowledge – технічні знання

  4. vocational-technical school – професіонально-технічне училище

  5. enterprise – підприємство

  6. industrial training – виробниче навчання

  7. department – факультет

  8. mining – гірничий

  9. personnel – персонал, кадри

  10. without discontinuing work – без відриву від роботи

  11. academic – навчальний

  12. solid scientific background – ґрунтовна наукова підготовка

  13. to provide – забезпечувати

  14. senior lecturer – доцент

  15. to carry out – проводити

  16. research – дослідження

  17. different fields of knowledge – різні галузі знання

  18. to apply for work – звертатися за роботою

  19. opportunity – можливість

  20. mastering – оволодіння (професією)

  21. well-equipped – гарно обладнаний

  22. to be famous for – бути знаменитим

  23. to engage in – брати участь, займатися чимось

  24. amateur performances – самодіяльність

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences.

  1. I am a first-year student of the …

  2. The UEPA specializes in …

  3. It trains …… can work …… as well as …

  4. Today ……. study at the Academy.

  5. UEPA’s …… can work as instructors of industrial training.

  6. During 1958-1990 UEPA has been …

  7. The Academy prepares students for …

  8. Our teachers supervise …… of their students.

  9. Graduates get the degrees of …

  10. Our library has more than …

  11. Our Academy is famous for …

  12. At the Academy you can engage in …

Exercise 3. Give the English equivalents to the following word combinations.

  • успішні екзамени

  • забезпечувати можливість

  • професіональні училища

  • без відриву від праці

  • середня школа

  • інженерна педагогіка

  • вищі навчальні заклади

  • самодіяльність

  • проводити експерименти

  • заочний політехнічний інститут

  • загально технічні дисципліни

  • технічні знання

  • засновувати

  • доцент

  • ґрунтовна наукова підготовка

  • дослідницька робота

  • звертатися за роботою

  • різні галузі знання

  • студенти денного відділення

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is the full name of the Academy you study at?

  2. What specialists does it train?

  3. How many students study at the Academy?

  4. What departments are there at the Academy?

  5. When was the Academy set up?

  6. What made possible the reorganization of the Academy into the Kharkiv Engineering Pedagogies Academy?

  7. What training does our Academy provide?

  8. Who trains the students?

  9. What degrees can students get at the Academy?

  10. What facilities (умови) does the Academy have for the successful study?

  11. What sports are popular among the students of the Academy?

  12. Where do our students live?

  13. Where do students read up (готуватися) for their seminars and examinations?

Exercise 5. Make up the sentences using the following words.

  1. years, was, Oxford, at, ago, a professor, she, two.

  2. often, universities, college, continue, students, study, their, at.

  3. education, doctors, to become, people, higher, trains, teachers, engineers, and.

  4. the daytime, get, attending, people, evening classes, who, in, can, work, higher education.

  5. all, the Academy, is taught, at, language, departments, English, the, of.

Text 2 distance education over the world

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

Distance education over the world has a history of more than 100 years. But it gained popularity after 1970’s many countries like China, England, Japan, Russia, Spain and the USA use this method, especially in higher education. For example, the Open University in England has more than 80, 000 students who take about 140 courses per year. This university has 260 local teaching and 13 regional information centres.

Such factors as age, place, and daily activity do not serve as limiting factors in distance education. Distance education has two main advantages over traditional classroom education. The first advantage is a solution to the problem of teaching staff shortage and the second one is the low cost of education which gives many people an opportunity to receive higher education. It is a system of education for different people at any age. This education allows each student to have an individual scheme of study.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

  1. What countries use distance education?

  2. What are the advantages of distance education?

  3. Are there any disadvantages of distance education?

Exercise 3. Read the dialogue and do the assignments.

P = Paul, A = Ann, J = Julia

Two girls are having breakfast in the institute coffee-bar.

A tall boy comes up to their table.

P. Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?

A. No, no. Oh! I’ll just move my bag.

P. Thanks a lot. And could you tell me the time? I am afraid I may be late for my English lesson.

A. I hope we have a few minutes left.

P That’s fine. Are you first-year students? I think we’ve met before. I’m Paul. I think we live in the same hostel.

