- •Module 1 education
- •Introduction
- •Unit 1 higher education in britain
- •Vocabulary
- •1. Do you know that…..
- •Further and higher education
- •Vocabulary
- •11. Make the list of advantages and disadvantages of further higher education in the uk.
- •Unit 2 students’ life in the uk (great britain)
- •Vocabulary
- •Students’ life in the uk (great britain)
- •3. Ask questions to the following statements:
- •5. Finish the sentences by choosing a word or phrases from the brackets:
- •International Student
- •Where do you reside?
- •What do you want to study?
- •School/College background
- •Unit 3 higher education in russia
- •Vocabulary
- •Higher education in russia
- •Novosibirsk state technical university (nstu) mission statements
- •7. Asking the Way. Can you find your way around the university?
- •II. Presentation techniques
- •Module 2 ecological problems unit 5 pollution
- •Vocabulary
- •Pollution - no easy answers
- •Vocabulary
- •High tech pollution
- •4. Intelligent d. Old-fashioned
- •Speaking
- •7. What do these numbers from the text refer to?
- •Unit 6 ecological problems of big cities and their solution
- •Vocabulary:
- •1 Do you know that:
- •Vocabulary
- •Waste not, want not
- •Vocabulary
- •The answer is blowing in the wind
- •II. Main body
- •III conclusion
- •Module 3 cities unit 7 cities and world-famous attractions
- •Vocabulary
- •Los angeles - the city of angels
- •Nightlife – Restaurants – Shops – Hotels – Sights
- •Vocabulary
- •Australian cities – a trip to australia
- •Vocabulary
- •The statue of liberty – the world-famous attraction
- •Vocabulary
- •Module 4 science and technology unit 8 great scientists
- •I. Vocabulary Study:
- •C) The scientist who saw the solution on a bus
- •4. Science
- •Vocabulary
- •Vocabulary
- •Zhores Alferov – Nobel Prize Winner
- •6. Writing
- •Unit 9 great inventors and inventions
- •Vocabulary Study: machines, gadgets, devices, appliances
- •Vocabulary
- •Thomas alva edison (1847–1931) the lights still burn
- •Vocabulary
- •Discussing Edison’s Personality
- •Unit 10 research and development scientific achievements: study of space
- •Vocabulary
- •(Extracts from the journal of dk Munro, Astronomer)
- •5. A New Telescope
- •If he can take photographs – camera, connect to computer
- •Appendix supplementary materials to Module 1 Education, Unit 2, Task 7
- •Social life
- •Sports in school
- •Ceremonies in school
- •Supplementary materials to Module 3 Cities
- •Novosibirsk
- •Novosibirsk
- •Museums of Novosibirsk
- •8. Read the text about the longest undergrounds in the world. Compare Novosibirsk Metro line with other undergrounds. Some spotlights
- •Список литературы
- •630092, Г. Новосибирск, пр. К. Маркса, 20
Ceremonies in school
Pledge of Allegiance
Every classroom has an American flag in it. From elementary to high school, students start each day by standing up and saluting the flag. They put their hands over their hearts and say the ‘Pledge of Allegiance.’ This is a promise to the country. It was written by people who came to America over 200 years ago. Saluting the flag helps people think about the United States and its freedom.
At many high schools and universities there is a big football game once a year and a parade afterwards. This is called ‘Homecoming.’ Students who graduated from the school like to return for Homecoming to see their old friends and teachers again. In the parade cheerleaders and football players walk together. The school band plays loud music for their fans and team. The parade is full of the school colors.
In American schools there are ceremonies for students who have done good work in school or who are excellent at sports. At these special ceremonies all the students and teachers come together.
They watch the school director give prizes to the students. Sometimes the prize is money for later university study.
When students graduate from high school, each of them gets a prize. The prize they get is the high school diploma, written on nice paper with the name of the student and the school. Afterwards the graduating class has a big party, or ‘prom.’ Everyone wears fine clothes and a band plays dance music. It is a party to remember. Student, teachers and parents have worked hard for each diploma. Graduation is the greatest ceremony of all in American schools.
Supplementary materials to Module 3 Cities
1. Read the text and answer the questions a) What are the most important facts about Novosibirsk? b) What does Novosibirsk pride itself on?
2. Look up the underlined words and phrases in the dictionary. Make up sentences with them.
Novosibirsk is a city that prides itself on size: it is the third-largest city in Russia (the biggest city east of the Urals), has the biggest railway station along the trans-Siberian route, the biggest library in Siberia, and the biggest opera/ballet theater in all of Russia - even bigger than Moscow's Bolshoy. The red-brick Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky, while not the biggest, is considered one of the finest existing examples of pure Russian Orthodox architecture.
In 1943, the Academy of Sciences opened up its Siberian branch in Novosibirsk, which marked the beginning of the city's transformation into the educational hub of Siberian Russia. While many research institutes are located within Novosibirsk itself, still many more are clustered in Academgorodok, a small city founded in the 1950s by the Academy, 30 km south of Novosibirsk.
At its height, Academgorodok was home to 65,000 scientists and their families, and was a priviliged area to live in, with well-stocked stores and dachas for the academic elite. Gorbachev's perestroika was initially conceived here, by economists who then moved to Moscow to author the economic revolution. In recent years, Academgorodok has fallen on hard times thanks to slashes in government funding, and many of the younger researchers who once populated the town have left.
Altitude |
600ft. 200 m |
Time Zone |
GMT +8 hours |
Temperature of January |
–16° C |
Temperature of July |
+20° C |
Precipitation |
13 inches 35cm |
Info |
Population |
1,400,000 |
Founded |
1893 |
Longitude |
82° 55' E |
Latitude |
55° 02'N |
rank – занимать rather – довольно facilities – возможности establishment –учреждение stock exchange – биржа settlement – поселок ship yard – верфь weaving factory – ткацкая фабрика knitted-goods factory - трикотажная фабрика |
staff – состав pride – гордость cathedral – собор orthodox – православный exhibit – экспонат marvel – чудо exposure – разоблачение embossment – чеканка embroidery - вышивка carving – резьба |
total(v) – насчитывать finding – находка jewelry–драгоценности comprehend – распознать cut – обработанный rough – необработанный enable – давать возможность multitude – многочисленный sundry – всякий разный endangered species - редкиe, вымирающие виды |
5. Read the text about Novosibirsk. Look for events which influenced the decision to turn the town into the capital of Siberia , the third largest city in Russia.