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2. Look at the set expressions given below, and decide if they refer to earning a high or a low salary?

1. Believe me, they pay peanuts.

2. He really is one of the fat cats.

3. He's rolling in it.

4. I don't know where he finds the time to spend it.

5. I earn an absolute pittance.

6. It's hardly worth getting out of bed for.

7. It's nothing to write home about.

8. She earns a fortune.

9. She must be absolutely loaded.

10. We're talking serious money here, about 120K.

11. If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys!


Summarise the whole information you’ve leant about working conditions and write a composition ‘Working conditions I dream about’.

Project work: Organize a survey. Interview a group of working people about their working conditions. Find out if they are satisfied with their job or not. Present the result in the class with help of Power Point. Use tables and graphs.


Building relationships and communication

1. Discuss these questions.

1. What are the most important relationships for you a) at your place of work or study? b) outside your place of work or study?

2. What benefits do you get from each relationship?

2. Answer the questions in the quiz. Suppose how good you are at building relationships.

1 You are in a room with a group of people who don't know each other. Do you

wait for someone to say something?

introduce a topic of conversation?

introduce yourself?

2 When you are introduced to people, do you remember

their name?

their face?

their clothes?

3 On festive occasions, e.g. New Year, do you

send greeting cards to everyone you know?

send e-mails?

reply only to cards received?

4 Do you think small talk is


a waste of time?

difficult to do well?

5 Do you prefer

not to socialise with colleagues?

to socialise often with colleagues?

to socialise with colleagues only if you have to?

6 Do you like to have conversations

with people who share your interests?

with almost anyone?

with people who are your social equals?

3. Ward Lincoln, Business Relations Manager with an international training organisation, is talking about areas for companies to consider in order to build strong business relationships. What factors do you think he will mention?

Read the interview and check the predictions you made.

INTERVIEWER - Ward, what are the key factors in building good business relationships?

WARD LINCOLN - I believe that relationships, business or otherwise, are about trust. And in order to gain trust, you must be honest; you must be transparent, clear. Don’t promise what you can’t deliver. There is nothing worse in a relationship than being let down. It is also about being clear, being explicit - people present their products in brochures, pamphlets, flyers, e-mail, videos. All of those media –they’re all very effective, but it must be clear. The customer must understand very quickly, what you are selling, what price you’re selling at. The speed of that information, the speed of the response -it must consistently be fast. The restless customer of the 21st century does not have time on his or her hands and there are a million other providers, all ready and eager to sell to that customer. In order to continue that relationship, maintaining the relationship, consistently answer their queries, respond quickly in a simple format.