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It is your first visit to your business partner in London. You are talk­ing about lunch:

  • tell him that you would like to have a snack quickly;

  • ask him if there is a cafe or a snack-bar nearby;

  • ask him if they serve traditional British sandwiches;

  • find out if they are very expensive or not;

thank him for the information.

You are going to the Russian restaurant with your business friend from England:

  • invite your business friend to the restaurant;

  • explain him that the restaurant is located not far from the office build­ing;

  • tell him that it is one of the best restaurants which serve Russian cui­sine;

  • ask him if he has tried Russian pancakes with caviar and Siberian meat dumplings;

  • explain him that he can pay both cash and by credit card;

  • tell him that you will pick him up at 7 p.m.

You have come to the Russian restaurant with your friend. You arc speaking to a waiter:

  • greet him;

  • tell him that you would like a table for 2 by the window;

  • ask him to bring you a menu;

  • ask him if they serve soup;

  • explain him that your Mend is from England and he would like to try- Russian cabbage soup;

  • tell him that for dessert you would like ice-cream with strawberries;

  • explain him that you arc going to pay cash.

You are eating out with your 2 business partners and talking to a waitress:

  • ' greet her;

  • explain her that you have a table for 3 reserved in the name of Petrov;

  • ask her where you can leave your coats;

  • ask her if they have an area reserved for non-smokers;

  • tell her that you would like something to drink while you are looking through the menu;

  • ask her if they have a vegetarian menu;

  • order 3 portions of cabbage soup, spaghetti with soe meat, 3 glasses of apple juice;

  • ask her if they accept credit card payment;

  • thank her.

You are entertaining your business partner from the USA and offer him to take part in a picnic outside the city:

  • invite him to a picnic;

  • explain him that it will be a picnic with shashlik and Russian drinks;

  • ask him what meat he prefers - pork, beef or chicken;

  • ask him if he is fond of spicy food;

  • ask him if he likes salad with oil, mayonnaise or special dressing;

  • ask him what wine he prefers - red, white, dry, semi - dry, sweet or semi - sweet;

  • tell him that you will pick him up at about 12 on Sunday.

You have to arrange meals for the delegates of the conference. You are talking to a top-manager of the company:

  • ask him for how many people you have to order meals;

  • find out how long they are going to stay;

  • ask him if it is better to order oriental cuisine or Russian one;

  • arrange the lunch and dinner time;

  • find out if it is necessary to order meals in the private rooms;

  • find out the ways of paying for meals - by credit cards, by check or cash;

  • tell the manager that you will have the menu for every day ready by- Monday.


You are calling to a company and looking for a person; he is not available at the moment:

  • greet the secretary;

  • ask if John Smith is there;

  • answer the secretary's question about your name;

  • explain that you met John Smith at the Trade Fair in London;

  • find out when John Smith will be free;

  • ask if it is possible to call back later;

  • thank the secretary and say good-bye.

You are calling to the Journal of Technique and speaking to an opera­tor:

  • greet an operator and ask if it is the Journal of Technique explain that you would like to speak to Mrs. Brown;

  • tell the operator that you tried to dial her extension direct, but there was no answer;

  • spell your name for the operator;

  • thank her for putting you through.

You are calling to your business partner to find out the address of an import firm in Manila.

  • greet your partner;

  • introduce yourself;

  • find out if he is busy;

  • ask him to give you the address of an import office in Manila;

  • clarify the name of the owner of the import office;

  • find out her telephone number and city code;

  • thank your partner and say good-bye.

You are calling to find out prices for wines. You are talking to a secre­tary and then to a salesman.

  • greet the secretaiy;

  • introduce yourself and your company - "Patterson of Patterson's Wines";

explain that you would like to increase your selection of red wines;

  • thanks the secretary- for putting you through to a salesman who deals with red wines;

  • greet the salesman - Mr. Daniels;

  • explain the reason for his call;

  • give details of your interest: it should be full-bodied California red wines, preferably from Nappa Valley grapes;

  • express your gratitude for the opportunity to have these wines;

  • say good-bye;

You are calling to make travel arrangement to the agency "Four sea­sons". You speak to a secretary and then to a travel agent.

  • greet the secretary and introduce yourself;

  • explain that you are calling to get information about trips to Mexico;

  • be ready to hold on for some minutes while the line is busy;

  • greet the travel agent and explain your wish to go to Mexico;

  • explain that you would like to visit this exotic country, to try exotic cuisine, to see exotic tribes;

  • tell him that you are ready to spend $ 6000 for this trip;

  • thank the travel agent for promise to call back later and discuss the trip suggested.

You arc calling to Smith and C; but you have a very bad connection.

Speak to a switchboard operator.

  • greet the operator;

  • tell her that you have had a very bad connection;

  • explain her that first there had been some background noise interfering, then you were cut off completely;

  • tell her that it was a very important talk with the Managing Director of the company;

  • ask her to put you through once again to him as you would like lo fin­ish that conversation.

You are calling to Brown and C; but you have got the wrong number.

  • greet the person with the word "Hello";

  • ask if it is 555787;

  • make your excuse for getting the wrong number;

  • tell him that you will try to dial the number once again.

You are going to fly to London to meet your business partner. Call to

his office in London to arrange your business schedule:

  • greet the operator and ask her to put you through to the secretary - Ms Wilky;

  • greet the secretary;

  • introduce yourself by giving your name and the company;

  • explain that you are going to arrive on Monday and would like to ar­range your schedule;

  • find out what hotel you are straying at;

  • ask when you are going to have a meeting with the Managing Director; explain that you will need some time to discuss the terms of the con­tract and you would prefer to do it on Tuesday;

  • tell her that you are going back on Wednesday afternoon.

