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4. Заповніть пропуски, використовуючи слова, подані в рамці.

shares refund contract overheads reduce

discount extend job office production

  1. Our new model is almost ready for ___.

  2. The lawyers have drawn a _____ so we can sign it.

  3. It’s not an easy matter to find a good __ in this country.

  4. The company went public in 1995 and its ___ were listed on the London stock exchange.

  5. Our stocks of materials are too large. We need to ___ our inventory.

  6. Many companies open a branch ___ to improve distribution in countries where a good market exists.

  7. He wanted us to give him a ___[his money back].

  8. If you pay by cash, we will give you a ___.So you’ll have to pay less.

  9. We spend too much on rent, heat, light, salaries etc. We need to reduce our ___.

  10. There was a one year guarantee but the suppliers agreed to ___ it to two years.

5. Завершіть діалог, використовуючи слова, подані в рамці.

ground months proposal plan discussion

start questions agenda meeting areas

Françoise: I’d like to start by saying a few words about the 1)_______ today and what we expect to achieve. One thing I’d like to clarify from the 2)_______ is that we see Okus as a strong candidate, but, of course, not the only one. What we hope to do today is to find enough common 3)_______. Is that clear?

Karen: Fine.

Francoise: I’ve drawn up an 4)_______. First we’d like you to present your 5)_______. We have read it, but we’d like you to go over the critical 6)_______. Andrew, I understand you’ve come prepared to do this?

Andrew: It should take about ten, fifteen minutes. Please feel free to ask any 7)_______ while I’m talking.

Françoise: Good. That will help to identify issues which need more 8)_______. After that I suggest we try and resolve any outstanding differences and then, finally, assuming that we can agree, I thought we could draw up an action 9)_______ for the next few 10)_______.

6. Перекладіть поданий абзац українською мовою.

Nations trade with one another for the same reason that individuals and business firms within a country trade: both sides expect to benefit from the transaction. They benefit because trade enables them to exchange things they don’t need (their surplus goods and services) for the things they do need and want.

Some areas can produce things that others cannot. Because of its warm climate and the type of soil it has, Florida grows oranges but not wheat. Kansas grows no oranges, but it does grow wheat. The people in Florida and Kansas would like to have wheat and oranges, and so each specializes in one of those crops and trades its surplus with the other.

7. Перекладіть подані нижче речення англійською мовою.

  1. Мінімальне замовлення становить 20 одиниць.

  2. Якщо ми не підпишемо цей контракт, наша компанія понесе значні збитки.

  3. Потрібно поліпшити умови праці.

  4. Ми би хотіли отримати довгостроковий кредит.

  5. Містер Грін виглядає схвильованим, тому що клієнти не заплатили нам за останнє замовлення.

  6. Компанія занадто багато витрачає на рекламу.

  7. Ми багато витратили на модернізацію фабрики, і тепер вона дуже добре обладнана.

  8. З кожним днем ситуація на ринку погіршується.

  9. Глобалізації сприяло винайдення нових технологій, особливо в сфері телекомунікацій.

  10. Щоб виживати і зростати компаніям необхідно, щоб їхні прибутки перевищували витрати.