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Ростов учебник для таможенников.doc
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Part II

Exercise 7. Study the following words and word-combinations:

(the) Home Office – Министерство внутренних дел (в Англии);

to estimate – оценивать, подсчитывать;

solvents – растворители;

weed – sl. сорняк, травка (о марихуане);

cannabis resin – смола каннабиса; высушенная и переработанная смола каннабиса – гашиш (hash, hashish);

a pipe – трубка (курительная);

awareness – осознание;

adverse – вредный, неблагоприятный;

paranoia – параноидное состояние;

anxiety – беспокойство, тревога.

Illegal drug misuse is widespread in England. The Home Office estimates that one in three people have used illegal drugs at least once in their life, one in 10 people have used illegal drugs in the last year, and one in 20 people have used illegal drugs in the last month.

The most commonly misused illegal drugs in England are cannabis, amphetamines, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, tranquillisers and solvents.

Cannabis comes from a plant that is found in most parts of the world. It is a class “B” drug and it comes in two forms: herbal cannabis (often known as weed or grass) is made up of the dried leaves and buds of the cannabis plant; cannabis resin is a brown or black lump of resin that is taken from the cannabis plant.

Cannabis is usually smoked, either mixed with tobacco in a hand-rolled cigarette or by itself in a pipe. Using cannabis can make the person feel relaxed and happy and many users feel that they have a heightened sense of awareness. Adverse reactions associated with cannabis use include paranoia, and anxiety.

Exercise 8. Match left and right.

1) lump of resin

a) быть выкуриваемым (о наркотике)

2) to be smoked

b) чувствовать расслабление

3) dried leaves and buds of the cannabis plant

c) сигарета, свернутая вручную

4) to feel relaxed

d) сгусток смолы

5) a hand-rolled cigarette

e) высушенные листья и побеги конопли

Exercise 9. Study the following words:

artificial – искусственный;

a powder – порошок;

to swallow – проглотить;

to wear off – стираться, проходить (о состоянии);

irritable – раздражительный, раздраженный;

a crash (comedown) – sl.ломка;

crystal meth – sl.мет, метамфетамин (производное амфетамина), белое кристаллическое вещество.

Part III

Amphetamines are a group of synthetic (artificial) drugs that are powerful stimulants. Amphetamines usually come as a powder, which can be snorted through the nose, rubbed into the gums or wrapped in a cigarette paper and swallowed. Some amphetamines are available in tablet form. Shortly after taking amphetamines, the person experiences a rush (a sudden energy boost) and feels very energetic, talkative and excited. This rush usually lasts between four and eight hours, depending on the amount of amphetamines taken.

Once the effects of the amphetamines have worn off, the person will experience what is known as a crash, or comedown. He is very tired but unable to sleep, anxious, irritable, and depressed. These effects can last for several days.

Most amphetamines are class ‘B’. Crystal meth and amphetamines that have been prepared for injection are class ‘A’.

Exercise 10. Match left and right.

1) powerful stimulants

a) прилив энергии

2) to snort through the nose

b) втирать (порошок) в десны

3) to rub into the gums

c) приготовить для инъекции, укола

4) energy boost (rush)

d) вдыхать (наркотик) через нос

5) to prepare for injection

e) мощные возбуждающие средства (психостимуляторы)