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Lectures in Translation. 1.doc
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Lecture 1

The Theory and the Craft of Translation

1. Is translation an art or a craft?

2. The Theory of Translation as a Linguistic Science

3. Translation Studies as an Academic Discipline

4. A Brief History of Translation

5. Ethics of Translation

6. Criteria for Assessing the Translator’s Competence

Lecture 2

The Translation Process

1. Classification of the Types (Methods) of Translation

2. Translation Strategy

3. Stages of Translating Process

4. The Problem of the Unit of Translation (UT)

Lecture 3

Equivalence and Adequacy in Translation

1. A Brief Outline of Approaches to Defining Equivalence in Translation

2. Semantic correspondences:

a) types of meaning:

- referential meaning;

- linguistic meaning;

- emotive meaning.

b) the degree of preservation of meaning:

- complete correspondence;

- partial correspondence;

- absence of correspondence.

3. Translation of Internationalisms (Borrowings) and the Problem of False Friends

a) internationalisms (borrowings);

b) false friends of a translator.

Lecture 4

The Translation of Word Combinations

1. The Translation of Free Word Combination

a) the translation of attribute groups;

b) the translation of three-member word combinations;

c) the translation of multinuclear nomial combinations.

2. The Translation of Bound Word Combinations

a) the translation of set-expressions;

b) the translation of idioms.

Lecture 5

Grammatical Aspects of Translation

1. Ways of Translating the Passive Voice

2. Ways of Translating the Subjunctive Mood

3. Ways of Translating Modal Verbs

4. Ways of Translating the Non-Finite Forms of the Verb

  • the functions of Participle I in the sentence

  • the functions of Participle II in the sentence

  • Predicative Constructions with the Participle

  • the functions of the Gerund in the sentence

  • the Predicative Constructions with the Gerund

  • the functions of the Infinitive in the sentence

  • the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Constructions

  • the for-to-Infinitive Constructions

  • the Subjective Infinitive Constructions

5. Translation Problems of Syntactical Stylistic Devices

a) translation of inversion;

b) translation of negative emphatic constructions;

c) translation of elliptical constructions;

d) some other means of expressing emphasis and prominence.

Lecture 6

Translation and the Problems of Style

1. Definition of style

2. Classification of functional styles:

a) the belles-lettres style;

b) the publicist style;

c) the style of official documents;

d) the language of scientific literature:

- the main ways of translating terms;

- the main ways of translating abbreviations.

e) the peculiarities of the newspaper style:

- the structure of a newspaper item;

- newspaper headlines;

- the translation of cliché

3. Translation Problems of Lexical Stylistic Devices

Lecture 7

Classification of Translation Techniques

1. Lexical translation techniques

2. Contextual Replacements

a) lexico-semantic modifications;

b) lexico-grammatical transformations.

3. Grammatical transformations

Lecture 1

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