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Міністерство освіти і науки україни львівський інститут економіки і туризму контрольна робота № 1






СПЕЦІАЛЬНОСТІ "ТУРИЗМ", Готельна ресторанна справа

Обговорено та схвалено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов

Протокол № ___ від __________

Зав. кафедри ________________

Хмілярчук Н.С.

Розглянуто і схвалено на

Засіданні кафедри іноземних мов

Протокол № ___ від ___________

Зав. Кафедрою _______________

Хмілярчук Н. С.

Варіант 1

Завдання 1. Прочитайте уважно текст і перекладіть його з допомогою словника.


Last summer I got a letter from my Italian friend Giovanni. He said he was coming to England, and he asked me to meet him at London Airport on Friday, June 25th at 5:30 a.m. I wrote and told him to look for me at the airport. London Airport (at Heathrow) is quite a long way from the centre of London, but there are special buses which come and go between the air terminal in Central London and the airport outside London. But I live quite near the air terminal. I went to bed at 9:L30 on June 24th and I got up at 3 o’clock in the morning. I got dressed in a hurry and walked to the air terminal. I got a ticketr and got on the first bus to the airport. The airport is very big. There are several different buildings and they are full of shops and airline offices and there are hundreds of people there, even early in the morning. I did not know where to go. At last somebody took me to the Italian Airline office. The young lady there told me there were no flights from Italy. I showed her Giovanni’s letter. She asked me, “Is your friend a student?” “Yes”, I said.

“Well”, she said. “Students’ flights usually go to Luton Airport”. “Oh dear”, I said. “It’s a quarter to five now. Can I get to Luton before 5:30?”

“No”, she said. “It’s too far away”. I was very unhappy. I got the next bus back to the air terminal and went back home. I got very hungry on the bus. I was having break fast when the telephone rang. It was Giovanni. It was a good thing I did not go to Luton Airport because Giovanni was phoning me from Gatwick Airport. I arranged to meet him at the underground station.

Завдання 2-4. Доповніть речення однією із фраз, що подані нижче.

2. Giovanni was coming to England and…. .

a) he asked me to let him stay with me;

b) he asked me to show him London;

c) he asked me to meet him at London Airport.

3. London Airport (at Heathrow) is…. .

a) not far from the centre of London;

b) quite a long way from the centre of London;

c) not far from my house.

4. The young lady at the Italian Airline office said, … .

a) “Students’ flights usually go to Luton Airport”.

b) “There are flights from Italy on Monday”.

c) “I’ll check the flight with the time-table”.

Завдання 5-14. Заповніть пропуски відповідними словами із таблиці.

5. Did … happen there yesterday?

6. I have seen everything … .

7. Mike has a tape-recorder … tape-recorder is good.

8. Angela can translate this newspaper article … a dictionary.

9. … does not like to be punished.

10. This is the boy … drawing was the best.

11. We have been there for … days only.

12. Do you like to put … ice into your cocktail?

13. It is necessary to visit George … he is ill.

14. Ann told them about it … they would not believe her.

1. whose 6. from 11. but 16. much

2. many 7. yourself 12. him 17. as

3. something 8. myself 13. his 18. without

4. anything 9. one 14. who 19. about

5. few 10. ones 15. a few 20. that

Завдання 15-19. Заповніть пропуски відповідними словами, що подані в дужках.

15. I have got ______ . (a reservation, a manager, a hotel). 16. Let the hotel ______ know well in advance the day and time of your departure. (room, key, manager). 17. The clerk says he can give me ______ on the third floor. (a confirmation, a porter, a room) 18. I ask the hotel _____ to carry my luggage to the room. (form, register, porter) 19. When traveling people almost always stay at the _____ (laundry, luggage, hotel)

Завдання 20 . Завершіть наступний діалог.

A: What can I do for you, sir ?

B: ……..

A: You can have room 45 on the third floor.

B: …….

A: Yes, of course. Come this way, please.

Завдання 21-30 . Дайте відповіді на наступні запитання.

21. Where do you live ? 22. What is your address ? 23. What floor do you live on ? 24. Is your room (flat) large ? 25. How many rooms are there in your flat ? 26. Is your flat comfortable ? 27. Is it an old or a new house ? 28. Is it in the centre of the city (town) ? 29. Where do you keep your books ? 30. Do you often invite your friends to your apartment ?