You are speaking to a hotel switchboard operator ordering a call to


  • greet her;

  • give your name and room number;

inform her about the necessity of calling to Moscow;

  • tell her that it is an urgent call;

  • give her telephone number in Moscow - it is 273 - 55 - 48;

  • explain her that it is a station - to - station call;

  • tell her you are going to pay by credit card;

  • thank her.

PART III 1. Test № 1 Section I. Listening Comprehension

A) For each problem in Part 1 you will hear 5 short conversations between speakers. At the end or each conversation there'll be a question about what was said. The question will be spoken just one time. After you hear a ques­tion about it, read the four possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question. On your sheet of paper mark your an­swer, for example: 1С or 2B TIME: lOmin 8 QUESTIONS

  1. a) Jack has not been very tired.

    1. There are no telexes for Jack today.

    2. Jack has been study ing the enquiry for some hours.

    3. Jack has been busy with his children.

  2. a) Mary is a secretary in the Russian Trade Delegation.

    1. Mary is not working at all.

    2. Mary is going to work as a secretary to Mr. Belov.

    3. Mary is a secretary to Mr. Belov in the Ministry for Foreign Eco­nomic Relations.

  3. a) a musical

    1. a documentary

    2. a detective story

    3. a newsreel

  4. a) 3:50

    1. 4:50

    2. 2:50 b) 4:55

  5. a) The company has not got any new equipment.

    1. The company is studying the market.

    2. The market in Russia is limited.

3. The company has started producing new equipment. B) Now, you will hear a short story. Then some questions will be asked on the story. After each question choose the correct answer and mark it on your sheet of paper.

  1. a) He lives in London.

    1. He lives in a small town near London.

    2. He lives not far from his job and he goes there on foot.

    3. He lives not far from his job.

  2. a) He doesn't read any newspapers.

    1. he reads The Times, The Independent and The Financial Times.

    2. He reads The Times, The Independent and The Observer.

  3. a) with his boss

    1. with his secretary

    2. with his deputy

    3. with nobody

Section II. Reading Comprehension

In the second section of the test you will read several texts. Each one is followed by several questions about it. After each question there are four answers. You are to choose the one best answer to each question. Then mark the correct answer on your sheet. TIME: 30 minutes 10 QUESTIONS

NUMBER OF WORDS: approximately 500. A)Questions NN 9-12 are based on the following reading: In 1988 Russia and Germany created a joint venture. One of the ideas of­fered by German side was to build "Russian villages", the housing com­plex for foreign businessmen and their families staying in Moscow.

The plan was to build three villages of 50 or 60 houses each. A house of 250-280 square metros was assembled for 12 hours. According to the plan a village was to be build in a month's time. Besides, the firm offered a variety of designs of country houses. The project could become part of public diplomacy as villages has recreation facilities and sporting facilities open both to foreigners and Moscovites. Festivals, sports and theatre shows could be held at these centers.

To find the construction site the company had about hundred meet­ings with the heads of different organizations. Some of them thought that it was impossible to build "Russian villages" in the centre of Moscow.

During the talks many other questions were discussed, among them the questions of insurance, payment for collection, discounts.

  1. Approximately how many years ago was the joint venture crcated?

  1. 10 years

  2. 15 years

  3. 20 years

  4. 25 years

    1. Which of the following is true?

      1. The houses were built for Russian businessmen.

      2. The houses were built for foreign businessmen living without their families.

      3. The houses were built for foreigners living with their families.

      4. The houses were built for both foreigners and Russian businessmen.

    2. Who could use recreation and sporting facilities?

      1. foreigners

      2. Russian businessmen

      3. both foreigners and Russian businessmen

      4. the heads of the companies

    3. Which of the following was not discussed at the talks?

      1. insurance

      2. payment for collection

      3. discounts

      4. delivery of building materials

B. Questions NN 13-15 are based on the following reading:

In 1989 a Russian foreign trade association and a company from a western country made a contract for the construction of a plant in Russia. It was projected to put the plant into operation 3 years after making a con­tract. But the plant was commissioned with a 6 months delay. It happened because Seller's experts who were to start-up the plant arrived with a de­lay.

On their arrival the first thing done was to examine the equipment. They saw that a small part of the equipment had already been installed by the Russian personnel. But some items of the equipment were kept in the open air without protective covers. 6 months later the plant was commis­sioned but it did not operate to its full capacity. All that was a reason why

the Buyer made a formal claim on the Seller. But finally they began talks on these problems.

    1. When was it projected to put the plant into operation?

      1. in 1996

      2. in 1993

      3. in 1992

      4. in 1995

    2. How long did the delay of commissioning last?

      1. a year

      2. halt of a year

      3. a year and a half

      4. 3 months

    3. How much equipment did the Russian personnel install?

      1. a large part of it

      2. a small part of it

      3. nothing at all

      4. all the equipment

C) Questions NN 16-18 are based on the following reading:

Peter Parker is a young electronics engineer who works at a plant which produces all kinds of audio-visual equipment: television-sets, video­tape recorders, projectors. Peter has invented a new device which will al­low the production of a smaller and simpler video- recorder at a low price.

In his opinion this device will transform video-recorder from a toy into a useful thing. Peter wants to organize his own company. He wants to invite some experts into his company to do business with. Now Peter is at home with his friends who have come to discuss the project and feasibility. Among the guests there is a new friend from England who has come to Moscow for a long-term stay. He is a good businessman and he has got contacts with many western countries, among them France, Greece and It­aly. He will help Peter in his job.

    1. What kind of equipment does Peter's plant produce?

      1. machine-tools

      2. electronic equipment

      3. cars

      4. planes

    2. What are Peter's plans for the future?

      1. to have a rest in England

      2. to start his own business

      3. to go to England to find contacts