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ВО в России.....doc
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    1. Give the adequate Russian variants for the following word combinations:

educational institution; to brush up knowledge received at school; a number of specialized departments; the Certificate of Secondary Education; heat engineering; to be enriched by humanitarian subjects; to concentrate on major subjects; to become well-qualified specialists; workshop; to have sailing practice; to be at students' disposal; a vast collection of fiction and scientific books; to provide the opportunity; to fail a credit; to be allowed to; to fall behind the group; to explain in a written form or orally; valid excuse; release from the classes.

    1. Find in the text and give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

быть основанным; поступить в университет; сдавать вступительные экзамены; проходить медицинское обследование; подготовительные курсы; общетехнические, гуманитарные, специализированные предметы; высококвалифицированные специалисты; исследовательские лаборатории; подготовка современных специалистов; развивать практические навыки; приобретать рабочий опыт; заниматься спортом; быть в форме; учебный год; сдавать зачеты и экзамены; не сдать зачет; отстать от группы; пропускать занятия; проводить исследовательскую работу; получить диплом.

3. Find in the text and give the antonyms for the following words and phrases:

  • to fail a credit/exam;

  • to graduate from the university;

  • to attend classes;

  • to be optional;

  • few;

  • to forget;

  • once;

  • boring;

  • easy.

4. Find in the text and give the synonyms for the following words and phrases:

  • to give the opportunity;

  • to include;

  • to get working experience;

  • to get ready for;

  • to build up practical skills;

  • to go in for sports;

  • to get a grant;

  • to have holidays;

  • to be enlarged by;

  • to be obligatory;

  • Physical culture;

  • good excuse;

  • freshmen;

  • huge;

  • different.

5. Make the card. Write down 5 sentences in Russian using words and word combinations from the exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4. Exchange the card with your groupmates and translate it from Russian into English.

6. Correct the statements. Use such expressions as:

I disagree because...

I can't agree with this statement because...

It's false...

On the contrary...

  1. Now our educational institution is called the Murmansk State Academy of Fishing Fleet.

  2. An applicant must concentrate on the major subject if he/she wants to enter the university.

  3. Only the Faculty of Natural Sciences has its own specialized library, laboratories, workshops and computer center.

  4. The first-year and second-year students study only humanitarian subjects.

  5. Preliminary courses help students to become well-qualified specialists and prepare them for their future work.

  6. Experiments in libraries help students to develop practical skills.

  7. Students go to the university library or reading rooms to gain working experience.

  8. If a student fails to pass a credit, he must take exams not to fall behind the group.

  9. After four years of study students get the Doctor's Degree.