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Кафедра «Иностранные языки-1»

Информатика, вычислительная техника и информационные системы


по английскому языку по устным темам

для студентов I и II курсов

Института управления и

информационных технологий

по дисциплине

"Английский язык"

МОСКВА - 2010


Кафедра «Иностранные языки-1»

Информатика, вычислительная техника и информационные системы


по английскому языку по устным темам

для студентов I и II курсов

Института управления и

информационных технологий

по дисциплине

"Английский язык"

МОСКВА - 2010


Кафедра «Иностранные языки – 1»

Информатика, вычислительная техника и информационные системы

Рекомендовано редакционно-издательским советом университета

в качестве практикума

для студентов I и II курсов


«Информатика и вычислительная техника», «Информационные системы»

под редакцией Е.В. Федоткиной

МОСКВА – 2010

УДК 42

Р 88

Русакова Н.В., Афанасьева Е.Н. Информатика, вычислительная техника и информационные системы.

Практикум по английскому языку по устным темам/

под редакцией Е.В. Федоткиной. – М.: МИИТ, 2010. – 64 с.

Практикум предназначен для развития навыков и умений устной речи по темам, указанным в «Рабочих программах» по курсу «Иностранные языки» от 2005 года.

Он включает 9 модулей, 31 текст, словарь. Текстовый материал заимствован из оригинальной английской литературы и адаптирован в соответствии с целью данных методических разработок.

Афанасьева Е.Н.- 10 текстов (модуль II - 1,2,3; модуль III - 5; модуль V - 3,4 ; модуль VI - 2,4,5 ; модуль VIII - 1)

Русакова НВ. - 21 текст ((модуль I - 1,2; модуль III - 1,2,3,4,6;

модуль IV - 1,2,3,4; модуль V - 1,2; модуль VI - 1,3;модуль VII - 1,2,3,4; модуль VIII -2;модуль IX - 1,2)

©Московский государственный университет

путей сообщения (МИИТ), 2010

Учебно-методическое издание

Русакова Наталия Владимировна

Афанасьева Елена Николаевна

Информатика, вычислительная техника и Информационные системы

Практикум по английскому языку по устным темам

для студентов I и II курсов

Института управления и информационных технологий

по специальности

«Информатика и вычислительная техника», «Информационные системы»

под редакцией Е.В. Федоткиной

Подписано в печать Формат Тираж 200 экз.

Усл.- печ. л. - Заказ Изд. № 280-10

127994, Москва, ул. Образцова, 9, стр.9, гсп - 4

Типография МИИТа

Module I. Information Technology in Modern Society

Text 1 Convergence in IT and Telecoms

Convergence is creating new businesses forcing existence companies to adapt quickly or die. We see the convergence of Information Technology, Telecommunications and Media, the convergence of fixed and mobile services and the convergence at device level. All of these trends are creating new markets and making other equipment, products, services and even whole companies rapidly obsolete.

For technology manufacturers or service providers, deciding what markets to choose in the future it becomes a challenge with serious consequences. Should Kodak integrate a mobile phone into its cameras or just give up? Does Microsoft still need to sell boxed software when you can download applications onto a smart phone?

In a new move into the world of cloud computing Google has announced plans for the Google drive or G-drive. Cloud computing gives other companies the option of storing their data on someone else's hardware. Instead of storing information on their PCs or laptops, users can do it on Google servers and access it over the Internet.

Apple has announced that its 13-year old client managed to download the billionth application from the iTunes store. Apple uses the technology of the iPhone like the Multi-Touch interface, GPS, real time 3D graphics and 3D positional audio. Other operators and manufacturers are also trying to enter this popular market.

It is very difficult to predict exactly how technology developments will progress and what we will definitely see over the next few years. Convergence is far from over. The next twenty years will see much more of it, and the whole of IT will converge with the fields of biotechnology and nanotechnology.