A. Yes, you’re right. My name is Ann. This is my friend Julia. She is from Kyiv.

P. Nice to meet you. The bell’s ringing! I hope to see you both in our video-club tonight. A new film is on. See you later.

A. So long.

J. So long.

Exercise 4. Complete the dialogues.

  1. A. ………

    1. It’s 10 minutes to 10.

  1. ………

  1. A. I’m afraid we may be late for our lessons.

B. ………

A. That’s fine.

  1. A. ………

    1. Oh, no. Sit down, please. I’ll just move my bag.

  1. A. Meet my friend Helen.

    1. …… My name is …

A. ………

B. No, I’m not. I am from Kharkiv. I live in a hostel.

Project 4


Exercise 1. Read the text and complete this table.

Official name



Capital city

The largest city

The highest mountain

The longest river

Main sources of income

  • Which piece of information is not in the text? Can you provide it?

  • Find these numbers in the text. Say what they are about.

95% 603.700

0.45% 551.600

5% 507.600

  • What other numbers attracted your attention?

  • Find these things in the text:

a) Two types of climate that Ukraine has;

b) Three types of physical-geographical zones;

c) The names of two parts in which Ukraine is divided by the Dnieper.

Text 1 ukraine

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

Ukraine is one of the largest countries in Europe. It has its own territory, constitution, higher and local bodies of state power, its own government, national emblem, state flag and anthem.

Ukraine is situated in South Eastern Europe on the crossroads of the ways from Asia to Europe. This geographical position is very favourable for establishing contacts with other countries. There are 24 administrative regions and the Crimean autonomous republic in Ukraine.

It covers an area of about 603,700 square kilometers. By comparison, the areas of France and Spain are 551,600 and 507,600 square kilometers, respectively. The population of the country is about 48 million people.

In the North it borders on Belarus, in the East and North East on Russia, in the South West its neighbours are Hungary, Romania and Moldova, in the West-Poland and Slovakia. The Southern coast of Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. The Black Sea is a means of communication with many countries of the world through the Mediterranean Sea. The main rivers are the Desna, the Southern Buh, the Siversky Donets and the Tisza. They are one of the country’s sources of hydroelectric power. The Danube gives Ukraine access to seven European countries. The longest river is the Dnieper, flows to 2200 km into the Black Sea. It divides Ukraine into Right-bank and Left-bank territories.

Most of the territory is flat, so lowlands constitute a considerable part of the country: 95%. Basic physical-geographical zones are: mixed forest (Polissya), forest-steppe and steppe.

The Carpathian Mountains are in the West and the Crimean Mountains stretch to the South of the Crimean peninsula. The highest peaks are Hoverla in the Carpathians (2,061m) and Roman Kosh in the Crimean Mountains (1,545m).

The climate is mostly temperately-continental, mild and warm. But on the southern coast of the Crimea the climate is subtropical that contributes to the creation of one of the best resort areas in Ukraine.

Ukraine is also a farming country. Fertile black soils make it ideal for the development of agriculture. Ukraine produces large quantities of different products.

Ukraine occupies only 0, 45% of the planet’s dry land, but about 5% of the world’s mineral resources are concentrated here. There are large deposits of coal, manganese, peat, mercury, lignite, iron ore, oil, and gas. It is also rich in a variety of precious raw materials, such as phosphorus, graphite, native sulphur, apatite, rock salt etc.

Chief industries of Ukrainian economics are metallurgy, heavy engineering, iron and coal mining, manufacturing of agricultural machinery and chemicals, shipbuilding; food processing and textile industries are also highly developed.

The territory of Ukraine is criss-crossed by railroads and highways, oil and gas pipelines and high voltage transmission lines – all of which ensure close economic ties with Eastern and Western Europe. Now Ukraine is establishing new relations with countries throughout the world making direct contact with them and signing agreements and treaties.

Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. Its history goes back to remote past, it was founded in the 9-th century and nowadays it is a cultural, scientific, administrative and industrial centre. Not only inhabitants of Kiev but all citizens of Ukraine are proud of their capital.

According to the constitution of Ukraine the state power is divided into 3 branches: legislative, executive and judicial.

Ukraine may be proud of its outstanding people. There were a lot of them: hetmen, colonels, ordinary warriors, writers, painters, scientists.

Vocabulary Notes

  1. coal – каміння, вугілля

  2. comparison – порівняння

  3. crossroad – перехрестя

  4. deposit – вклад, сховище

  5. favourable – благопристойний, прихильний

  6. gas – газ, бензин

  7. iron ore – залізна руда

  8. mineral resources – корисні копалини

  9. oil – масло, нафта

  10. precious – коштовний

  11. raw – сирий, необроблений

  12. respectively – відповідно

  13. species – вид, рід, порода

  14. stream – поток, струмінь

  15. sulphur – сірка

  16. to be situated – розташовуватись

  17. to border – межувати

  18. to establish – засновувати, створювати

  19. to occupy – займати

  20. to represent – представляти

  21. variety – різноманітність

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

  1. Where is Ukraine situated?

  2. What is the territory and population of Ukraine?

  3. What countries does Ukraine border on?

  4. What is the southern coast of Ukraine washed by?

  5. What are the largest rivers of Ukraine?

  6. Is Ukraine a mountainous country?

  7. How can we classify the climate of Ukraine?

  8. What is favourable for the development of agriculture in Ukraine?

  9. What mineral resources is Ukraine rich in?

  10. What are the chief industries of Ukraine?

  11. What are the largest industrial, centers of Ukraine?

  12. When does the executive and legislative power belong to?

  13. What Ukrainian prominent people do you know?

  14. What outstanding Ukrainian scientists have made great contribution to world science?

Exercise 3. Find the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian phrases.

  • займати значну частину

  • засіб зв’язку

  • помірно-континентальний

  • сприяти утворенню

  • чорнозем

  • сировина

  • автомагістраль та трубопровід

  • встановлювати відносини

  • підписувати угоду

  • видатні особистості

  • розвиток с/г

  • перехрестя

  • півострів

Exercise 4. Make up the sentences.



is situated

is located


to the west of Europe


on the Black sea


in the western part of Ukraine


in Europe


on the Dnieper



is famous for its

TV sets


resort areas




coal extraction


historical monuments

Exercise 5. Fill in the missing word.

  1. The Black sea is a _____ _____ with many countries of the world.

  2. The Danube gives _____ _____ to seven European countries.

  3. Most of the territory is flat so _____ constitute a considerable part of the country.

  4. There are large _____ of coal, manganese and peat.

  5. It is also rich in variety of _____ materials.

  6. Now Ukraine is establishing _____ with countries throughout the world.

Exercise 6. Make up a brief plan of the topic and be ready to retell it.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with a proper geographical term.

  1. The most important town in a country is …

  2. A large town is …

  3. A rounded and raised landform, not as high as mountain …

  4. Low ground between hills …

  5. A body of land surrounded by water …

  6. A big piece of water with land around it …

  7. A large stream of water, that flows across the land …

  8. The body of salt water covering nearly three fourth of the Earth’s surface …

  9. A very dry area where few plants grow …

Exercise 8. Choose the words from the text as synonyms to the following.

    1. Main, leading, principle, _____.

    2. Remarkable, striking, prominent, _____.

    3. Authority, government, state, _____.

    4. Useful, advantageous, profitable, _____.

    5. Bond, connection, link, _____.

Exercise 9. Choose the correct definition from the right hand column.

  1. Economics a) the upper layer of ground in which plants grow.

  2. Agriculture b) weather conditions of a place or area.

  3. Mining c) people living in a place, country.

  4. Soil d) line dividing two states or countries.

  5. Climate e) condition of climates material prosperity.

  6. Border f) practice of farming.

  7. Population g) the process of getting minerals from mines.

Exercise 10. Look at the map of Ukraine. Match the sentences halves.

