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Грамматика 1 часть январь 2008.doc
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Entry test

Unit 1

1. 1. comparable 2. convertible 3. valuable 4. intellectual 5. insistent 6. contradictory 7. wooden 8. fruitful 9. courageous 10. frosty

2. 11. unlike 12. irregular 13. immobile 14. illegal 15. dishonest 16. non-standard 17. ungracious 18. incompatible 19. inexperienced 20. indirect

3. 21. shaven 22. drunken 23. shrunken 24. wicked [-id] 25. legged [-id] 26. crooked [-id] 27. learned [-id] 28. blessed [-id] 29. ragged [-id] 30. dogged [-id]

Unit 2

1. 31. something new today 32. court martial 33. the peach tastes sweet 34. anyone interested 35. she seems happy 36. figures available on this question 37. notary public 38. she is afraid of him 39. brave enough to do it 40. you look nice

2. 41. an extravagant expensive black Scottish woollen suit 42. a beautiful young Irish woman 43. a beautiful calm winter day 44. a good big old black dog 45. an expensive antique ceramic vase 46. a famous Russian historic film 47. a nice straight Roman nose 48. an impressive old silver ring 49. a nice little old town 50. a little old red plastic toy

Unit 4

1. 51. clumsy – clumsier/more clumsy – the clumsiest/the most clumsy 52. bad – worse – the worst 53. narrow – narrower/more narrow – the narrowest/the most narrow 54. regular – more regular – the most regular 55. complete – completer/more complete – the completest/ the most complete 56. merry – merrier/more merry – the merriest/the most merry 57. far – farther/further – the farthest/the furthest 58. old – older/elder – the oldest/the eldest 59. little – less – the least/the last 60. stupid – more stupid – the most stupid

2. 61. not so/as old as 62. not so/as red as 63. not so/as expensive as 64. not so/as good as 65. not so/as heavy as 66.not so/as pretty as 67. not so/as long as 68. not so/as heavy 69. not so/as ancient 70. not so/as narrow as

3. 71. the loudest 72. much more beautiful 73. the cleverest 74. much worse 75. much/far higher 76. much funnier 77. much better 78. the more the better 79. the more you learn the more you know 80. the stronger you become the less you get tired

Unit 5

81. terrifying 82. shocked 83. exciting 84. amused 85. embarrassed 86. interested 87. depressing 88. worried 89. boring, bored 90. fascinated

Unit 6

91. Only the young have … . 92. The impossible has … . 93. The English 94. the wounded 95. A Czech 96. The blind 97. The Japanese, two Indians. 98. the sweets 99. The quiet 100. A Dutchman

Review Exercises

1. 1. Attractive 2. manageable 3.energetic 4. humourous 5. permissible 6. illegal 7. non-smoking 8. irresponsible 9. illiterate 10. conclusive.

2. 1. happier, 2. the happiest, 3. more careless, 4. the most careless, 5. simpler/more simple, 6. the simplest/the most simple, 7. farther/further, 8. least, 9. smaller, 11. further

3. 1. the rich, 2. the poor, 3. shocked, 4. embarrassed, 5. the old, 6. the blind, 7. the sighted, 8. the deaf, 9. the unemployed, 10. the young, 11. depressed, 12. distressed, 13. distressed, 14. depressed, 15. the living, 16. the dead.

4. 1. expensive Italian handmade leather shoes (or Expensive handmade Italian leather shoes) 2. beautiful old pair 3.backdoorstep 4. large friendly dog (exceptionally, size comes before the general adjective here) 5. badly 6. good 7. good 8. remaining Italian shoe 9. unchewed Italian shoe 10. red fur-lined slippers