Варіант 2

Завдання 1-6. Прочитайте уважно текст і перекладіть його з допомогою словника.


Doris Pritchard is a successful business woman, managing her own travel company. The company arranges trips to more interesting places than most. This year she has taken groups of tourists to the Amazon Rain Forest and to The Antarctic. What is really amazing about Doris Pritchard is that she is in her seventies and until five years ago she knew nothing at all about the travel business. In fact she had never even been abroad. When her husband died she decided to make a complete change and go to Africa. She couldn’t find a travel company to arrange it, so she did it herself. Friends asked her to help arrange their holidays and the business grew from there. She’s not planning on retiring just yet. Why would she retire? She’s having too much fun working.

Вкажіть, які із поданих нижче речень відповідають тестові. Заповніть пропуски словами True (вірно) або False (невірно).

2. Doris owns the company. _____

3. Their holidays are not the normal kind of holiday. _____

4. She has been in the business all her life _____.

5. Her first trip was to the Amazon. _____

6. She enjoys her work too much to stop doing it. _____

Завдання 7-18. Заповніть пропуски словами ROAD або WAY.

Де road - дорога, шлях, шосе, проїзна частина ; way сторона, напрям.

7. It’s the only short ____ to the square. 8. Where does this ____ lead ? 9. I know the ____ , it’s a good fast one. 10. It’s a long _____ from here. 11. The car skidded on the wet _____? 12. Which is the right _____ to the station ? 13. Follow this ____ . 14. Shall I see your part of the ____ ? 15. Go right to the end of the ____ and turn to the left. 16. You have mistaken the ____ . 17. The boy lost his ____ coming down the mountain. 18. Is this the ____ to the post-office ?

Завдання 19. Завершіть наступний діалог.

A: Do you have a double room for three nights ?

B: ……….

A: How much is it ?

B: ……….

A: Can I see it, please ?

B: ……….

Завдання 20-26. Поставте інфінітив, що в дужках, у форму Present Continuous.

20. We (to stay) at the Astoria Hotel. 21. I (to expect) a guest. Please, say that I’ll be back soon. 22. He (to leave) tonight. 23. What (to do) Peter ? - He (to fill in) the blank. 24. Don’t disturb us. My father (to sleep). 25. Where is John ? – He (to check) the luggage. 26. This way, please. The manager (to wait) for you.

Завдання 26-29. Знайдіть відповідне тлумачення слів, у колонці, що навпроти .

26. cruise

a. looking at famous places

27. desert

b. another country

28. sightseeing

c. staying on a boat

29. abroad

d. a hot, dry place

Варіант 3

Завдання 1-10. Прочитайте уважно текст і перекладіть його з допомогою словника.


Many people think about holidays in January. They begin to make plans. They talk about places and ideas ... January is a cold month in many countries, and February is even worse! Christmas is over. The New year has begun. So people begin to dream.

Some people like winter holidays. If they live near mountains they probably go skiing. Some people can ski every weekend, but others go for a week and have a real holiday.

Not everybody likes winter holidays. Though, many people dream of the sun and warm beaches. And other people like to do things when they are on holiday. They want to learn a foreign language or visit famous places, or go climbing. Some people like to spend their holidays with a lot of other people; others prefer to go on their own.

Even if we all have different ideas about an ideal holiday, we all have to face two problems: time and money. In some countries, people have a three weeks holiday each year, in other countries, it is four weeks and teachers often have twelve weeks! Some people like to have one long holiday each year; others prefer to have two short ones.

Дайте відповіді на запитання.

  1. When do people start to think about their holidays?

  2. Do people begin to dream after the New Year has begun?

  3. Some people like winter holidays, don't they?

  4. How do people spend their holiday if they live near mountains?

  5. How often do some people ski?

  6. Don't many people dream of the sun and warm beaches?

  7. Are some people intent on doing things when on holiday?

  8. What kind of things do they prefer to do?

  9. What problem do all people have to face?

  10. How long can people be on holiday?

Завдання 11. Завершіть наступний діалог.

A: What a nasty day today !

B: ……….