  1. The Black Sea is in a) the West

  2. Kiev is in b) the North of Ukraine

  3. The Carpathians are in c) the South of Ukraine

  4. Odessa is in d) the North East of Ukraine

  5. Dnipropetrovs’k is in e) the North West of the Crimea

  6. Kharkiv is in f) the South West of Micholayiv

  7. The Dnister is in g) the South East of Kiev

Exercise 11. Make up the sentences using the following words.

  1. Europe, one, Ukraine, of, largest, is, the, countries, in.

  2. rich, a variety, it, raw, also, is, in, precious, materials, of.

  3. people, be, Ukraine, proud, may, of, outstanding

  4. large, Ukraine, of, quantities, produces, products, different.

  5. history, goes, the, Kiev, of, remote, back, past, to.

  6. rivers, sources, are, country’s, power, of, hydroelectric.

Country and people


  • What makes it easy for you to identify nationally?

  • Do you believe in stereotypes?

  • What do you think is the stereotype for Ukrainian nationality?

  • What is the stereotype Ukrainian man or woman?

  • Which adjectives do you think go with the Ukrainian nationality?

hard-working easy-going

reserved quiet

hospitable polite

friendly punctual

humorous lazy

romantic serious

nationalistic fun-loving

outgoing formal

emotional rude

talkative sociable

Exercise 1. Read the text “The Ukrainian nation” and find synonyms or paraphrases of the following words in the text.

  • to search for

  • to restore

  • individuality

  • mighty

  • to take the beginning

Exercise 2. Divide the text into three parts according to the following plan.

  • Historical roots of Ukrainian nation.

  • Aspirations of the Ukrainian people for independence.

  • Language problems.

Text 2 the ukrainian nation

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

Modern archaeological evidence indicates that Ukrainians are original inhabitants of this land; their forefathers lived on this territory from the third or fourth millennia B.C.

The Ukrainians are mainly descended from those imported as slaves. Over a thousand years ago Slavic tribes - Polyans, Drevlyans, Siverians,- made their appearance on the historical arena. One of the most powerful states of medieval Europe-Kyivan Rus - was founded. Since that time Ukrainian people made their long way to independence. It was a gradual process that took thousand years. Nowadays the Ukrainians are actively seeking to re-establish their own roots and cultural identity. According to the Constitution of Ukraine (Article 10) the state language in Ukraine is Ukrainian. But there is no one Ukrainian language common to all people in this country. The national minorities have right to speak their own languages. The most wide-spread among them still remains Russian. It is the mother tongue for more than 30% (percent) of the population of Ukraine. The reason for these dates from the times when Ukraine was one of the 15 republics of the Soviet Union and Russian was the official language for it.

Exercise 2. Are the following sentences true or false?

  1. The Ukrainians are descended from slaves.

  2. The way to independence was a quick process.

  3. Russian remains the state language.

  4. Ukrainian language is not only common language to people in Ukraine.

  5. In the Soviet Union the official language was Russian.

  6. Ukrainian people don’t pay attention to re-establishing their own roots and cultural identity.

Text 3 kyiv – the capital of ukraine

Exercise 1. Read and translate the following texts.

The founding of the city

Like any other ancient city Kyiv was born on the bank of a river. It happened more than 2000 years ago. The beautiful old legend about the foundation of Kyiv tells about the three brothers - Kyi, Shchek and Khoriv and their sister Lybid, who sailing down the Dnieper saw the picturesque green banks and thought that this place would be perfect for a new city. They settled there and named the place Kyiv after the eldest brother. The new city started quickly to rise on the hills among the dark forests, full of wild animals, and rich meadows, which provided good pastures for the cattle. The river Dnieper was both the friend, as it gave food and water to its people and helped in the city's trade and development, and the enemy, as it flooded the city every year ruining houses, destroying crops and taking away people's lives.

Kyiv grew larger and larger; it attracted many people from ether cities, towns and villages. Rich people settled on the hills where the Princes' palaces were built, while common people lived in the lower part of the city, known as Podil, which later developed into a busy trading district. In the 9th century with the establishment of Kyivan Rus, Kyiv became its capital.

