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Грамматика 1 часть январь 2008.doc
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2.5. Write what his or her job is.

Ron flies an aeroplane. – He's a pilot.

  1. Vera types letters in an office.

  2. Tim arranges people's holidays for them.

  3. Stella looks after patients in hospital.

  4. Mary teaches mathematics.

  5. Martha directs films.

  6. John translates what people are saying from one language into another so that they can understand each other.

2.6. Where you find a noun phrase with a singular noun but no article, put in a/an or one if necessary.

  1. A/ (One) Chop won't be enough for Tom; he'll want two; he's small man but he's got big appetite.

  2. "I want volunteers for dangerous job," said the captain. There was long silence. "Isn't there even man who will take risk?" he asked. Voice called out from the back, "Will there be reward?"

  3. I have flat on the top floor. You get lovely view from there.

  4. Day new director arrived. He was ambitious, bad-tempered man, and the staff took instant dislike to him.

  5. Suddenly bullet struck street lamp little to Bill's left. He looked up and saw man with gun standing at open window.

  6. Bill fired twice. Bullet hit the wall, the other broke pane of glass. He heard angry shout.

  7. Day – it was dry day with good visibility – Tom was driving along country road in borrowed car.

  8. You're making mistake after another. Have you hangover or something? – No, but I had very bad night last night. The people next door were having party. – Bad night shouldn't have such effect on your work. I often have three bad nights in succession. I live in very noisy street.

2.7. What is the difference between (a) and (b) in each pair?

1) a) Have some sauce with your hot dog.

b) Shall I make a sauce with the fish?

2) a) Plant and heavy machinery crossing only! (a road sign)

b) I've bought you a house plant.

3) a) Can I have some light?

b) Can you give me a light?

4) a) This is a work by a Flemish master of the 16th century.

b) Over there you can see the premises of the local glass works.

5) a) Spring seems to be coming.

b) There is no spring in his muscles.

6) a) Raspberry jam is really good when you catch colds.

b) Living in a big city you can hardly avoid the pest called a traffic jam.

2.8. Fill each gap with one suitable collective noun from the table. Mind the articles.

a group, a gang, a crowd, a shoal, a swarm, a set, a pack, a flock, a bunch

  1. There are swarms of mosquitoes in the forests of Scandinavia in the summer.

  2. As we looked over the side of the boat, we saw ….. of brightly coloured fish swimming just below the surface.

  3. There was ….. of youths standing on the corner; they didn't look at all friendly.

  4. You'll see ….. of cards on the bookshelf . Will you fetch them for me, please?

  5. The government has appointed ….. of biologists to look into the problem.

  6. There is ….. of people waiting outside.

  7. ….. of sheep had escaped from a field.

  8. She gave me ….. of six sherry glasses.

  9. She gave me ….. of beautiful roses.