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Грамматика 1 часть январь 2008.doc
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2.2. The use of the zero article (no article)

No article is used for general, open-ended reference to any or all members of a class.

The indefinite Article is not used with:

  1. plural countable nouns: They packed goods in bags. These can be modified by adjectives or other phrases: people throughout the country, local museums, world nations.

  2. uncountable nouns (always singular):

  1. abstract: Knowledge is power.

  2. colours: Yellow seems to be very warm.

  3. food and drink: I like cheese. Lemonade has too much sugar in it.

  4. substances / materials: The house is made of stone. Water boils at 100C.

  5. activities: Reading is a real pleasure.

  6. sports/ games: Millions of fans all over the world enjoy watching hockey.

  7. politics/philosophy: Feudalism is a political and economic system of Medieval Europe. Positivism claims that sciences are the only source of true knowledge.

  8. languages: English, German, Chinese; but: the English language.

  9. academic subjects and related topics: He is good at literature. But: We study the literature of the 20th century; with adjectival combinations: Renaissance Art, Medieval Theatre, Ancient philosophy.

    1. n ames of days, months, seasons and holidays: She'll come on Wednesday. I'm going on business in spring. June is the loveliest summer month. Easter is my favourite holiday. But in the expressions in (the) summer/ autumn/ winter/ spring the can be used.

    2. names of meals: breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner, supper. They sat down to tea. Breakfast begins at 8 o'clock. But: The lunch we ate in that bar was modest (the meal is specified). She gave us a very nice dinner. (the meal is classified)

    3. names of places at home, in bed, at work, in hospital, at college, in prison, in church when we refer to their "primary purpose", that is the activity associated with them: She is taken to hospital. (to be treated) He was sent to prison ( to serve the term of punishment).

NOTE: to be in the bed = an article of furniture is meant;

to go to the prison = the building is meant;

to leave the college = to leave the building;

The workmen went to the church to repair the roof (They didn't go to a religious service.)

    1. transport: by air, by car, by plane, by train, by tube, on foot, etc.: Travelling by air is very convenient.

    2. names of illnesses: bronchitis, pneumonia, quinsy, malaria, etc. But: the can be used with some common infectious diseases: (the) flu, (the) measles, (the) mumps.

    3. "pairs" joined by and: day and night, father and son, husband and wife, light and dark, young and old, son and moon: She couldn't stop thinking about it day and night.

    4. an uncountable noun or a plural countable after what and such: What lovely weather! What chatter-boxes you are! They were such idlers! Such love can only be seen in films.

    5. the words television or TV when we refer to the medium itself or programmes: Sally played small parts on television. But: Will you turn down the TV? (the TV set is referred to).

    6. the words radio, cinema, movies, opera, ballet, theatre when we refer to them in very general terms as art forms or as professions: Television is one of the greatest inventions of the post-Second World War time. Amateur theatre was actually the first step in his artistic career

NOTE: When we are going to enjoy a form of entertainment we use the definite article: Why not go to the movies for a change? Last Sunday I went to the opera with my son and we had an enjoyable night.

T here are many instances in everyday life when both articles are deliberately omitted to save space, time and money. This is usually done in newspaper headlines, small advertisements, instructions, shopping lists, labels, some dictionary definitions and notices: Bomb Explosion Accident (newspaper headline); "Compact residence in select suburb; 3 bed.(bedrooms), 2 recept. (reception rooms), kitchen and bathroom, garage space, nice garden" (advertisement); Cut along dotted line (instruction).

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