Historical sights

In the 10th century Prince Volodymyr the Great expanded the city, and his son Yaroslav the Wise ordered many beautiful churches to be built, including the famous St. Sofia's Cathedral (1037), a wonderful architectural monument which miraculously survived all the invasions and fires and still charms the citizens and the guests of the city with its unique beauty. The Cathedral was erected at the exact place of the victorious battle over the Pechenegs so that other generations would remember the deeds of their forefathers. It was act only a place of worship, it was also a place of learning and preserving the wisdom of the past, because it is there that the first school and library in Kyivan Rus was founded. At the same time the first monks settled in the caves on the steep left banks of the Dnieper, giving the beginning to another place of worship and amazing architectural beauty - Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra. It was an outstand­ing cultural centre of Kyivan Rus where many famous people lived and worked: the Chronicle writers Nestor, Nikon and Joan, the painters Alimpiy and Grigoriy, the doctors Agapyt and Damian. Several times the Lavra was burnt to ashes by numerous invaders but each time it was restored, and now we can admire the wonderful churches and cathedrals of this architectural gem.

Another famous place in Kyiv is the Golden Gates which were one of the entrances to the city in ancient times and were usually opened to welcome very important guests. Now it has been turned into an interesting museum where you can wander around and imagine yourself in medieval Kyiv.

Opposite St. Sofia's Cathedral there is an impressive monument to Bohdan Khmelnitsky, the 17th century outstanding Ukrainian statesman and military leader who played an important part in Ukrainian history. If you walk up Shevchenko Boulevard you will be amazed by the beauty of Volodymyr Cathedral, whose icons and frescoes were painted by the famous artists Victor Vasnetsov, Mykola Nesterov and Mykhaylo Vrybel. In Andreivskiy Spusk your attention will be attracted by Rasstrelli’s masterpiece - Andreyvska Church, and Mykhaylo Bulgakov’s readers will find his museum just round the corner from the church.

Where to go and what to see in Kyiv?

Khreshchatyk, the beautiful many-faced, brightly-lit main street of Kyiv, hasn't always been like this. Originally it was Khreschata Dolyna covered with forests and ravines. At the beginning of the 19th century the first wooden houses were built there, later stone buildings were erected. Practically all of them were ruined during the Great Patriotic War but later were restored by the Kyivites. The street leads to Independence Square, the main square of Kyiv which now together with Khreschatyk, is the favourite place for entertainment for the citizens and guests of the city.

Museum lovers will find hundreds of beautiful exhibits in the Museum of Ukrainian Fine Arts whose 21 galleries contain valuable collections of Ukrainian icons, pictures and sculptures from the 14th to the 20th century, including some works by Taras Shevchenko. His other paintings, manuscripts and personal belongings can be found in the Taras Shevchenko State Museum in Shevchenko Boulevard and in the museum in Kanev, his burial place. Another rich collection of pictures and sculptures can be seen in the Russian Arts Museum, which is the third largest after those of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Theatre-goers will never be bored in Kyiv as there are theatres to all tastes: the Taras Shevchenko National Opera and Ballet House with wonderful singers and dancers, the Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, the Lesya Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre, the Tchaikovsky Conservatory, the Kyiv Philhar­monic Society, the Musical Drama Theatre and many others, all with wonderful highly-professional performers.

Kyiv has always been a very important scientific, educational and cultural centre. Among the best known higher educational establishments there are Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Kyiv Polytechnic University, International Independent University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Kyiv State Conservatory and many others. Kyiv is the home of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and hundreds of research institutes. It is also a huge industrial centre but the air in the capital does not seem to be very polluted due to the nearness of the river and plenty of greenery.

Wherever you go in Kyiv, you will see either a beautiful old building or a monument, a green park or an amazingly decorated church - it is so full of places of interest that it's difficult to name even half of them.

