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Word study

1. Match the words with their definitions.

Fixed capital, equity capital, venture, savings, secure a loan, mortgage, account receivable, rental, loan

  1. A sum of money due to be received from a customer in the ordinary course of trade but not yet paid.

  2. The act of lending, especially on condition that the thing lent will be returned.

  3. Sums of money saved, not spent but put aside for future use and in the meanwhile invested or held as cash.

  4. The part of the capital of a company that consists of ordinary, deferred, deferred ordinary or founders' shares, all of which together, in effect, carry the-right of ownership (the equity) in the business.

  5. A contract by which the owner of land (the mortgagor) borrows money, giving the lender (the mortgagee) an interest in the land as security for the loan.

  6. The amount, in money, of the rent for a particular property or part of a property.

  7. That part of the capital of a business which is represented by the value of producer goods, i. e. goods held and used to produce the products which the business sells.

  8. To make the loan safe for the lender by pledging or mortgaging property with him as security.

  9. A business, or a business deal, in which there is some degree of risk, which is accepted in the expectation of making a profit.

2. Supply the sentences with the missing words.

  1. He always ... money from his friends and never pays it back.

  2. Candidates are required to publish the ... of their campaign funds.

  3. They ... a weak economy.

  4. I met him first when I was a very young ... banker.

  5. Her success ... me to fry the same thing.

  6. ... research has produced even better results.

  7. We have had ... with them for many years.

  8. The serial number ... to the country in which the car was manufactured.

  9. He had sought the ... of the counter.

Encourage, refer, source, aid, dealings, would-be, inherit, borrow, subsequent

3. Choose the best alternative to complete each sentence.

  1. If a company needs to raise a lot of money, it may ... shares.

a. put up b. issue c. supply d. purchase

  1. Pension … play an important role in the stock market.

a. companies b. trusts c. societies d. funds

  1. As an ordinary shareholder, you are ... to vote at the meeting.

a. entitled b. titled c. nominated d. persuaded

  1. The share ... , which is made up of a cross-section of shares, reflects the general activity of the market

a. indication b. index c. measure d. indicator

  1. A ... is someone who buys shares, expecting the market to rise.

a. bear b. bull c. dog d. stag

  1. A ... is a speculator who expects share prices to fall.

a. bear b. bull c. dog d. stag

  1. A ... is a person who buys new issues of shares hoping to sell them quickly at a profit.

a. bear b. bull c. dog d. stag

  1. I've put part of the money into an instant ... account.

a. access b. excess c. exit d. entrance

  1. Bonds issued by the government are often known as ... .

a. golds b. guilts c. gilts d. debits

  1. What kind of ... can I expect on my investment?

a. reward b. prize c. surplus d. return

  1. You should have as diversified a ... of shares as possible.

a. case b. file c. portfolio d. folder

  1. In real ... , the $1,000 you invested would be worth $5,000 today.

a. words b. facts c. factors d. terms

  1. The higher the risk you ... , the more money you could make.

a. take b. do c. make d. invest

  1. The market has been extremely ... over the past few years.

a. volatile b. wavering c. shocking d. moving

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