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LEARN ENGLISH Сборник устных тем для аудиторной...doc
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7. Fill in the suitable words from the Active Vocabulary.

1. I have … time nor… to cook breakfast.

2. At the refectory I have… dinner.

3. Usually I go to the University… .

4. For supper I have roast or mashed potatoes with fish or macaroni with bacon for a … .

5. At 7.30 I … the University.

6. Good music sets me into a … working mood.

7. At home I have a … and take a short rest.

8. 7 o’clock is time for me to… .

9. Most of the students go in for … and I am not an … .

10. I take part in the amateur singing group… a week.

11. I am not so quick to leave my bed as I am not an … … .

12. In the morning I open the window wide to …….. .

8. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. When does the student get up on weekdays?

  2. Does he get up quickly? Why?

  3. What sets him into a cheerful working mood?

  4. What does he do before breakfast?

  5. Does he have a substantial breakfast?

  6. Where does he live?

  7. When do his classes begin?

  8. Where does he have dinner?

  9. What does he usually have for dinner?

  10. What does he do after dinner?

  11. How does he spend his free time?

  12. What does his supper consist of?

  13. When does he go to bed?

9. Read the dialogue and translate it.

Nina: Hello, Mary.

Mary: Hello, come in. Don’t mind the mess. I’m just doing the room.

Nina: Oh, what a pity you are busy! Look, I’ve got two tickets for the cinema. The show begins at 5 sharp.

Mary: Don’t worry. We have time enough for everything. We still have an hour before the show. It never takes me much time to tidy up my room.

Nina: Let me help you. What am I to do?

Mary: If you don’t mind, you water the flowers and dust the books while I sweep the floor and put everything in its place.

Nina: Where am I to put this flowerpot?

Mary: Somewhere on the windowsill.

Nina: Don’t you want to air the room? Do you mind if I open the window?

Mary: Oh, no. I don’t mind it a bit!

Nina: Now the room looks quite tidy. There is nothing else to do. Let’s go.

Mary: Wait a moment. I have to wash the dishes.

Nina: Somebody else can do it, I think.

Mary: Certainly, anybody can, but today it’s my turn to do it. We all help mother about the house as much as we can.

Nina: And who does the shopping in your family?

Mary: As a rule, mother goes shopping after work. Oh, that reminds me… I must buy something for supper, as mother has a lecture tonight.

10. Say what time it is now.

14.15, 10.25, 13.35, 20.10, 12.10, 11.20, 9.40, 23.50, 21.25, 18.30, 11.45, 18.00, 15.42, 7.35, 16.15, 5.15.

11. Ask the question and answer it.

e.g. How much time (how long) does it take you to read your newspaper in the morning? – It takes me a quarter of an hour to do it.

How much time

How long

does it take you

to do your exercises?

to get to the University?

to take your dinner at the refectory?

to do your room?

to do your shopping?

to do your hair?

to do the cooking on Sunday morning?

to make tea (coffee)?

to translate a one-page text?

to make your report?

to have breakfast?

12. Learn the following phrases!

the bed

a mistake

the cooking

a dress

the shopping

progress (in)

the room

tea, coffee


the translation


report (on)

an exercise

a fire


a present (for)

one’s hair


good, harm (to)



13. Fill in do or make.

  1. Will you please … the beds while I… the cooking?

  2. You can … progress only if you … all the exercises.

  3. Don’t … this mistake again.

  4. You must… your work first, then you may take out your bike for a run in the country.

  5. Don’t … anything until he comes back.

  6. You can… a very nice summer dress out of this material.

  7. Let her … the cake herself, she must learn how to… it.

  8. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can… today.

  9. I always … the beds and… the room myself.

10. Don’t ask Mary … coffee, she doesn’t know how … it.

11. If you don’t … your homework, you won’t … progress in English.

12. Ann has many friends because she can … friends very easily.

13. What a nice hair-do! Do you … your hair yourself?

14. Translate into English.

  1. Когда я и мои друзья ходим в поход, я всегда делаю костер.

  2. На завтрак я готовлю черный кофе и бутерброды.

  3. Я всегда делаю домашнюю работу по английскому языку, потому что я хочу добиться успехов в нем.

  4. Я всегда делаю добро людям, поэтому у меня много друзей.

  5. Утром я убираю постель, комнату, причесываюсь и завариваю чай.

  6. Мы выполняем много упражнений на уроках английского языка. Но все равно, мы делаем много ошибок.

  7. Обычно моя мама делает покупки по субботам.

  8. У него хорошая работа, поэтому он зарабатывает много денег.

  9. Она шьет красивые платья. У нее способности к этому.

10. Сделайте перевод этого текста. Он очень трудный.

15. Change the sentences according to the patterns.

A) e.g. You or I must do the room today.

Either you or I must do the room today.

  1. You must water the flowers in the morning or in the evening.

  2. I can get this book in translation or in the original.

  3. Don’t worry about me. I can have dinner at our refectory or at some cafeteria today.

  4. Mary or Kate can do the shopping.

  5. She can wash the floor on Friday or on Saturday.

  6. I can make the birthday cake on Saturday night or Sunday morning.

  7. Today is Sunday. Ann may get up at 8 or 9 o’clock.

  8. We have still some days. So we can do the translation today or tomorrow.

  9. For breakfast I usually have a cup of strong tea or white coffee.

10. Are you hungry? We can eat macaroni or fried potatoes.

B) e.g. Tom and Harry haven’t got much money.

Neither Tom nor Harry has got much money.

  1. Kate and her sister do not like porridge for breakfast.

  2. What a pity! Pete and I can’t go to the cinema today.

  3. Father and mother do not want to have dinner at a cafeteria on Sunday.

  4. My brother and I do not like tea with much sugar in it.

  5. Helen and her sister cannot drink hot milk. They dislike it.

  6. Nelly and Alec are not making any noticeable progress in English.

  7. My friend and I cannot do this exercise. It is very difficult.

  8. My sister and I do not eat fish soup.

  9. My younger brother and I do not drink black coffee. We prefer white coffee.

16. Put in either… or or neither… nor.

  1. – Did anybody come to see you last week? – Nobody did. … Julia … John was there.

  2. – Have they arrived yet? – No, they haven’t. But I expect them … today… tomorrow.

  3. Borrow some money from your friends….Ann… Mary will help you.

  4. … my words… Dad’s arguments had any effect on him.

  5. It’s getting dark. You must … go at once … wait till tomorrow.

  6. What’s happened to Jim? He has… written… phoned.

  7. Inside the examination room we could … smoke… talk.

  8. Charles lives… in London… in Cardiff, doesn’t he?

  9. The room was… comfortable… clean, was it?

10. If you do any more homework tonight, we’ll be able … to attend the concert… to go to the cinema.

11. Haven’t you heard that Sally lives not far from us? She has… bought a new flat… rented it.

12. I’d like to help you a little. I can … walk the dog… go shopping.

13. I’m keeping to a diet. I eat… white bread … pancakes.

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