A: I hate when it rains.

B: ……….

A: What is the weather forecast for tomorrow ?

B: ……….

A: What a pity ! I shall not be able to go fishing.

Завдання 12. Знайдіть відповідне тлумачення слів, у колонці, що навпроти .

12. cruise

a. travelling

13. journey

b. a famous place

14. landmark

c. hotel and travel

15. abroad

d. travelling by ship

16. package holiday

e. another country

Завдання 17-21. Поставте запитання, щоб отримати наступні відповіді.

17. We are going to reserve a double room.

18. A chambermaid is cleaning their suits now.

19. She is going to check out on Monday.

20. I am looking for the key. I am afraid I have lost it.

21. David is still talking to the manager of the hotel.

Завдання 22-30. Вставте присвійні займенники (my, our, his, her, their, your, its ).

22. We have ___ English classes twice a week. 23. She likes ____new dress very much. 24. Paul keeps ___ books in the book-case. 25. I usually go to see ___ friends in the evening. 26. They often take ___ children to this park. 27. Do you help ___ parents ? 28. The film is very interesting but I do not remember ___ title. 29. Mary is an accountant. She does ___ work well. 30. Next I ask the hotel porter to carry ___ luggage to the room.

Варіант 4

Завдання 1-10. Прочитайте уважно текст і перекладіть його з допомогою словника.


Some of the English customs are strange. People in England do not shake hands as much as people do in Europe. Men raise their hats to women but not to each other. When you go to a friend's house for a dinner, it's not the custom to say, "Thank you" at the end of the dinner as in our country. There you wait until you are leaving to go home and then you say, "Thank you for inviting me". Very few people have servants in their homes. It is very difficult to get servants, and servants' wages are high, so the men help their wives in many ways.

Sunday is a very quiet day in London. All the shops are not open and so are the theatres and most of the cinemas. Londoners like to get out of town on Sundays. They often go down to the sea for the day. There are very few outdoor cafes in London. That's because the weather changes so often and so quickly. The sun may shine one minute and the a few minutes later it may rain.

Foreigners sometimes get a little tired of English cooking, and they go to Soho. Soho is a part of London where there are all sorts of restaurants: French, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Indian and many others.

Дайте відповіді на запитання.

  1. Do people in England shake hands as much as people do in Europe?

  2. Whom do men raise their hats to?

  3. Is it customary to say "Thank you" at the end of the dinner?

  4. What do the guests say when they are leaving?

  5. Very few people have servants in their homes, haven't they?

  6. What day is very quiet in London?

  7. Where do the Londoners prefer to go on Sundays?

  8. Are there many outdoor cafes in London?

  9. Who is sometimes tired of English cooking?

10. What is Soho famous for?

Завдання 11-12. Завершіть наступиі діалоги.

11. A: Pardon me, where is the taxi stand ? 12. A: Excuse me, is this Shevchenko Prospect?

B: ………. B: ………..

A: Oh, yes. Thank you. A: Thank you.

B: ………. B: ……….

Завдання 13-17. Знайдіть відповідне тлумачення слів, у колонці, що навпроти .

13. jogging

a. moving a boat through the water

14. sailing

b. riding a board in the water

15. surfing

c. a kind of fighting

16. skiing

d. running to keep fit

17. karate

e. moving over the snow

Завдання 18. Утворіть множину іменника в дужках .

18. The teacher often tells us very interesting (story).

Завдання 19-21. Виберіть правильний займенник у дужках .

19. She lives with (she, her) mother in Lviv.

20. Is there (many, much) snow in the street?

21. She likes to tell us about (her, she) children.

Завдання 22-30. Дайте відповіді на наступні запитання.

22. Do you often take a bus/trolley-bus/taxi/the metro/tram ? 23. How do you go to your plant/office/institute ? 24. Is there much traffic in your town ? 25. Which is the busiest street in your town/city ? 26. How can you get from your home to the nearest railway station ? 27. In what countries does one keep to the left when driving ? 28. How does the traffic in Ukraine drive ? 29. Which is the best hotel in your town/city ? 30. What is the bus fare in your town ?

Варіант 5

Завдання 1-9. Прочитайте уважно текст і перекладіть його з допомогою словника.