Collisions within IT, telecommunications and media sector are happening now on a daily basis. Like any busy crossroads there are going to be near misses and head-on crashes. As ever, the survivors will be the companies that understand their customers and are quick enough to respond to all these changes.

Answer the questions

1.What is convergence creating?

2. What problems do technology manufacturers and service providers face?

3. What are Kodak's plans for the future?

4. How can you get Microsoft applications nowadays?

5. What innovations does Apple use?

6.What does cloud computing offer to users?

7.What new branches of industry will IT converge with?

8. Can people really predict how technology will progress?

9. What companies can survive in the future?

10.What exists within IT, telecommunications and media ?

Text 2 Different Views on Information Technology

In recent years three forces - downsizing, globalisation and the need for speed have combined to change the environment. The final ingredient in this mix is fierce competition which has resulted in the pressure to do everything faster. The result of downsizing is to cram more work into fewer people. To justify the quest for efficiency and to speed up productivity, modern business has put multi-dollar investments into IT equipment and services. Companies are trying to use any way they can to exploit workers. Increasing productivity with computer systems is just another way to get as much as they can.

Under certain conditions the new PCs and corporate networks can boost profits and allow companies to do more with less. IT really helps organise our lives better. However, another truth is hidden under the technology sales pitches. Poorly planned IT systems generate more not less work. Pouring thousands of PCs and miles of cables into a corporation is a great way to waste money unless the systems and processes that technology is meant to automate are overhauled. The expectation is that more technology means more speed and more output per employee. However, it does not magically occur. It can even make people work longer hours to increase productivity. In practice IT can become another tool of exploiting workers.

Oddly enough, but productivity will not grow even if the technology delivers as promised. Thus, Microsoft's Power Point presentation software has become a standard office productivity tool. Before Power Point, a graphics presentation was created by a graphics artist. With PowerPoint and its software anyone can produce presentations that look fully professional. However spending too much time on presentations, workers have less time for other important aspects of their job.

It goes without saying that IT has become a part of our lives. It is a complex technical and rapidly changing area of business. IT professionals preform a variety of duties that range from applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. However, there are a lot of people nowadays who think that IT is fallacy. They say that IT exploits workers, damages health and causes more problems than it solves.

Answer the questions

1. What forces have combined to change the environment?

2. What is the final aim of this unity?

3.What is the main result of downsizing?

4.How is modern business trying to boost output?

5.What is hidden under the technology sales pitches?

6. Why do poorly planned IT systems generate more work?

7. Does IT really organise our lives better or is it just another way of exploiting workers?

8.Why has Microsoft's PowerPoint presentation software become a standard office productivity tool?

9. What duties do IT professionals usually preform ?

10.What do some people think of IT ?

Module II. My speciality

Text 1. Computer Science

I am going to become a computer engineer and I am looking forward with pride and confidence to my future. I am sure that

I have all reasons to feel so because nowadays our world is measured, controlled and managed by computers. Actually, computer engineering is the process of analysing and designing all hardware and software for a computer system.

Today there are different laptops, notebooks, tablets, personal digital assistants and stationary computers or desk-tops everywhere. They are not only in banks, offices, government and business institutions, but also in schools and private houses. In the modern world even children play electronic games on computers, play-stations and mobile phones.

Many corporations, companies and institutions have introduced local computer networks and information systems into their business, production, service and management. A computer has become an indispensable “must-have” not only in business but in our everyday life too. Moreover, computers and the Internet are gradually transforming into extension of our brain and hands, enabling people to pick up knowledge as they require it and to maintain a remote control at a great distance away.

Portable computers, for instance, provide continuous access to information in all areas and to various navigation and communication systems, so you can order different goods and services, pay for them and check your accounts on-line whenever you want. You can computerise your own house installing all necessary electronic devices with supporting smart home software and technology. As a result, your place will be changed into the so-called “smart house” with full automatic control and supply including air-conditioning, temperature, dust and humidity monitoring, gate opening with face control, a self-inventorying refrigerator and blinds shutting and opening without human attendance.