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LEARN ENGLISH Сборник устных тем для аудиторной...doc
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1.Read the following conversations.


«We're going to have a new teacher of English, Mr. Jones.»

«This name is familiar to me. Have you seen him? What does he look like?»

«Well, he's short and stout with a round bald head and a small beard.»

«Oh, that reminds me ... I think I know him: he used to be a master at the school I studied before.»


«Do you remember the boy we spoke to at the club on Monday?»

«Do you mean the one with long hair?»

«No, I mean the one with close-set eyes and a round face.»

«Oh yes, the one with big ears. Well, what about him?»

«Goodness gracious! You still don't know who I mean.»

2. Read and translate the text. Practice such a game in your group.

(Nick Smirnov tells his mother about an interesting game he played with his classmates during the English lesson.)

Today during our English lesson we played a jolly nice game. The teacher told me to think of any person present in the class and the other pupils by asking me questions about this person's appearance had to guess who it was. So I thought of Nick Ivanov, a tall, well-built, muscular,1 black-haired boy with hazel eyes, a turned-up nose and an oval-shaped face. And then I was showered2 with questions like these: «Is it she or is it he?» «How is he built?» «Is he tall or short?» «What colour is his hair?» «What colour are his eyes?» «Is his hair short or long?»

After these questions everybody began casting looks at Nick Ivanov. At last came the question: «Is it Ivanov?» and the class burst out laughing. I think, though, they had guessed him long before.

Anyhow we liked this game very much.

1 muscular жилистый, мускулистый

2 to shower зд. засыпать

3. Situations.

1) You describe your friend's appearance.

2) You discuss with your friends the appearance of your favourite film stars.

3) You discuss with your friend your ideas of man's beauty.

Read and learn Active Vocabulary


bright - способный, смышленый

bold - смелый

brave - храбрый

calm - спокойный, тихий

capable - способный, одаренный

cheerful - бодрый, веселый

clever - умный

communicative - общительный, разговорчивый

conscientious - добросовестный

decent - порядочный, приличный

diligent - прилежный, усердный

faithful - верный

fair - честный, справедливый

frank - откровенный

generous: 1) великодушный; 2) щедрый, благородный

good-natured - добродушный

honest - честный

industrious - работоспособный, трудолюбивый

just - справедливый

kind - добрый

modest - скромный

noble - благородный

persistent - упорный, настойчивый

polite - вежливый

punctual - пунктуальный

reasonable - благоразумный

reserved - сдержанный

resolute - твердый, решительный

strong-willed - волевой

smart - остроумный, находчивый; быстрый, проворный

tactful - тактичный

well-bred - благовоспитанный

wise - мудрый

witty - остроумный

absent - minded рассеянный

ambitious - честолюбивый

awkward/clumsy - неуклюжий

boastful - хвастливый

conceited - самодовольный; тщеславный

cunning - хитрый, коварный

cruel - жестокий

double-faced - двуличный; неискренний

envious - завистливый

greedy - жадный

haughty - надменный, высокомерный

hot-tempered - горячий, вспыльчивый

ill-mannered/ill-bred - невоспитанный, грубый

impudent - нахальный, дерзкий

irritable - раздражительный

jealous - ревнивый

lazy - ленивый

light-minded - легкомысленный

mean - низкий, нечестный

naughty - непослушный, капризный, шаловливый

obstinate - упрямый

rude - грубый

selfish/egoistic - эгоистичный

shy - застенчивый

sluggish - медлительный

sly - хитрый; лицемерный

stingy - скупой

touchy - обидчивый

uncommunicative - необщительный, замкнутый

weak-willed - слабовольный

blockhead - тупица

bore - скучный, надоедливый человек

chatter-box - болтун(ья)

coward - трус

dawdler - копуша

lazy-bones - лентяй

liar лжец

nuisance - нудный, надоедливый .человек

slacker/loafer - лодырь, бездельник

sleepyhead - разг. соня

sloven - неряха

sweet-tooth - сладкоежка

behaviour - поведение, манеры

character - характер

humour: 1) настроение; 2) юмор

manners- манеры

mood - настроение

opinion - мнение

reputation - репутация

temper - темперамент, нрав, характер

trait - черта характера

to be a man of (no) character - быть человеком сильного (слабого) характера

to be angry - быть злым, злиться

to be cross - сердиться

to be decent (conscientious, etc.) all around - быть порядочным (добросовестным и т. д.) во всех отношениях

to be in a good (bad) humour - быть в хорошем (плохом) настроении

to be (not) in the mood for joking - иметь (не иметь) настроения (шутить)

to deceive - обманывать

to have a high (low) opinion - быть высокого (невысокого) мнения о ком-либо

to have a good (bad) sense of humour - иметь (не иметь) чувство юмора

to insult - оскорблять

to loose one's temper - терять самообладание

to neglect one's duties - пренебрегать своими обязанностями

to offend - обижать

to get offended - обижаться

to praise - хвалить

to put on airs - напускать на себя важность

to respect - уважать

to shirk smth. - увиливать от чего-л.

to tease - дразнить

to treat somebody well (badly) - относиться к кому-либо хорошо (плохо)

Не (she) is good (hard) to get along with. - С ним (ней) легко (трудно) ладить

What kind (sort) of man (woman) is he (she)? - Что он (она) за человек?

Give me a touch on his character. - Охарактеризуйте его в двух словах.

1. Read and reproduce the dialogues.


«Don't you think Jim Ford is a born comic?»

«No, I don't. He's just a fellow who takes things lightly.»

«But he doesn't seem to be a light-minded man.»

«No, he doesn't. But he isn't a comic either.»

«Well, he keeps us laughing all the time. How can you explain that?»

«Oh, what a nuisance you are! I'm not a psychologist after all.

Jim just makes sport of people — and such guys like you.»


«I wish you wouldn't pick at Jim so often, I don’t like him being made fun of.»

«I just like laughing at him: he is so clumsy and awkward, always treading on people's toes and knocking glasses or forks off the table.»

«You are a good example yourself, continually losing your handkerchiefs and exercise-books.»

«Don't be angry. Probably we are all too ready to see other people's failings and forget our own.»


«Bill seems to be nothing but a trouble-maker. He is always creating disturbance in class.»

«I think I would call him a trouble-maker, too. I was really surprised at his behavior yesterday.»

«The way he came into the school canteen and demanded service ahead of those already there displayed his usual rudeness and selfishness.»

«Yes, he surely thinks he is the 'Mr. Big-I-Am'.»

2. Read and translate the text.

(Jack Robinson discusses with his classmate the problem of electing a new form captain.)

Tomorrow we shall elect our new form captain. I said new, for I don't think Fred will be re-elected. True, he is conscientious and has a good sense of responsibility,1 but he puts on airs and the class won't back him up. Of course, Mary would be a better choice. She is a true friend, good-natured and kind but much too shy, I'm afraid. And what about Bob? He is an advanced pupil and likes that sort of community work.2 No, Bob won't do, to be sure. He is rude, hot-tempered and wants-manners.

Maybe Sally will fill the bill?3 She is serious-minded, hardworking and easy to get along with. Everybody admires her lovely sense of humor. No doubt she is widely respected and the class will give her their support. Well, I must say, it isn't really an easy task to elect form captain and I'm quite sure of it.

1 sense of responsibility чувство ответственности

2 community work общественная работа

3 to fill the bill восполнить пробел; зд. Подойти

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