The present and the past live side by side in Kyiv, and both lovers of history and people who are interested in the contemporary life of the capital, will find something to their taste in the busy streets of Kyiv.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions

  1. Have you ever been to Kyiv? If yes, when?

  2. How long did you stay there?

  3. Why did you go there?

  4. Do you have any relatives or friends living in Kyiv?

  5. What did you do there?

  6. What places of interest did you visit?

  7. Which of them impressed you most of all?

  8. Can you say that you have seen all places of interest in Kyiv?

  9. Would you like to go to Kyiv again?

  10. What would you like to see?

  11. If you haven’t been to Kyiv, can you say that you would like to go there?

  12. What would you like to see?

  13. If you are a theatre-goer, which of Kyiv’s theatres would you like to go to and why?

  14. Which of Kyiv’s museums do you want to visit? Why?

Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences.

  1. Like any other ancient cities Kiev …

  2. The beautiful old legend about …

  3. They settled there and named the place …

  4. The river Dnieper was both the friend … and the enemy …

  5. In the 10-th century Prince Volodimyr the Great …

  6. The famous St. Sophia's Cathedral is a wonderful …

  7. Several times the Lavra was …

  8. Now the Golden Gates has been turned into …

  9. The main street in Kiev leads to …

  10. It is also a huge industrial centre but …

Exercise 4. Fill in the missing word.

  1. The new city started quickly to _____ among the dark forests.

  2. Kiev _____ many people from other cities, towns and villages.

  3. Common people lived in the _____ of the city.

  4. The Cathedral was erected at the _____ over the Pechenegs.

  5. It was also a place of _____ and _____.

  6. The Golden Gates were the _____ to the city in ancient times and were _____.

  7. An impressive monument to _____ stands opposite the St. Sophia's Cathedral.

  8. At the beginning of the 19-th century _____ were built.

  9. Another rich collection of pictures and sculptures _____.

  10. People, who are interested in _____, will find something to their taste.

Exercise 5. Find English equivalents in the text.

  • ідеальне місце для міста

  • багаті луга

  • затопити місто

  • звичайні люди

  • прекрасна церква

  • ворожий напад

  • середньовічний Київ

  • коштовність

  • захоплюватись

  • спопелити

  • переможна битва

  • покоління

  • добре освітлений

  • яр, ущелина

  • цінні колекції

  • ВНЗ

  • жваві вулиці

  • ікони та фрески

Exercise 6. Translate the following words and word-combinations.

  • ancient city

  • foundation of Kiev

  • picturesque, rich meadows

  • good pastures

  • city’s trade and development

  • attract

  • busy streets

  • greenery

  • ravines

  • gem

  • statesman

  • personal belongings

  • contemporary life

  • artist

  • huge centre

  • to burn to ashes

  • wisdom, monks

  • exact place

  • numerous invaders

  • amazing beauty

  • deeds

Exercise 7. Listen to the dialogue. Then read it and try to reproduce.

G = Galina, V = Vlad, A =Artem

G. What are you going to do during holidays?

V. I’ll go on a boat trip along the Dnieper.

G. And what about you?

A. I’ll go to the rest camp in the Carpathians. I like to enjoy watching its picturesque slopes covered with forest and polonynas.

G. Polonynas? Em…What is it?

A. Don’t you know? They are wonderful meadows.

G. Hope you’ll have a good rest there. As for me I’ll go to the Crimea. So I’m going to sunbathe and swim in the sea all day long.

A. Crimean medicinal climate attracts millions to such resorts as Yevpatoriya, Foros, Gurzuf, Alupka etc. Are you going to stay at one of them?

G. Oh, no! You forgot that the Crimea is washed not only by the Black Sea but also by the Sea of Azov. I think I’ll go to that part of the peninsular.

V. The Dnieper doesn’t have the dramatic beauty of the Crimea or the Carpathians. But it’s very pretty and charming. And I think life on a boat trip will be more relaxed and much more enjoyable.

