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Lectures in Translation. 1.doc
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3. Grammatical Transformations

Courses of grammatical transformations

Grammatical transformations occur because of different reasons both of purely grammatical and lexical character, but the grammatical factors play the main role.

While comparing grammatical categories (English and Russian) and forms of both languages one can observe the following differences:

a) the absence of correspondence of a category of one of the languages (e.g. articles, Gerund, nominative construction, деепричастие);

b) partial correspondence of a category of number, the forms of the passive voice and the forms of the Infinitive and Participle).

Besides, the structural peculiarities of the English language demand the structural finality of the sentence and a strict word-order.

The most widespread types of grammatical transformations

1. Transposition / Permutation is a change in the order of linguistic elements such as words, phrases and clauses.

2. Replacement / Substitution can affect practically all types of linguistic units, that is word form (словоформа), for example, the category of number when plural is replaced by singular: The novel of lives of common peopleРоман о жизни простых людей; parts of speech; types of syntactic relations (синтаксическое отношение), etc.

Types of Grammatical Transformations

Type of grammatical transformation

English sentence

Russian sentence

Parts of speech replacement

This use of a woman to advertise cigarettes created a sensation …

То, что к рекламе сигарет он привлек женщину, стало сенсацией …

(The verb is replaced by the noun.)

Despite the fact that environmental issues are now accepted internationally as the most pressing problem of the twenty-first century, the institutions that embody and guide our economic progress have only begun to respond.

Несмотря на тот факт, что проблема состояния окружающей сейчас признается в международном масштабе самым актуальным вопросом 21-го века, институты, которые осуществляют и управляют экономическим прогрессом, начали на нее реагировать относительно недавно.

(The adverb is replaced by the noun phrase.)

He was dismissed as incompetent.

Его уволили за некомпетентность.

(The adjective is replaced by the noun.)

There has been a subtle change in vocabulary.

Лишь незначительно изменился словарный запас.

(The adjective subtle is replaced by the adverb; the noun change is replaced by the verb.)

The replacement of the word-form

Taking a major gamble, he committed the company to a then-novel product – the cigarette.

Предприняв рискованный шаг, он переориентировал производство на выпуск тогда еще новой продукции – сигарет.

(Singular is replaced by plural.)

People have only to be rich enough and in the swim to be credited every other day in the Press with the impressive qualities. (J. B. Priestley, ‘Rain upon Godshill’, ch. 13)

Если человек богат и на виду, пресса будет чуть не каждый день писать о нем, наделяя его весьма привлекательными качествами.

(Plural is replaced by singular.)

The replacement of a simple sentence by a complex one

Through their complex interchanges of nutrients, gases and information, mature systems create the greatest amount of biomass with the least amount of input.

Путем сложного обмена питательными веществами, газами и информацией зрелые системы создают огромное количество биомассы, затрачивая на это минимальное количество ресурсов.

Splitting technique / Division: dividing one long sentence into two or more smaller ones

Theoretically, anyone in the U.S. can start a newspaper or magazine, but to become a radio or television broadcaster one must be granted a portion of the limited radio-television spectrum …

Теоретически в США любой человек может основать газету или журнал. Однако для того, чтобы приобрести статус радио- или телевизионной вещательной организации, владелец должен иметь гарантии того, что он получит хотя бы лимитированный спектр теле- и радиочастот …

Unification: combining two sentences into one

So soon as this is recognized, the distinction between economy in consumption and economy in investment becomes blurred. For, up to a point, consumption is investment in personal productive capacity.

Как только люди начинают это осознавать, различие между экономикой потребления и экономикой инвестиций становится расплывчатой, поскольку потребление, хотя и не полностью, является инвестицией в производительность самого работника.

The Active Voice is replaced by the Passive Voice.

His biggest hit was a perfume Opium, which launched in 1978 and remains popular today.

Особенно громкий успех среди покупателей имели духи Opium. Они были выпущены в 1978 году, но пользуются популярностью и по сей день.

The Passive Voice is translated by the Active Voice.

Programs that aim at mass entertainment are preferred over educational and news programs.

Развлекательные программы, рассчитанные на массовую аудиторию, пользуются большей популярностью, нежели учебные и информационные программы.

The replacement of the sentence type

Go anywhere in the world, one leading political journalist has written, “and British television is an object of envy and admiration”.

«Куда бы вы ни поехали», пишет один ведущий политобозреватель, «британское телевидение везде является предметом зависти и восхищения».

(The Imperative sentence is replaced by the Subjunctive mood.)

Transposition of the members of the sentence

Pieces of wood are cast up all along this coast.

Весь берег покрыт выброшенными из моря деревянными обломками.

(Subject – predicate - adverbial modifier of place = adverbial modifier of place – predicate – subject)

Transposition of the parts of the sentence

A problem must be stated in order to be solved.

Чтобы решить проблему, её надо чётко определить.

Transposition of the clauses

If you saw a ghost, what would you do?

Что бы ты сделал, если бы увидел привидение?



Theory and the Craft of Translation (1, 2)

1. State the main point of the concept of translation. Is translation an art or a craft?

2. Discuss the interdisciplinary character of translation.

3. What is implied by the ‘translator’s competence’?

4. Enumerate the criteria which define the ethics of translation?

5. What is the hierarchy of the UT in modern English? Illustrate your answer with the examples.

6. Identify the major types of translation.

7. What kind of problems do translation strategies solve?

8. Comment on the stages of translating process.

Practical tasks


Equivalence and Adequacy in Translation (3)

1. What are the main concepts of equivalence in translation? (Komissarov, M. Baker, Vinay and Darbelnet)?

2. Classify the types of meaning.

3. What does the degree of preservation of meaning in the process of translation depend on? Give the examples.

4. Comment on the problem of translatability. List the ways of translating the non-equivalent lexis (lacunas, neologisms, exotisms, realia).

5. Differentiate between internationalisms and false friends of a translator.

6. Give the classification of false friends of a translator.


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