A. There are many great rivers in Ukraine but you chose the Dnieper for your trip. Why?

V. It’s the third longest river in Europe. It crosses into Ukraine from Belorus, and flows to 2200km through the broad and flat plain before reaching its outlet near the Southern city of Kherson. So I’ll have an opportunity to get acquainted with so many places in our country.

Project 5


Exercise 1. Read and translate the following texts.

Kharkiv is the historic capital of Slobidska Ukraine. It is the largest industrial and an important communications, scientific, commercial and cultural centre of Ukraine. Its population is about 2 mln inhabitants. Kharkiv region occupies the territory of 31,4 thousand square kilometres. It borders on Lugansk, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Sumy and Belgorod regions.

Kharkiv’s name is most likely derived from the Kharkiv River. According to popular legend the city was named after a Cossack Kharko. The generally accepted date of Kharkiv’s founding is 1654. The region is rich in minerals. It has limestone, chalk, clay, sand, brown coal, phosphorus and natural gas.

Kharkiv is a centre of power engineering and transport machine-building, machine-tool and instrument engineering, radio-electronic, electrical, chemical and light industries. There are hundreds of enterprises in Kharkiv; the largest of them are "Turboatom", aircraft plant, Kharkiv Tractor Company, big plants named after T.Shevchenko and V.Malyshev.

The products of Kharkiv enterprises comprise aircraft, tractors, locomotives, turbines, TV-sets, cameras, tape-recorders, furniture, mining and medical equipment. Light industry produces clothing, footwear, ropes, textile and leather articles. Kharkiv-made products are shipped to more than thirty countries of the world.

Our city is a large scientific centre. A great number of research institutes and 28 higher educational establishments are to be found here. Many famous people lived and worked in Kharkiv among them architect Beketov, designer of rocket-space equipment Yangail, physicists Kurchatov and Landau, philologist Potebnya, astronomer Barabashov.

Kharkiv is the centre of Ukrainian culture. Six theatres, two museums, the Circus, the Concert Hall of Chamber and Organ Music, the Planetarium, Palaces of Sports and Culture, a great number of libraries and cinemas are at the disposal of Kharkovites.

The picturesque green parks, wide squares, monuments and ancient churches make up the beauty of our city.

Vocabulary Notes

  1. inhabitant – мешканець

  2. limestone – вапняк

  3. enterprise – підприємство

  4. article – виріб

  5. establishment – установа, заклад

  6. picturesque – живописний

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

  1. Is Kharkiv the historic capital of Slobidska Ukraine?

  2. What territory does Kharkiv region occupy?

  3. How many inhabitants live in Kharkiv?

  4. What regions does Kharkiv region border on?

  5. What is the generally accepted date of Kharkiv’s founding?

  6. What mineral resources is Kharkiv rich in?

  7. What are the largest enterprises of Kharkiv?

  8. What do the Kharkiv enterprises produce?

  9. Is Kharkiv a large scientific centre?

  10. What scientists lived and worked here?

Exercise 3. Fill in the missing words.

  1. Kharkiv is the historical capital of _____ Ukraine.

  2. Its population is about _____ inhabitants.

  3. Kharkiv region occupies the _____ of about _____ thousand square kilometers.

  4. The general accepted date of _____ _____ is 1654.

  5. The region is _____ in minerals.

  6. There are _____ of _____ in Kharkiv.

  7. Our city is a _____ _____ centre.

  8. A great number of _____ _____ and 28 higher _____ _____ are to be found here.

  9. Many _____ _____ lived and worked in Kharkiv.

  10. Kharkiv is the _____ of Ukrainian culture.

  11. The picturesque green parks, wide squares, monuments and ancient churches _____ _____ the beauty of our city.

Exercise 4. Make up the sentences using the following words.

  1. centre, is, highly, Kharkiv, industrial, a, developed.

  2. famous, worked, Kharkiv, many, and, people, in, lived.

  3. legend, to, Kharko, after, the, according, named, Cossack, popular, city, a, was.

  4. engineering, Kharkiv, machine-building, is, power, a, and, centre, transport, of.

  5. picturesque, our, the, wide, make, parks, the, of, squares, city, green, up, and, beauty.

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